Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/662

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644 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 113. 1918. $,‘§;;"g;c_ Lands and other propertp of the United States: For custody, care, ' pfrotection, and expenses 0 sales of lands and other property of the P *§,,;§·»“°°‘·3"‘°»3"5°· nited States, acquired and held under sections thirty-seven imdred i and forty-nine and thirty-seven hundred and fifty of the Remsed Statutes the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, r and auctioneers’ fees m connection therewith, $300. °°St°m”°"i°°‘ cusroms snnvicn. C°u°°u°g °°v°°°°' For collecting the revenue from customs including not exceeding $200,000 for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs Auwmucmm- regeznue, $10,500,000 _ • Am, p, my ales for customs SOTVICG. The unexpended balances of the appropriations heretofore made for construction and installation of special automatic and recording_ scales for weighing merchandise, and so forth, in connection with imports at the various ports of entry under direction of the Secretary 0 the Treasury, are continued and made available for exlpendit11tr1ehd1;_r111p§1the fiscahyear nineteen hundred and nineteen toget er wit e er sum 0 $27 000. uqddapéngummum _ Compensation in lieu of moieties: For compensation in lieu of moieties m certam cases under the customs revenue laws, $10,000. 4 iwliubuc Hum] suv- runmc HEALTH snnvrcn. E ray, ctc., omoers. , , For pa·y,_ allowance, and commutation of quarteis for commis- Active assistant sm. sioned medical officers pharmacists, $825,000; _ $°°"’· £`or pay of acting assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical mm, 0 cers $330 000· " Mx; and 0 The Siecretsig df the Treasury is authorized to permit officers of thehPublic He th Slervice to mak; allotments from their pay under 0 h ] _ SIIG I' 8.010118 8S B 1118y G' 1,;,,;:fup Gym I For ay of all other employees (attendants, and so forth), $650,000: m;;Q§da¤*S’ Pay m· Pro·md_ ed,_That the pay 0 attendants at marine hospitals, quarantine, and immigration stations, whose present compensation is less than the rate o $1,200 per annum, may e increased to a rate not to exceed Fm,ght’m_ $1,200 per annum; _ _ _ _ For reight, transportation, and traveling expenses, mcluding the expenses, except membership fees, of officers w en officiall detailed to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of public health, $35 000· . Fuel etc. > Y ’ _ For fuel, light and water $110 000·

;j;;° ger furniture iuzid repairs’tq1saxi1ei_ $8:gqO

or purveying epot, purc use 0 m c , surgical, and hospital nygiemcmbmmy. Sugphcsf $80*909; . . · ,,,,,,,,0 h,,Sp,,,,,,,_ or mamtaming the Hygiemc Laboratory, $27,000; PM P- 771 For maintenance of marine hospitals, including subsistence, and p,,,m;,,_ all other necessadrg miscellaneous ex enses which are not included cms ‘°' s°““Y· under special hea , $500,000: Promd" ed, That there may be admitted $:0 said hplspitaéshfopl sgluaily pegsons with infegtious or other diseases ectm the pu `c e t , an not to excee ten cases in any one hos italg at one time ouest: e e t, _ _ _ . ¤*°- 6 M mm lgbr medical examinations, care of seamen, care and treatment of all other persons entitled to relief, and miscellaneous expenses other P,,,,,,,,,_ than marine hos itals, which are not included under special heads, bggagogg §§2¤¢E1i¤¤· $250,222 Pyomdt ed,£hathth(p Puiblic glealth }Se{rvice, from and after mneeen un e an eig teen s a a toS` tElizbetlii s Hcispital the actual per capita cost bf mainllzeiriance inmthe saild Book, hogpital of patients committed bisthat service; Inspection of mem. or 8-purnals and scientific boo _, $500; v¤,p.ssa. In , $2,775,500, which shall include the amount necessary for the medical mspection of aliens, as required by section sixteen of the Act of February fifth, nmeteen hundred and seventeen.