Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/781

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INDEX. 7 55 p -R - · Pm- _ p. . £m§{€§%,dC,‘;‘T““““· · 4 P·*M¤¢·~*<<·w~» Qvm `g° 1<¤e»¤¤¤_ -. .. . . 14, sm, we ”“’€§ ‘;E§§f§°5;§‘§,;f§§f{§“S“ry D°*’“"°"‘°““· $@2 EEEGSLSBZ Z - - - · -··-· - ---- E, for P?xecutivo_Doparmmcuts to Indian Territory ·····‘···‘·········· > 2_;» 258 on requisition ; amouqt; of, to be cmdrom - . [ZZ XIII ZL] IZ {f ii; z23f Sass m°1.t° pm`1 "‘”’”°"‘*"‘i°““‘ ‘·‘··· *69*319 mnm . . . . . 15, 323, 229 Pm"; f49”"°‘”> Kentucky __ ___ _ __ ___. _·__ _ _ _ 1 16· 324> ,339 provxsnon for exchange of correspondence Louisiana______ _·_- ___· I-_:.-S"; ’16’324¤;3,;9 between Japan and United Shams, at Maine______ ______ ___' " 16*.,324* *9 _Sha,nghm; mtos on . 558 Maryland ____ _ _ _ _ V _ é25· {B9 OtUH1i}€(1SC3·t€SiH Japan to be discontinued 561 Massaclmsoists. . i . ., . ..,. , __,_ ._ _ ,1, 17, 325 Postal CMP18A ` Michigan ____ _ __ _ · _ 171226 appropriations for manufacture of . 80, 385 Manmom, . QIZZIZZX [Z] ff] [ if ézvj Em (ff “‘“”*’1y d°B°i“?"°*‘”‘· *“· ····· · ····· ·”» 370 Mississippi .. .. . 18, ::27 339 " ‘ ‘?SS°?’ °“¤ mai be ?."“l’°"d¤ °*°·· --·--·-- 82 Missouri _____ e---'. __.. _. -18 327> 339 bearing III1d0C8H1S mscr1ptions declared uou- Moumua, . . . . . . .19; 328:1340 . ’T‘“‘1“’m°? p""”l“>T· ····· · · ···· 90 Nebraska, __ __ _ 19 328 340 ooutraois 1`or,·mz¤y be signed by Thllld As- Nevada _ _ _ _ _ _; _ "I: ’' ’ 20* 328 sistamt Postmaster-Gonoml . . . . . . 335 Now Hampsim-B .. . QZ] I ]Z1[][é2e§ 34u POM! Cqvywv, _ _ ‘ Ngw gfrggy ______ _ __ _ ____ ___ _ ____ _ _Q0, 329, 340 PYOVISIOHIB Tcspictlng, lu general postal rgb Ngw gxicg ____ _ _____ _________ ____ _Q() 329 341 UDIOU IJ9B1y---- ---· ---•·----····--· 0 ` Now Y0rk.-_ .. . . 329: 340 Postal Corwemizma, Noyth Carolina .. .. .20, 330, 341 for rho forumbiou of a» general posml union. 577 Ohm.-.. .. . . .. . .. ..21, 330, 340 with Jupzm .. . ..,.. . ..,.. 557 Oregon . - ... . ... . . .. - . ..21, 331 detailed mgulemious imdor . ,,... 562 Pennsylvania . . .. .. 21, 331, 341 agreement for modification of'. .. 635 léihoglo éslaqd . . . . . . .. . .. 331 s-Hldliiioneél aglrowaiut for modification of. 640 out uro ina.. . . .. 22 331 341 wi 1 ow out 1 :1. os ... 569 'gauucsseo .. . . . . 22; 332; 34l awogdxnoni ofd. .. . .. .. .Q 636 ' cxas. .. . 8, 22, 332, 341 wit uoous am . . . A .. . .. 637 Utah .. . . . . . .,..,... ..-.24, 333 with Burmudu . ... , .. .· . . 645 Vermont . . . . .-.. - ...,.. 333 with Newfoundland, amended article .. 649 Virginia, .,,,., . . . . . { , . .,,__ 24, 334, 342 Posial Guide, Wasixingtou Territory . .. . . . . . . 334, 342 appropriations for purchase of .109, 316 Xxxgg Vwgium ······ - - · · ·-·-·· - · ---· 3*} 1’0stccl—Sm·v·ice Appropriations, us .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . , ‘ · _ · - wy»3»i¤L“ . . . . . ¤é;3=J5,=»43 $35 ’§§;1.?§££§“3,‘;$,E?;;;::1;::;:;;:::;:::;Z3;§$§ POSLROWG Md 8, for advertising. .. . . . . ... . 78, 383 appropriatiggs for; Sala may be mlthorimd; for salaries of postmastors, clerks, and cardisposition of proceeds . I ... 78,383 mer? ········ * · · 1* ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘*‘ _: ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘· ’78> 384 Post Traders » for wrappfgg-Exper, twine, marking-stamps,79 284 - me u s .. .. ,. every miiimry pooh to have one; modo of 00 for mnt, oii’ico·fumitura, stationery, and mis· 3pp0i!J1>m611t . . . . . . . 1 cellzmoous . .. . . . . . . 79, 384 P t, J d S. for transportation .. . . . . . . . . . .79, 384 fpprgpiiglhioo for payment of claim of . 444 fOr 1’“g;;n;2‘];£Y posbomcé clfirim rf)gt°`79 384 Post and Koch,l for mail-lookin and keys, mail—bags, ctc. 79, 384 appropriation for payment of account of 367 for postage-standps, stamped envelopes, zm<179 *34- ` »1cur s ctc .. .. . ... 1 Postage pim? - ’, , · ‘ 1‘M€S,0f, 011 P1"i¤Wd matte? of third 0]***- ·· 82 gg; Sgigiizsuigié iiigfiilixoootgizgooiz letters, ctc., relating to public business may fo m · , _ ° ’ 80 · . r o mal posmgo stumps.. - ... .. , b° Simt by mm} time of ‘’‘‘‘ Q ‘‘‘‘‘ " 335 for deficiencies in revenues., ., 80, 3re5 • public d°°um°DtS may be gent by BBHMOIZS. for China. m1dJapa,u mail-service,. .. .. 80 and members free ot. . . 3.36, 345 · mr _ . not makmg, amended .. . . . . . . .> rates of, under general postal umou treaty. . 5g?) Postal Receipts bow prepaid .. . . . . . . 5‘ i . . . i under postal convention with Japan . 635 POYGOHWSGS °£ m Hxing Bahnés of Post' modihcutiou of. ., .. . . 646masmrs · ····‘ ··" ·‘:‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 81 with NSW South Wmés ____ _ _____ _ _____ 569 how aiuouré of, at post;-oH1cos, to be oscar- 81 amendment; of. . , . . . 636 ame ···· ···· *·`‘ "" " " ‘‘‘ " " with Queensland. . .. .. 637 Postal Union, _ _ with Bermuda ..,. . .. . . . . . -. 646 treaty for the formation of H» general ---··· 577 with Ne>wfouud1:mnd,n1odi’ded. .. .. 649 Pd8tmdSm._G6n0,.a;’ · m f 166 316 · · ., I appropriotionsfor salaries cio. 11:10 ceo . . Ptgéigigggitigoglriizlsi ·MZhtaf?.4??(??'?, ,,_, 125 381 for postal service und ox-, dxreizmou of . 78: 383 ```` "" ’ may direct assistants to approve, etc., bonds l A r P08f€¢9¢·S¢¢¤mP8, · of postmastors, contracts, etc .. . . 53.; appropriations for ID9JUU'f£LCi)\ll`B of. ..’. . 79, 384 Powndsierg coutmcis fm`, may be Slgned by Third AS" 35 appropriétions for compensation of .. ..78, 384 sxstaut P0sbmastor—Goncra.l . . 3 divided mm cmSS€S;1app0i¥tm0utSé,f first? P t - $'t · H second, mad t xird c asscs· orm_ o (;ipC;Ki)I)p?ai’;£?j§S z;?T_,_ , ___,, ,,,, ,_,, ,_._146,297 office; notice *60 auditor of ¤PP0m'°· to supply deficiency in .. 226 monte cmd removals .. . . 80