Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/747

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VI,] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. — 705 In another song he says :—

  • “ T)o not be slow to recite the name of Krishna,

come what may. Would you give up hope, my soul, because suffering has been your lot in this world ? Would you sink your boat in the water because there are waves in it 2” Haru Thakur died in 1813. Though he used to compose songs for professional parties, he himself was an amateur, and cared not to earn money by the profession of a kaviwala. Atone time Raja Nava Kissen of Grey Street, Calcutta, was so pleased with his songs that he offered a valuable shawl as a present to him, but he indignantly made a gift of it to a low caste drummer of the party. 6. Rama Vasu, born at Salkia in 1786, died Rama Vasu of his songs on page 608, des- cribing the pathos of love and especial- ly scenes of parting. 7. Nityananda Vairagi, resident of Chander- nagar, born in 1751 and died in 1821. 8. -Nilu. g. Rama Prasada. 10. Udaya Das. 11, ~;Parana Das: 12. Bhavani Venia. 13. Mohana Sarkar. 14. Thakura Sinha.

    • হব্রি নাম লইতে অলস হইও না, রসনা, যা' হবার তা' হবে।

রহিকেরই স্থু'খ হল ন| বলে, কি ঢেউ দেখি তরী ডুবাবে॥” ৪9 |