Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1095

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1068 INDEX. P . · P . Daria, James D., age Dean, McGinnis and Company, age payment to . . . . .. . ... 558 payment. ofjudgment of Court 0£C1a.ims to. 278 Davis, James R., » Dcbow, Samuel C., _ _ payment to .,,. . .. . . . 671 payment to udmxnnstrutor of .. 941 Davis, jiohp P., Debts: _ _ peugmu mc;-gaged ,_,,., . .,.,, 719 of [BTI11S0f16S. may bp {contracted for cer- Dgwig, Johman, tam obpcts; hmxt- .. .-. . -. 17l pqyment to ._ . . . .. 755 Decatur Cmgnty, Tenn:, Dana, Jos;;;}:, yr., 959 coustraqgg:1igfpgxggggoiggssugcggg in pnymcu 0 . . . . . . 1 B - Davis, Margaret S. (widow), 846 D izecb -..-...·- , - .. . 53 ension .. , , .. . .. . . CCQIIPGI an ieru Dfvis, Nancy, - payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 278 n ment to administrator of .. 955 Decoration Day Dxvg, Samuel 0., per-diem cméloyces to receive pay for ..,, 644 payment, to executors of. ... .---.. 777 Deer Island, B08¢0n Harbor', 3D18B., h Daria Thomas H., light-house and ibg-si na. estublis ed at., 142 puy’men$ 10 administrator of ,, 941 appropri3?0n for astsiylisbing light-house 225 Daria HI C., an ug-signh -. .. .--- .. pqnginn .,.. . . . . . . . . . . 748 Dqfcnbq ugh, John, Dana, Wootaon D., poqsncn .. ..t-... .. . . . . 693 payment to . . . .. . 941 Dqicacncy Afpprqpraataona, _ Daria, Wyatt (colored), 6T 101* cxam:1nu@:l¢;1£s,igt.;., to lgerxén dggph payment to . ... .-.. .. o an Wl 0 c anno u 888, xs- Dq;-ig and Son, sissippi River. . -... 70 payment ofjndgment cfC0urt of Claims to. 278 foxé public printing and binding . ...,, 73 Davis Island Dam Ohio River °“""€" ---~--·----· · · --·----··-·--- -- 7 appmpgawu {Gr . - .. Z. .. 328 gg égw D1_;v;;¢;¤a:t¤* éxg -·---- -- -·---· Davison, . ., Mu _ m · ·--·- -- --··-- , n g ____ ____ __________ __ __________ 6-6 the Court of Clmms . . . . . ., 72 pf,;!;;,:,,,:,, I for Army und Navy pensions ; prcvisos 72 payment, to gamauasmm or .. sas gvr p¤yt?fé::tArmy - - - - hg · H6 bg ----- 72 , _] , _ or con n expenses, as part- D(;:;?:w¤¥':; _ _ ____ , ___________________ 672 {punt, gas, ctc., transfer of appmpri- 72 D son E. B., wu ·-·--· · ----- - --~-·--··· • -~·--- · lggymzut to, postal moneys stolen . 918 for Dppsrtmcqt of State;.-: . ...: . . 256 Day New""' for C1v11 Scrvxcc Comm1ss1011. .. .. 259 péusion ’ 791 for Treasury Department .. . . E0 D d `’''''°’''''''`' for District of Columbia --.- .. E3 my an om? - for War Dc artmant 265 payment cfgudgmemt of Court ofCl$1.I!1Bt0. 278 for Navy Dgpanmcn 1; ··‘‘*‘‘·• · •‘ ‘‘*• · · · · 266 D“!’i°" 0’"?* . . . for Interior Dopartment .. . ... 270 *’ construction of public building at, author- for Pmpomco mxmmcut mg i"‘ ·················• · ····· · ·•·•· · 544 mc 'cu 1;-----;::-. -•·· =·»»¤>g¤·¤·g·fg;.--M-,-3 ---- - ---- {--QM gu E15‘5§£§¥§m¤E§3f3%§ti¤3?.T?::t...;::::: 53 f°r °m° °r ma ° ° 'mt°°m a "‘ · 37 for judgments, Court of Claims .. . 275 D6 —*"'*:;‘:¤tP°*¢"» 7__B thr judgments for dun;_uI%es ondaggvcpunt of PHYH1 0 —··-··-- · -·---·-·····--·-----· 4 ‘ · t ox nu uccu ' Dc Ford, William, ;|;£;:;,T1fg_s_? __,,,,,,__,, ., _,, 283 payment to ··-·•-·•••·•·•••••••••-••••~·• 658 for $6113].6...,... .,... ... 285 D6 Ha"": B“"°k» for House of Representatives. .. .. 286 P=*g’¤¤¤¤* Ul ----·-·· ·-·; · · -----~-····--·-· 961 for payment of claims certified to be duc IN l¤‘¢@17`h Fl*’·'¤b¢U5 S- (“’*d0*°)» 893 by accounting omcors of tho Trens· 288 pausnon xncrcznsc ... . uyy ____ _ _____________,___, , ,,,,____ D6 L°"9 G*’°"!I° W-: · for compensation of postmnstcrs, 1’¤¤dj¤st— Mtv v}` dwh <•f ·-------- ; -·------ ---· 883 on under m of umn za, wss .. 307 ¤w¤1v¤ ¤¤¤¤¢¤¤’ vw *0 h¢¤·‘¤ ¤f: vr¤v¤¤¤ -- 883 m rinsing mul binding . . . .. ssa m`¤'°¤¥'¤ of P3? °r• W legal !'°P¥'°“¤“·*·iV°- · $83 for gistinctivo nper for securities . .. . 353 D9 ·V€”ld¢"’» F"¤”¢·"'» I for recoimngo ogsilvcr coins -... .. 353 payment to cxocutrix of . . . ... 672 p,g,m,,, _F,·a,k, De Quindrc Julia m t g ______ ____ ____ _ ______,,,,_____ 942 pension . I -. .. ..-... 028 D53g’oq·$; @4;;;,, D6 Row and Z"9h¤W"a _ term of courts at. . . .. .. . ... -. 214 payment oi _] udgment ofC0urt ofCIa1ms to- 278 1;,;,,];,;,; ,,,,3 Fm-by Dead-Letter Office, payment nfjudgumnt ofC0ux·t of Claims to. *278 cle s, e -- .. -... , ‘ :1. “””"’"‘1§£°“ JQ" "“" °‘ '“’°"““““°"'306 w ""“§?J{,£21'ff,'.1"’f¤, mmm due mm] Deaf and Dumb, Columbia I natitution for the, P fund .. ---. . . . . 46, 466 appropriation for current expenses .. 241, 528 Delaware Bay, utijlcnrrs, Del., t f I De kin: James :1 ro riaticu 01- imprcvcmcu 0 in and Suym;13 to ... --. - . 756 PP Ii·atc;Vway from, to Chincoteague 318 Deakin ar qget, _ ay, irginia . .. . .. pzxymént tg ., “ . ... ... 658 Delaware Breahrater, Del., Dwi, James Lf., appropriation for improvement of .. .. 313 payment to udministratcr of ... ... 963 Dclanrare {Hrgr, Pa. myd N. J., Dean, Lunch, appropnsmou for improvement of, {from _ payment to . .,. .. , ... 679 Trenton to mouth .. . . . . . .. 318