Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/698

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2006 INDEX. Army—Continued. Use- Army~·Continued. P¤scappropriation for Army War College- 480, 894 appropriation for payments; comfor Command and General Staff mutation of rations- . 483, 898 School, Fort Leavenworth, prices at sales commissaries to in- Kans .. 480, 895 clude overhead costs .. 484 for post exchanges .. 480, 895 services and supplies from public libraries, hostess houses, etc--- 480, 895 utilities to include overhead for pay of officers ... 481, 895 costs 484 no commissioned Army Navy, or for regular qliiartermaster supplies- 484, 899 Marine Corps officer deprived of heat and 'ght to quarters .. 484, 899 pay while on duty in coordina- post bakeries; ice machines; launtion of Government business--- 895 dries, etc .. - 484, 899 for National Guards officers .. 481, 896 forage etc., for animals . - -- 485, 899 for warrant officers .. 481, 896 sale of electric current from Camp for aviation increase, officers . 481, 896 John Hay, Philippines, to Bafor longevity officers 481, 896 guio, approved ... 485 time at Miilitary or Naval Acad- for c othing and equipage 485, 900 emy after August 24, 1912, not indemnity for destroyed clothing counted .. ,- . 481, 896 ... .. .. 485, 900 forbpay of enlisted men .. 481, 896 for incidental expenses ... 485, 900 largnce J. Vgnéiglian ,. 281 for transportation ... 486, 900 Dum BT Pmvi 0T ---------— , enden f office nd enlisted minors enlisting after July 1 1925, , degloo ottg? ______ ii? __________ 901 witheut c<>¤¤e¤t of pereet, ctc-, 188898, R·8m8188, arm animals, etc. may be discharged 896 __________________________ 486, 901 {OI" N’3l$IOHB,1 Gllard €D1lSt€d DIED,- travel augwauces on digchargg__ for aviation increase, enlisted men; poymooto to land gr,-mt rouroodo; lirpiteticn -----------»------ 481, 896 limitation 486 fer Phiiippiue Sccuteo ----------- 481, 896 motor vehicle 888*8-18*8188 ... 486, 901 for longevity pay enlisted men--- 481, 896 porobooo of motor vehicles rofor pay of retired officers 481, 896 stricbgd ___________________ ,_ 487, 901 fcr retired cfiicere cn active duty-- 481, 896 fol‘ pur8u888 or 118-888; ummmeu- 487, 901 for retired enlisted men .. 481, 896 breeding of 1-din horses _______ 487, 901 for xgztgred enlisted men on activgm 896 ooooptoooo of goootod brooding U Y —-----—— - -—-—-—-~·-—- » animals etc 487, 901 for retired a clerks 481, 896 - - ’ · 8,, ,88,,-,,r£’,8&,1,,,,,,,,,,, .. 481, 896 fer mihietv eeeie ¤¤¤~im*=¤¤» 42,,, ,,,,2 for field clerks and messengers, at FOR §H'6l;l3 `''''"` ’ 487 headquarters of territorial de- ’ · '‘'`'’“‘ ¤¤tt¤=e¤t¤» eteee etc -—------ 488 898 E8.? £`i,‘L?£§i%i,, G“r.;,;‘1:,‘ 138*;,1,1,2 487 eeggeggget to Deverimeei wigs, 8,,,, 8328,,1 8,, ",,8,88888y 8,,,,- r 1 cn _, , - , for contract surgeons; nurses; hos- ftn}°g°r¥1$t°%;,fu1I:IdSYf°r ‘'‘‘‘ " vitei metrcee -—-- - -——---—— 488 898 iif ‘;118§r1818?,h8r’ '‘``’`` 2188 902 for courts martial, etc., expenses- - 482, 896 Pmzma Canal ‘'`'`‘` 488’ 902 for rental allowances ---.-...--.. 482, 897 '`'`"‘‘" ’ for subsistence allowances .-.-.-.- 482, 897 f°*` b*¥'”·0k8 890 ¤08’1i9’¤· °°“st"u°' _ for interest OD soldiers’ d8p¤81t8-- 482, 897 ticii, teP¤¤i‘¤» ctc ——---—-————- f 488 906 for loss by exchange -... - -------- 482, 897 m¤tP·l of Samgcsv omcesr etcv et for officers furnishing mounts .-.-. 482, 897 m\hli¤·1`Y 8888*9héS —--- _ --—----- 4 S8, 903 accounting! and isbursement as I`8P8·*!'8» Old Fett O“t““°» N- Y--- 903 pay of t 6 Army ______________ 482 additional land Fort Reno, Okla-- 903 additional personnel forbidden ---- 482 f9i‘ b{¤`¥‘8·9k8 8·¤d q¤¤!`t91`¤• ?hihP· pay to rotirod omoor fo,-biddon pine lslands; rentals in China--488, 903 who sells supplies, etc., to 482 T8?3§0i0¤ 0¤ ¢lu8i't8!`8 fo!' 048288 903 pay fg;.b{(fdo1{ `to` Qotfl-oQ1"`o§{oo} for water, sewers, etc., at posts--- :88, 903 employed by portioo Bombs, new work limited --.--. -- --:-- 88, 903 etc., to Army or Department__ 482 for roads, walks, wharves, dramage, for 811188;,8, 8t8 ...-.-..-.-.. 482, 897 etc -----------——- ,- - - —~—— 488 903 for clerks, etc., Finance Departmengm 897 I'9lé\;1;;b€I%>AB§&?’yD¤X19 H1ShW¤Y» 489

, · ---—————--—--—

auditing World War conmcts-- 488, 897 camps, etc-, excluded ---------- 489, 993 persona B81’Vlp6BlD Department- 483, 897- fer ehccties sciieriee cpd rqesgx- i -*489, 994 fm. paying clalms for damages to for rent of buildings or, m is nr. private property· mode of set- of (:010***0*8 ---——------—-—-— 489, 904 ) tlomont _____________ _ ______ 4g3_ 897 for Fort Monroe, Va., wharf, roads, for paying claims for destruction, Mid B0W8{ ------——----- T---- 489, 904 etc., of personal property of for post hospitals, construction, reofficers, etc., in the service- -- 483, 898 pair, etc ---.----.. _ --.------ 4 89, 904 for Quartermaster Corps .-------- 483, 898 temporary camp hospitals, etc- - 489, 904 for subsistence supplies for issue- - 483, 898 new construction forbidden ---- 490, 905 salestoomcers, enlisted men, etc- 483, 898 for Signal Service expense .--.-.-. 490 ‘905 meals to competitors in the na- allotments for designated obtional rifle match .-.-.-. 483, 898 jects .. 490, 905