Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/904

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876 nrnnx. ‘ p _ . - Page. Hmlrcxx County. Tenn., age Fiah Commission Buildings, ll'00rl’s Hell, Mates., detached from middle district of Tennessee appropriation for increasing facilities tor and attached to southern division of S0 propagation of useful mauue am- 4 4 ¤\`:t `·r of East T nessen .. 2 ma s . ... . .. U pruvcsse; issuing aguinstpcllitizens 0iQ return- F iah ('ommimion, United States, _ able beibre court at Chattanooga, ZOO apprtoprintiou for expenses of . . . . 200, T , ___,,. ,, ,___ _ _ _ _ ___. , ,__,. .. . . · i de- 'vivucy. lor . ..--- 0 Ferguson, iglillnuel B., I nppropifiniion lor maintenance of vessels ogg), 494 quart;) ______ _ _____ _ _____ . __,. , _,,... 558 t 0 . .. ·0. 1·`¢·I:·;l¢aon:l T homaa, rlclicicnpy appropripltion for maintenance 239 · gtto .. , , . , 55:5 o`vesses0`t e.-.. .. . - .--- " Fgxaxn? Cortez, allowance for subsistence to officers and payment to ,_____ , ,._,___________ _ _______ 255 men serving l\l](l()]_‘ the ______,____,_ 235) Pi/7h Auclilor, Treuaury Deparlmenl, of Stare of Michigan, lense of certain lands __ nppropriation for salaries, ctc., in officpbg mg th in State of Michigan to tl1c..-éé. .. of ... . . ... -...,2 o 'cu of ussistzmt commissioner crea .. . o Fink, Pioux P., fish and l·`i>I»er·ic¤, _ payment to .. . . ... . . SSO , proclamation by President notifying termi- Firm, Robarl, nation of certain articles of treaty payment to .._, , ,.,, , ___,,_ ,,- _ .,...,.. 572 concerning, in British waters ... 637 Fire Department, District of Columbia, Fish l’o»uI¤. U S., Washington, D. C., approprioiion for the .. .. . . . . . . . lid, 316 appro;-rzazion lor maintenance of., .. 205, 494 relief fund ot'; what shall constitute, how · Fish, R. A., disbursed .. . .. 128,317 • payment to . . .. . . .. 278 deficiency for contingent expenses of. . . . 455 { Fish, li. -1., proceeds of sale of Georgetown tish wharf, 4 r g Fplpymjngto .. 455 disposal of . ... . .. . - 5.» · i er, . ., Fire Plugs, payment to the estate of . ...,. . ,..,...,. . , 5146 appropriation for extending. and repairs ot} I I`wh¢·r, J ill., 1orCa.pit0l, Executive Mansion, etc.217, 503 payment to .. .. .. .-.. 575 Firemen, Fisher, Marzha A. (formerly Martha A. Galsalary o£ in legislative, executive, and ju- tis), F dicial departments, limited . 425 Fppyment to . . - ... 557 iremm’a Relief Fund, District of Colannbia is es, Fhow raised and disbursed . . . .. . -. . .’. . 128, 317 npcpropriation for propagation of, for food.205, 4% inn Jolm eticicncy, for . . -- .. . .. . 4 paymennto . ,___ , _,,__, ,_ , , ,... , ..,.. 457 Fiahing Battery Light House, Md., First Assistant Postmaster- General, appropriation for completion of channel to appropriation for postal service under the. 156, 385 Susquehanna River . . . . 138 for salaries, ste., in onion of ..- .190, 422 Fishing Vosacla, First Acaialant Secretary of the Interior, rules to be followed in navigation of . - 439 oline of the, created ---. ---- - 497 Fifch, Emcliow L. (widow), appropriation for .. . . - . . . .. . . 497 pension to . . --.. -.. . . 668 Eval Auditor of the Deanery, Fitch, Thomas D., appropriation for salaries, etc., in odico of6s 399 pensipn to . . .. . . . 667 the. . ... . ... .- ..--1 , Filkin `rank F., claims allowed b the . . . 257, 472 pension to - ... . . . . ... 547 First Comptroller ojyireaasry, Fitzgerald, Comeliue, appropriation for salaries in omce of the- . 168,398 pension to .. . . . . . 587 o aime allowed by the, per fourth section Fia:aeu,1*bdde, act J uno 14, 1878 . . .. --`. 260 payment to .. . . . .. -. 580 First Miohigan Cavalry, . Flack, Robert MZ, deficiency apptropriation for traveling ex- pension to .. . 534 ponses o . . . . -. 258 Flagg Ellen M. (widow), First National Bank, Bloomington, Ill., Fpension to -... .. - .. .--,-. 533 name of National Bank of Bloomington lags. elc. Ill., to be changed to .. . ... Y l loan oi§ io mayor of Richmond, Va., author- First National Bank, Fort Worth, Tex., e ized .. . ... .,,- .,.. .-.. . 271 anthoriped to increase capital stock; limit i to mayor of Charlotte, N. C .. . . . 271 o . -. .. . ... 1 I to Portland Soldiers and Sailors’ Monu- 1·‘iret.Vaf·ional Bank, Hillsborough, Ohio, _ ment Association ,.., - ..,., ,.,, . 273 name iamillsborough National Bank to be l torommitteeon inauguration ceremonies; c d to· proviso ... -.. .. 280 · proviso ..., . . . .,, .. 707 Hrs! Nat£onal:€Bank; Larud, Kano., Flaherty, Margaret, Flincrease of cajpitzl stock: ol; apthorized 350 Q Flpension to .. -... ..., ... . ,,..,, ,.., 701 ' at Jational an Nas oil rmi., , uthead Indiana increase of the capital stool; of the, author- appropriation lor subsistence, etc., of . . . . . 39, 377 izot . . . . .. -. . . . 19 ’ for pay of employés,etc ,... ,_ . . ,,,,..,_ 9 377 First National Rank. Omaha, Neon. § in Montana, for pay to, for right of way, , increase of capital stock of, authorized 281 i etc., proviso .. . .. ... 89 Fish, _ _ _ _ _ 5 Carlods band of, appropriation for support, proteetironé ciinbwaters within the District é etc., of . .. . .. , . ,_,. ,__, 90,377 0 o nm ia . . .. . .. 340 ‘ Flathead Indian [reservation Fink Car, lfaited Stafes Fish Conndseion,appropriation 1hr nu poit, etc., of extra appropriation for completion ol; for distri- , pupils at the lmllan Industrial School hution of carp, etc ,. . . , 205 ’ for bovs at ,.__, _ __________ _ _ ____ _ __ 332