Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1526

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INDEX. (3]v' 1{wine .Hqspjitals—Co1it.inucd. Pm- Marlceta Buyeau, Department of Agriculture- Pmappmpngupn for mmntxqnancc .. 120, 644 Goqtuiued. _. _ ad;1.1%;1on of contagious, etc., cases fo{90 644 appr0pr1a.tionkfor dmtnbuting information uy --·~-··--····-~-~··-·--- - um ti tc.fa.rm d t... 1002 de6c:ie1icy appropriatiop fpr maintenance- 6; 468 for <?i£§usggcb;»*1?€ei=egr;1ph, cgcri xéiriet for Bostpn, glass., bmlgluigs, etc 467 pncps of f1:l11t8, vegetables, etc . 1002 for Baltzupore _Md., bnuldmgs, etc,. . 467 for pubhsbing mformalion as to marketfor Detroit, 1%i1ch.,Yguart<;rs . ... 467 ing, prices, etc., of live stock, for New York, N. ., buildings, etc . 467 _ meaty, egc ... - .. . . . 1002 for New Orleaps, La., }»u11d1pgq . . . - . 467 formvesugatmgpmduction, distribution, go: gan Francmézg, (gzgfiégvmldxtzgs, etc. { gte., Bgflcultlllgil food groducts. . 1002 or avammh . ns e ... or mves nga mg an cerf 11- consmégggi of eté., lzy cou- ditiqnegf perishtzglo fain; pgodgzts 002 or y employoes e c. au- ICCGIV at cen mar ts. ... 1 M fhorizied . . ... ’ . 467 for grading, baliug, etc., cottgn; investiarim nsuremcc gatious, etc ...,,_, , ,,..,,, 1003 revenue tax 01{policies of: ... 1104 spinning value of grades, em. , 1003 wa: revenue tax on pohcies of; exemp· 316 for stu ies in rural credits, farmers’ tion ... cooperation etc. . . 1003 Marine Railways, for cooperation demonstrations, etc., included as plants for shipbuilding, etc. . . 1022 of marketing farm products 1003 1{arim Railways, Navy Yards, ctc., for investigating grain handling, grading, . deficiency appropriation for . 370 abc ... 1003 Marine Schools, State, for administering sumduds for Climax, appmpriatiou for expenses of, New York, etc., fruit baskets ... . ... 1003 M Maxachusetts, and Washington . 706 ior zgpeumenml Hour mill, bakery, ctc. 1%% ariners or ministrative eww 1 in sea, service, exempted from selective 79 gor ggfforcing gotigons t:1i;§sA¢t. ...,., ,,. . .. or orcing ram tau Aet .. Marivws, for Warehouse Act . -.. 1004 letters by, on duty abroad during present authority to administer oaths, etc 1004 war, free of postage . -. . 327, 1150 deficiency appropriation for distributing prior civil service eligibility of, serving infomation on marketing, etc., farm duxting the war, retained until dc- 1224 M hu .. 1040 mo ihzod . . ar · · provisions for hospital care qi appropriation for market masters; expenses, sick and disabled, patients of ilu GTA! ... - ... 920 _ Risk Imurange Bureau . 1302 for wharf and market pxpenses . . . 920, 924 Hamm, Hmwrably Dyscluzrged, for mmpteuapce and repmxs . . .. 924 preference to be g1vc11 m work 011 mm] 1901 M fz; 1:-3f1'1j'g;<·;1"»Z;.t1I1g plant .. 925 gmad ,,,,,. . .. .. arq e, u· ., innaptgnal fogests . I , ..,, _ .. 1202 appropriation for improvement of hgrbor in clerical, etc., appomtments un de- 1293 M and bay ... . ... 2oT, 909, 1282 mm thetc . . · - - ufrfayw, Marion aged H;'1-iysbmnziu, S._ C., _ evideupc required to prove, in wm- risk may bridge Little Peedeo R1ver, Galxvants 606 M iuxisurauce, ctc . 400 F ... . . arried amen Marion, I wives of soldiers and sailors in gresent appropriation for public building - . 109, 635 war; ncgzosubject to disciuali cation 956 J! Ind. as or vemment amp oymeut gggzipriation for expenses, Volunteer 4 Marshals, ifrgiteci State: Qourttz d 156 682 sold; ’ H m _,,,...,.,,__ , 139,66 up ropnauon or aries, e .;a vauces. deficienc egapmgrétion for Volunteer degciency appropriation for salaries, etc. . . ’ 21 _ Scfiliers Home ... 13, 484 _ _ _ _ $11,841, 1040 Hanan, Kyi _ _ _ pay mcrcased, Michigan western d1Ht1'1Ct. . 605 appmpgiagon for public bmlding . . 109, 635 Marten, muon for 6 perimema in r ring 995 Mar on . . approp x _ eg . . Mayiprripriatirin for public building . . . . 109 Martin, Charles, late a Represmtatwc m Con- ¢' C Wm ?1?ri;l;cti:z>;8:f;’district courts in .. 395 deficienpy appropriation for pay to widow M i>xcR,1siv?S_0fState courts; restriction 395 M [_ é»r...t.--N.é .. 497 · t , . ar m mm y, . . _ ag-mgm ggiogggefruits and vegetables 1047 bridge authorized aicross Roauqke River, or five stock and meats ,,., , ______,,,. , 1047 at Vv1111a,mston, by Berne County for butter, cheese, eggs, and poultry 1047 _ and .. - ...-·.-- 1186 for grain, hay, feeds, and seeds . 1047 Martm, Tzmq., _ _ _ Ifarkeling Assocnhtiom, Farmera’, appmpnanon fqr public buxlding . 109 exempt from income tax ...,..__,,,,, 1076 Llartms Fgrry, Ohw, _ _ _ Markets Bureau, Department of Agriculture, apprprnat1011 for public bmlding . . . . - 109 appropriation for eaiferimexital shipmepts Maryvzl e,_ Tgnn., _ _ _ 0f_ gm eéggs, m coopemuou 991 Mapprcgpnaggou for public bmlding . 109 g . em]; mw ____ _ ,,,,.. usa use _ for 55313,;-gg ______ ti); ______ 1} ______ __ ____ 1001 gppmprigtizyu for ygimbmgingy for manne for gellelal expgnggg ___,, , ____ _ _ _ ____ , , , 1002 school expenses, _,_,.,.,,,... . . . , - 706