Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement/Wauchope, Andrew Gilbert

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1411666Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement, Volume 3 — Wauchope, Andrew Gilbert1901Edward Irving Carlyle

WAUCHOPE, ANDREW GILBERT (1846–1899), major-general, born at Niddrie Marischal, Midlothian, on 5 July 1846, was the second son of Andrew Wauchope (1818–1874) of Niddrie by his wife, Frances Maria (d. 26 June 1858), daughter of Henry Lloyd of Lloydsburg, co. Tipperary. Sir John Wauchope [q. v.], the covenanter, was his ancestor. At the age of eleven he was sent to a school at Worksop in Nottinghamshire, and a little later to Foster's school, Stubbington House, Gosport, to prepare him for the navy. In 1859 he entered the Britannia as a naval cadet, and on 5 Oct. 1860 was entered as midshipman on board the St. George, where he formed a friendship with Prince Alfred. Finding the army more to his taste, he obtained his discharge on 3 July 1862. He obtained a commission in the 42nd regiment (the Black Watch) on 21 Nov. 1865, and was made a lieutenant on 23 June 1867. He served in the Ashanti war from 30 Nov. 1873, obtaining special employment as commander of Russell's regiment of Haussaa during its advance from the river Prah to Kumaai. While in this post he took part in a number of engagements, and was twice wounded, the second time severely. He was mentioned in the despatches, and received a medal with a clasp.

In July 1878, on the annexation of Cyprus, he was placed in charge of the district of Papho on that island, and on his return to England in August 1880 he was nominated C.M.G. in recognition of his services. On 14 Sept. 1878 he obtained his captaincy, and in 1882 he served in the Egyptian campaign. He was one of the first to enter the trenches at Tel-el-Kebir and received a medal with a clasp and the khedive's star. On 14 March 1884 he attained the rank of major, and in the Soudan expedition of that year he served under Sir Gerald Graham as deputy-assistant adjutant and quartermaster-general. At the battle of El Teb he was again severely wounded. He was mentioned in the despatches, and was rewarded on 21 May with a brevet lieutenant-colonelcy. In the following season, 1884-5, he took part in the Nile expedition, serving in the river column under Major-general William Earle [q.v.] At Kirkeban on 11 Feb. 1885 he was again severely wounded.

After the return of the expedition he went back to Scotland to recruit, and for a time devoted himself to the management of his estates, to which he had succeeded on the death of his elder brother, Major William John Wauchope, on 28 Nov. 1822. His popularity in the county of Midlothian became so great that the conservative leaders induced him to contest Midlothian in opposition to W. E. Gladstone at the general election of 1892. He was successful in reducing Gladstone's majority from 4,631 to 690.

On 21 May 1888 he attained the rank of colonel, and "in the autumn of 1892 he resumed active military duties, being nominated colonel of the 73rd Perthshire regiment. In July 1898 he was selected to command a brigade in the expedition under Major-general (now Lord) Kitchner, for the re-conquest of the Soudan. He took part in the engagements at Atbara and Omdurrann, and on 16 Nov. 1898 was appointed major-general in recognition of his services. On 14 April 1899 he he received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Edinburgh University, and in June unsuccessfully contested Edinburgh again Mr. Arthur Dewar at a by-election. In October he received a commission to command the third or highland brigade destined for service in the Tran- vaal, where war had just been declared It formed part of the column under Genera Lord Methuen for the relief of the besieged towns of Kimberley and Mafeking. After taking part in the engagements of Belmont and Modder River he fell at Magersfontein on 11 Dec. while leading his brigade in a night attack on the Boer entrenchments. He was buried on 13 Dec. at the township of Modder River. On 18 Dec. he was reinterred at Matjesfontein. Wauchope was twice married: first, on 9 Dec. 1882, to Elythea Ruth (d. 3 Feb. 1884), daughter of Sir Thomas Erskine, baronet, of Carnbo; and secondly, in 1893, to Jean, daughter of Sir William Muir. He left no issue.

[Baird's General Wauchope (with portrait), 1900; Army Lists; Conan Doyle's Great Boer War, 1900.]