Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/46

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](} FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 29, 30. 1874. l·‘¤~b. 14, 1874. CHAP. 29.--Au not to confirm certain land titles in the State of Missouri. 1’r<*~nbl¤· Wlxervas, the Baron of Carondelet, governor-general of the Territory of Louisiana, did, on the fifteenth day of March, anno Domini seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, instruct Zeno Trudeau, lieutenu11t-governor ofsuid Territory to place Moses Austin in possession of n league square of land at Mine za Breton, in said Territory; and _ _ Whereas the said Moses Austin did, in the year anno Domini seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, mkepossession of the said lend l>y moving upon it with his ihmily, and d1d improve the same by building dwelling;-house, blacksmith shop, furnace, and other improvements; and Whereas the said lieutenant-governor did, on the fourteenth dey of January, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, order Antone Lnlard, surveyor in said '1‘erritory, to survey the seul land and put the seul Austin legally gn possession of the saline, whneh survey, numbered fifty-two, containing seven thousand one hundred and fifty-three arpents and three und two-thirds feet was executed by said Antone Lulurd and a certincate of the same filed by him in November, anno Domini eighteen hundred · and W hcrehs Don John Ventura Morales, then governor at New Orleans, did, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and two, in the name of the King of Spain, grant to the said Moses Austin the lands so surveyed and located- Therelbre Bc it cmwted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United llclqnse rgf certain Sums of America, in Congress assembled, That the_United States hereby

 1m;;°S"X`:s‘f release whatever title they have to sold lands now numbered four hun—

mh drcd and thirty on the plat in the surveyorgeneml’s office, and in townships thirty-seven and thirty-eight, range two east, in the county of Vllushiugton, and State of Missouri, containing seven thousand one hundred and fifty-three and tlnrty-two one-hundredths arpents(six thousand (51g'}1l.?§'-UVB and twenty-mne one-hundredths acres,) to the heirs, egn representatives or assigns of said Moses Austin accordin to Adverse titles not their respective interests therein 1 Prewalded, howeper, That this act éhnll °“°°*°d· not affect nor impair the title which any settler or other person may h?ve_(:;4iq11ired adverse to the title of said Moses Austin to any portion o sm an . ‘ Approved, February 14, 1874. Feb,19, 1874. CHAP. not gmntilnlg certain swamp-lends in Holt county, Missouri, to sand dlt county, for school purposes. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C°"“'“( 1"·“ d ° States of America, in Congress assenzblcd, That all the tract of land em-

 °],}u;(;°1£?; braced in what is known as Tarkio Luke, in Congressional Township.

mi- school purposes. numbered sixty, of range thirty-nine, in the county of Holt, State of Missouri, end which was left unsurveyed at the time the Government of the United States had_made zm survey of the other lands in said township end county, and which was descmbed on the plat of the survey of $iiL‘L§S§‘Z%3Eé3 '§€"§i-Wg }£“‘§t”2;f"%“N}”° “""”°2“ "“€.“"" g”‘““"‘ ‘° ‘ _ A in e a o xssouri or sc ool ur >oses. mS;rrv¤y and pn- _Sec. 2. That the Conuuissiouer of the General Land-Oiiicg islhereby " dlrected to have suxd lands surveyed, and to cause no be executed to the l1’norriglitsofsct· seld county of Holt, a patent for the same: Provided, That nothing in

  • °” “"” “‘*‘*°°°d· this act contained shall be so construed as to aifect the rights of any

person yvh0_may have in good fzuth gone upon salid lends prior to Jan- ‘ nary nxst, erghteen hundred and seventy-four, with the mteuts of pretliglzurzw Eek? empting on homesteading the same; and the said couuty of Holt is aw. P Y ° » hereby requued to make a. title to uny such person to an amount of land not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres upon the payment to the