Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1013

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INDEX. 983 Postal Serv£ce—Conti¤ued. Pago. Poalal Scrv»oc—' Contlmmd Pgsbm? igwm m11y be t:xknu .. . - 19 proposals exceeding $5,000 not to be 0011- W ih Mlthonzed to administer sgélered iinless accouipxmieg by chcck.236, 2W . . . . . . . . . . . . . g'g lettencarriers not to be employed in cities P m)i1ot¤?11`¥ect)ed¥;;;?en?l.rxh1e•h:l‘o 237 h ¤§ 1988 than 30,000 population ... 231 mlsccllaneoins, égg? where now established not < euvelopgzi furiiislxed lmy Government to _ ""·····-····-··--.-.,.. • u supernnteudent of free delivery, designs.-tgmttox 231

:1<g1 o;;£:¥é&g .. .. . . . . 231 ucwspqgcrs hn Igistrigt of <2¤1umbi¤· to be

01E1g2X21Q2Q1E0m ang yieriodicols .. . . . . 232-233 Qfilrgixiih gn; 231 free Qlistrigution in county of publiea- M3 hmltehiitiifg Il)? T;t8i;ite:1te¤1$o11?>It2>1ir&F}!:lE§0 tion.,-.;-.. . . .. 233 certain articles . I. . . @6 exqeptmu 111 1etter—.ca.rricr offices .. 233 weighiugmeilscureilway p0st·roumet0 be °“ "h“`d'°1““ m“·“°¤` -··· - ·---- - -·---···- 233 done by employés of; how stated on packages not te, exceed four pounds, and veriiied; expenses, howpuid 341 except . . .. .. . . . 233 Sixthztuxlitortokee accouutneoastonhow

 oath to be taken by publishers of news- expenditures og under each item of

ocpers,-&c . .. .. 233 appropriation . . .. . . 343 pens ty for refusal to take oath, &o . . 233 Postmas(£er·Geneml to report to Congress fcigadiug matter without paying post- pm measures to render, self- . -··--· - ---·--··--· - -----·--· susm nin . . 343 07|1 Pé)SGD|ISt8I permitting to be mailed, Post-mar7;i¢ : g and %anc¢;lioe»gfSmzig:& . . . . .. . .· . t , t- chnuge m, on nowgapers md 1-iodieale &PPm1hio¤t???-.?f.- . . .?? . . .? 232, 341 ?é>;Ltl)` take act until gsnuuy 1, Postmaster, . e.. ... . . . . ;: 233 u riti s slur f fth Sc te"86,344 public documents rate of postage on . 237 Pgifglxhployge 1$d¢:·.- ${5,.. u?.-.?? ..,. 86, 344 cegcatiou of, hy members ot ongress, of the Hoheogf Rciireseututives . . 3;,

 .. .. . z..  .  0 m  . . .. . ... , .

cleiiuitioirof public documents 237 for p:sb£€(::Ys:n`xiilpe0lto: oihee of .,.. 208,34; postage on Congressional Record .. .. 237 at New Yor , salary of . . 233, 340 postmastcrq, Poemmetcr-Gmcral, postmapters divided into four classes 233-234 appropriations for compensation of and for appointment and removal of .. L... 234 Ass1etu¤tPostmaetem-Goneralclerks, uf New York, salary of, established. .. . 233 &,o. . .. . . . - ,. .. . . .. 106, 366 compensation of first, second, sud. third oath to be taken by, &e,, form of prescribed . 1U·20

laee%§og;ixed.; ·. .. L gg
to countersigafgmrxxuiom of postmusters

0 our c . ... . . ‘ uppoin yt e resi out .. rewdjugtgergz of énleriesotdret, second, may ¢l0Blgl1!;g6ét fzurtlgcloeagerk to be eu- an ir cass .. .. erm n en 0 ee very .-.. Postmeeter-Geperel to rgoake ell orders - to dexsepud furnish adhesive stamp for 3BSlgDlDE or ehuugxpg salaries ot paying poegggc in bulk on newspostums rs in wnting .. 234-235 papers, pom cols, &,c .. . ... 233 to record them in his journal.. .. 234 may prescribe aflldavit to be taken by pub, tonotify change to Auditor., 234 . lishers, Gm., regulatirrg muiling of changes, when to take effect .. 234,235 newqpnpers and period cole ..,... 233 todesigimte distributing, &c.,omces.. 235 may ippomt and remove pcstmastore of allowance for clerks of .. 235 M:>¤1r|i’{t close .H..£;.:;é 234 |>I'0]:gS¤.lS !`0l‘ carrying mail, 0 110 y e ewrn eu 2. remove to accompanied by bond to enter ostmu e to the Auditor for the into ccutmot, &c . . 235 gust-0iiice_Depa.rtmeut .1 . .. 234 not to be considered uulcsp accompanied to ascertain and fix compensation of post- · by bond and oath . . 235 masters of iirst, second, and shud. oaths of surcties to be indorsed on bond. 235 clugqee .. . ...,. . . t.. . . 234 postmesters illegally avpproving bonds, may require p;>etmueters go make duphcate ug] _; ___,,__,,,_,,_,,,,., , .,_,.quereryreturns, c .. ...4. biddg: faili;1 to coutruct, eeutmet to be may mmke allowance to posbmeeters where mode with; next lowest bidder, unless, de1iXeq&xwP¢@ &£b.-·&. 264 &. . . . . . ... re- Jus s sm o cn,u.n re—a3.vcrtiseme11t 0:E¤ervice..»-.. .. 236 third clues postmastornroneo in two contractor failing to perform service, com gloom or oftener .: . . r . . . . s . . 234 tmct to be made with next lowest bid? to m o all qrdersessxgning or changing 46;-, umm, aw .. . . . . 236 sohmeu m vvr1t1n% ...-- · --·-·- ~ ·-·-- W4 remdvertimmeut for proposals .:.. 236 to record them, and uc ary change to Aud· ““‘*2,‘31”’f¥Y-???I’T??Y?*.}Tf’i‘Ff‘1‘f‘2’}.?f’.¥’3'}‘?? 236 my$**2;z,m:,;,g.;‘.m‘...,,·".;e·,;.;;e.;4.2iz,;;.. · · tg 5 g-;]];.; · ·‘ ert i cues.. .. . ... ‘ "“°’&'2&‘$f"r£.$i’E.E’1’f‘}i"?.‘Z.}T’ .. ?€’T‘. 236 A Whefqitriiegecp. ..,. . .. I . M certzdu bids to be up rcved by postmos— . may designate dxstnbuting and eepamtrng wr ¤f11r¤t, ¤¤<>¤¤•£ or third cms .·-. 235 ¤¤i¤¤¤ -.-. - ------- - --·-·-- cz-- -·--- - 236 `* to be accom ouied by certified check.. 236 muy muko ellowquce for clmlls whore forfeiture ofp deposit for failure to com office is of third or fourth close. . 23a tract . . ... .. ... . 236 to designate m advertisements of routes return of deposit .. . . . . 236 sum of bond for contract . .. 235