Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1475

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INDEX. vii Awumkan Expeditionary Forces, P¤8¤- American Vessels (see also Merchant Marine PMB- September 17, 1919 made a. legal holiday Act), in Distric} pi Columbia. for review deficiency appropriation for recruiting of Fmt D1v1sion. . ,,,,.,,,,___,... 283 crews, training, etc., for, . . 42 thanksPof Qonginesistiindered to General 291 Am,,.,;C,,,,.g?a?,,,, ?rm.k’ Public Sgwoby D_fC_’ °’¤hing ··-······- · ···-·· · o ro na 10 , { - Ammbqn Em., Cmpqny, Pp pe1g¤erIS¤?n1;};$:?fZ...l}?.{°§2,(?-sz, ma d€6¤¤¤¢Y 9·PPY°P¥'i¤*·`1°¤ Y°¥ *¤·¤¤P°1’Y·i¤8 Ames Place NE. D. 0. ¢111'f€¤¢Y -·--·-·-----·······--··-·- 1160 appr0priation,for pnving, Fourteenth to Amy,-can Fans, {dam, fl d Fifteenth Streets ...,,. 845 appropriation or purchaseo an , etc. to A hey M _ repluce wwn of, iivvded by Reéh- Tppgpmtgn for public building 164 mation Service reservoir, Minjdoka Ammunmon A `’'`' pr°i°ct ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘ 1403 appropriationmigi manufacture, etc of Ammyym Fggd pmdms, _ · lm, bombs _______________ Qf__ 971 appropriation for examining foreign ww. for $:31 arms, etc 125 971 · etc., of.- .. .-.:-: 253, 712,1331 for iring morning and evening gun, ’ Amgrggqn Assqmugwn, I I Gm- · - · . ·.·-····--·.. _ ..· 1 25, 97]. approprumon for pnnting and bmding for ¤ma1ra1;ms target practice. . 125, 971 Annual Report, _ , _____,____ 229, 942, 1430 foI' P!'6B61’V1.I1g, etc .. . 125, 971 Aww:-ioan Legion, The, gg; ggmmm, etc-, €¤¤¤0¤ ------ gig, incorporation of; purposes powem, etc.. . . 284 cannon .. Z ·.---- » loan of obsolete Army riées, etc., to, for for mmm F PNCUCQ —-·----· 609. 1349 ceremonial uses. ...,..,,,,,., , 403 {0* Edd, B16-, ery prgacmce ., 609, 1349 cots to, suthoyized for State eneamp. for §¤¤¢08¤t uumon, msular posses. ment at Vmcennes, Ind ---. . ...--· 1062 ¤1°¤¤ -·-·------···------·····-·· qu- 1350 Amzrioqn Mission to Neqotmu Peace, for etc., Panama. Canal iorgb 1352 d°°°°{‘m°%...¤m§“"P”Pc'£.?Z‘rge¤°” ?§ 329 bmw eyeea `6f§;»5rl>}§¤%§£{6;i§ fo, * Amzricom Namimux Red Cross, ;1¤¤·1rcmft gums, 1 17-1919 .______ _ 1353 detail of Army medical officers im- duty fol'¤ BEDCG stores, etc., 1917-1919 ______ 1353 with ______ _ _____________ _ __________ 785 for ordnance stores, 1919-1920 .. - 1353 storage buildings, etc., allowed at mi]i· WTPIUB, may gi to other detary resorystwnm cw ---·-- --·- 785 max Pardtmedelglalagi ¤¤ -·--····--- 130 executive comnuttee of central comxmttee Pen 065 SV e 0 psy coninm-maed ___________ _ ______________ 1354 megs joy, suspended on account Of medical supplies and fo0d¤t11*°-5, 110* Iwédéd ·-···-~·--·· • ~··-····· · · · 1027 for_ Army, placeyl at of, for Ammumhgm, Mar-me Corps, rehef of peoéyles mvolv m the war- 130 appropnahwn for procunug, etc ...,., , , 154, 832 my remictions 0 temporary War Depm- Ammunition, Navy (ue also Ordnance gud ment employees aud1ting accounts Ordnance Stores, Navy), of . . :. . 658 appropriation for smokeless powder ___,_ 142, $19 tn reimburse gm Department for auditing 659 A or xstqw xisvefelgwinu-ease of the Navy; _ _ 156 accom: .. mmun wn 1 , avy, American Priming Housedfor the Blind, limit of cost of designated 156, 833 aplpropriation for provi ingbooks, etc., by. 885 Amny, _ or expenses of .. . .. 1878 appropriations for acquiring premises for deficiency appropriation for expenses. . 332, 1015 consulate uses at ..., 1214 publications of, to be furnished free to limit of cost; subject to approval of Library for the Blind, D. C .·-- 332 _¢0¤1mission 1214 Amzrakan Railway Express Company (see also Anaeoatm fqrk, D. C., _ 'fmnspormtion Act, 1920), _ sppmpnptiou for reclamation of Ammetia consolidation of express companies into, Rnver and Flats for development of 99 authorized ... . ... 482 for development of ... 870, 1141 payment directed tn, on account of gugr- immediate possession to be mkenpf laude, anty under Transportauon Act, pnor epc., on filing condemmmon peutofin;.1 settlement, gte .. ii. 1145 ust tion .. . . ._ .._,,,,,_ v' gm;] against 9 C1 (30111 On 8 . pm "‘£.“Z °é.§§1g mimi; .. 467 ’ j...nq3“g'§m.n¤g., xm., ,,.0,..,,t American Igspublica (see Pan American A ... . 100 U · _ me-puea wer , . . American .S?:4?:zi»n, appropriation for reclaiming, e€c., for develappmprimiou for life-saving testimonials oprnent of Anacos¤s. Park $#9,870,1141 for rescuing shnpwijecked . : . _ 742, 1208 Anacostia Bryn Bridge, D; C., for relief and protectxou of, m foreigxig 1216 Aap;;}·'•}8}:n¤1}2;§>ni0r opemtmgexpenses.77, $47, 1118 countries ..-... 7 , nm s, ·_ we d 6 · ‘ uio i rreii i and appropnaticm ior expenses enforcing laws ° “i';‘3§§‘,i‘1?‘TT*?. . ff.? . ‘? . K'? 43, _ excluding, ego ., _. 221, 936 6*2., 64, 66, 346, 1022, 1160, 1187, 1191 deficiency pppropnauon for expenses ex- Ammbun Trmwéc Cwngavwy, _ cludmgt., 518 may bridge Detroit iver, Detrou, Mich. - 1439 excluded aduugexon . . . 1009 prkir consent oi Canada reqmred ... 1439 chimes described . ... 1009