Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/440

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386 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 837. 1890. Cmwdyofdieswlls CUSTODY or DIES, ROLLS AND PLATES: For pay of custodians of

 dies, rolls, and plates used at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the printing of Government securities namely: One custodian, two thousand four hundred dollars; two subcustodians, at one

thousand six hundred dollars each; distributor of stock, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, six thousand eight hundred dollars. ·s_n-,¤*§,_;·g°¤¤¤*¤<f*,$·|·;g PAY or ASSISTANT CUSTODIANS AND JANITORS: For pay of assistnmiiumga ”’ P ant custodians and lanitors, including all personal services in connection with all u lic buildings under control of the Treasury Department outside of the District of Columbia, five hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a deficiency therein.


ings: ’ BUILDINGS: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ at suitable person to inspect all public buildings and examine into their recpliirements for furniture and other furnishings, including fuel, lig ts, and other current expenses, three thousand dollars; and for actual necessary explenses, not exceeding two thousand dollars; in all, five thousand dollars. ’ Fumuruan AND REPAIRS or FURNITURE: For furniture and repairs of furniture and carpets for all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, including marine hospitals, and for furniture, carpets, chandeliers, and gas fixtures for new buildings, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract, two hundred housand dollars. And all furniture now owned by the United States in other buildings shall be used as far as practicablge, whethep it corresponds with e present regulation plans for furm ure or no . ,,§‘jf·,},{§l‘,";,,\?;,1*L Fum., moms, AND wA·rmn ron Punuc sumnmcs: For fuel, in lights, water, electric-light plants, including repairs thereto, in such buildings as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for ‘ electric- ight wiring an miscellaneous items required by the Janitors and iiremen in the proper care of the buildings, furniture, and heating apparatus, exclusive of ersonal service, for all public buildings, marine hospitals included? under the control of the Treas1u·y Department, inclusive of new buildings, six hundred and eighty-tive thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for gas in any of the public buildings in the District of Columbia, under the control of the Treasury Department, shall include the rental or use· Gas-govsmometc. of any gas-governor, {gas purifier, or other device for reducing theexpenses of gas, when rst approved by the Secretary of the Treasury -"¤¤¤•¤· and ordered by him in writing: Pr0·v*ided, That no sum shall beimuimmsu. paid for such rental or use of such gas governor, gas purifier, or evice greater than the one-half part of the amount of money actually saved thereby. ,n$;y¤%g¤_z·¤w-·wb¤¢ _ HEATING APPARATUS Fon PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For heating, hoist- ' mg, and ventilatin apparatus, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings, including marine hospita s, under control of the Treasu""““°"· ury Department, exc usive of rsonal services, except for work done by contract, one hundred theusand dollars, but of this amount. not exceeding ten thousand dollars may be expended for personal seiivices of mechanics employed from time to time for casua repairs on . ,,,YQf',,§'·,,,,,,"j'F'f,_,,;,,,,‘,;',_'* JAHTS, SAPES, AND Locxs ron PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For vaults, safes, and locks, and re airs to the same, for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal ‘ services except for work done by contract, iift thousand dollars. hgigrggvr ¤¤¤>¤<= _PLANS Fon Punmc BUILDINGS: For books, lioto aphic materials, and in duplicating plans required for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, four thousand dollars.

 SUPPRESSING COUNTERFEITING AND oTHER CRIMES: For the exm_ g ’ penses of detecting and bringing to trial and punishment dealers