Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/145

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 246. 1876. 119 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. For geographical surveys of the Territories west: of the one hundredth Geogmph ical meridian, twenty thousand dollars. surveys- For prepming, engraving, and printing the cuts, charts, plates, and Charts, plates, atlas sheets for geographical surveys wcsu of the one hundredth merid- °t°· iam, ton thousand dollars. For completing experiments in testing iron, steel, and other metals as T¤¤*i¤g imu Md provided in section ibut of the act; approved March third, eighteen “t‘i‘$, I . . l>, c 1.130, (s 4, hundred and s0vm1t;y~’dve, nineteen thousand three lumdrcd and ninety- 18 Smt_ 399 six dollars and ninetycighb cents. And the board for testing iron and Board m be dissteel provided for in said section shall be discontinued fl·0m and ut'tor· ¤°¤¤i¤“¢d· the expenditure of the amount: herewith appropriated. _ Collection and payment of bounty, prize-xnoncy, and other claims of aq‘;;‘fQ‘g}‘ bil?];} colored soldiers and sailors; For salaries of agents and clerks; rent of Eygcm ofhca, {hcl, lights, stationery, and similar xmcessaries; officc-furuitur·e and repairs; transportation of officers and agents; tclegmphing and postqgc, the uncxpendcd balances, or so much thereof as may be necessa.ry, of the appropriations for like purposes for the fiscal years ending Juno thirticth, eighteen hundred and seventy-tbur, eighteen hundred and seventy five,aud eighteen hundred and seventy-six, respectively, are hereby continued and made avuilzmlwlc for cha fiscal year ending Juno tbirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven being fifty-six thousand two hundred and t:l1irty—iiv0 dollars and four cents. For payments of costs and charges of State Pcnitentiarics, for the §mt¤ pummmunre, clothing, maintenalncrqand medical attendance of th0United States "·“°*’· °*°· military convicts contincd in them, sixteen thousand dollars. For publication of the official records of the rebellion, both of the Rec0rds ofmhcl- Union and Confederate armies, forty thousand dollars; to be paid to 1‘°“· persons only who are not otherwise employed by the Government. , To whom paid. For completing the Medical and Surgical History of the war the unexpcndcd balance of the appropriation made in the uct; of Junc eighth, Mcdicalmmgureighteen hundred and seventy-two and rc-zxpproprimcd in the act of J unc gicsnl I-mem-m t\v<mty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-fk>ur is hereby continued i$7§» "*’-{EQ and rendered available and the Surgeon General is hereby author- 1874ri;;’ E5' ized to continue on duty in his cflice the acting assistant Surgeons 18 SiN_Q2g.;] l10W 6I11pl()y0(1 OD Sflld .HlSCOX‘y. Acting assistant ' SIIPQOOIIS (.'Ull·· SUPPORT OF NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. mmm. For current expenses, including construction and repairs, namely, for C¤¥r¤¤¤ expen- Central brzmch, Eastern branch, Northwestern branch, Southern branch, SOS of bm“°h“· und 10;* 0uc dOOI‘—I‘BllBi' and incidental expenses, three hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thrtny- four cents, in audition to the uncxpended bnhuwez of former appropriations, zunonnting to thm-c hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which is hereby continued and nmde available for the service of the fiscal year ending J unc thirtichlx, eighteen hundred and scvcrxtyseven. T0 uid in the completion of the Soldiers Monument alt; the Central Soir1MB` monu- Branch of the National Military Homc two thousand doll:n·s. §f"*·l C °“ °'“* For the support of the Le-zmvcnworch Military Prison, at Leavenworth, ‘ QW p,.iSOn , Kansas, sixty-one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight; dollars and fifteen cents. For work necessary for the protection of the river banks at Fort Brown, River banks an Texas against the ancroachments of the Rio Grande ten thousand dol- }°*`*° BMV"'- lars or so much thereofns may be necessary, to be expended under the directions of the Secrcetmgy of War, For rant of building on southeast corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Rmb of *>*{Ud¤¤¤» Fifteenth street, northwest, Wushingt0n, District of Columbia, from Septexmbcr iirst, eiglltecn hundred and seventy-five, to June thirtietb, ,,t,8,,;_ . eighteen hundred and seventy-six, {mb one thousand dollars per- month, mn thousand dollars; thr rent of the sauna building from July first,