Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1007

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x A · 993 o = TIQLE 31.··—-HQNE Og:. M-, to appoint soffic peiiou Bttached to the mint to act in gw pmcé of such 0@é91‘_ duriughis abseuco; pp; al} ogch ap-- .l...m;ments shall be Iorthwithrepoxjted to the Diroctog pj the um for his approval; and in all-woes whatsoeycr the princi-

 .;;:111 be rosxiorigsiblefor the acts qt hisreprmuthtive. · In_

Q .4·;».·-ot the tomporaryabmoe of the snxperintcrgentg thevchiot {·2··»·k shauact in his place. ·(R. S. I 3502.) ‘ ; · __ ‘ 322, General duties of supcrintcédtnts of mi¤§s.;—Thg· Supep- Ti;.·.m1eut; of Qolr mint shall hav; thé_oo1;tro1 thereof; the ,Q;{..·;··mtendoncé of tho.-0§k>¢1‘s and persons empyoyed therein, ,,..4 me snzpopvisioq of the business thereof, mbjecg to the

  • 3;.;.;-m-oai of the Director of the Mint. He gpm make reporgg

zo me Director ot tho Mint at gd: times and acoording to S};.-1;* forms as the director may prescribe ;‘ which shgll exhibit

u.{1.—gai1, and u¤dor*api;m1>riato heads, {hc deposits ot bumgm,

Nw amount of gold, Siiygr, axid"mi¤01·‘co1¤nge, and- thelamouut {»f<u!1p81'{€a, standard, and rohnéd hhré hagzedpand other statistics and information BSC my be required. *He shall keép mu! toudor, qudrtcr ymrly, to tho . Director of the Minp, for mo puypose of §dju t_&ocomdi¤g-to mom; ie mgy be ` ppespribod by tho Secretnryot me Trm@, md Ieithq Q ful accomzfshf his t ctio¤s With th¤_other_ cmcgrs of tho mmf aud- the G€i>@‘£0l'8;·&Bd shall hiso repdexf to ‘him ‘a monthly statement ot ithe 'ordimry expenses o1'_ the mint or assay Omcemme: mg ¢m.rgo.~ (B. s; axes, asc;.) - — 273. Déties of b supermtmmts as to cab md h¤llio¤.—The supgrintondont oi each mint shall ;·•coivo_ ‘a¤q sotgly keep, ami! logally withdrawn, all mcmeyi or bullion which ·` shall be rm- the use or the expcnsesot the mint. He shall receive all, `muion brought to mini gssay for coinage; shhll hel ihé kooporhof all bullion '61‘·COi¥1` in tho mint, except- while the sameis legally i¤‘ the hands of dther 0Qce;·s band skill delivjer all going struck at*tm_ minfto the pérsons to whom, they shall up legally payable. _Fl'0!&\o the réport. of the aosayor and the wvight of mthé bullion; he shall coixipute the value ot each deposit, _ and also the amount of the charges or deductions, if ¤any,»of *311 which he sholl give a detailed memorandum ~to 'tha dopositor; and hé` shall also give at tbé timé,_ urider his ham, 4 cortimxnte ol me nef amsmath! thevslopmitg 10 be paid iis coins or bars otthe same species ot bullion qs that dep0g— itod, the corrcctuosslot whigtr ccrtidcam .shall.»bo verihed by the assaygr, vého~sha.11`¢¤unt¢rsig¤_the same, n;1d'i¤-All casesof xmnsfenj of coin, Io; bullion, shgll give and re·oei%e vouchers, Emma}; tho . amount ’é.¤d‘ oharnctér cl such. coin' or bullion,. 5 m.-s.5zs0o.> · _ _‘ — _ *5, . i ” 274. Dutiu ns. to gnelthe ;¤d_ re§¤i¤g.—-i——Tho aupegihtmgdent of melting and reusing: dopartuient shall! cxooutc B11- the ope .omt§om.‘ivhich are in order to {crm ihgots of standard silver oai gold, and al10yq_£or minor coinage, suitable-.`{01· _ tho superintendent ot col¤ing· demrtmeut. from the metals legally delivered to him for thet pnirpose; hud shall also execute. gil {ho operations which aro·¤o@ury-in `order `tn form bars oo¤£orm.ab»le‘ an all respects -» to the law, from tho gold and .silver human · delivered to him for that purpose. Ho shall kw • gznreful reccxd ot all- tumocigionso with the superhtondent, noting the weigh; md oi the .bulllon,.m;1d

sha11 m ruponsible for allhullion deiivgred to him una) the

- same is rammed to the superintendent and the propér vouchom obtained.! (B. S, { 3508; Aug. E; 1912,1:. 350; | 1., 37 Stat, _275. Duties as @9 coining.-—-The superintenéént of coining domrtmeog sho!] execute all the @mtions which aro_¤ocos¤ry_ ih order to tordmooiun, ooutormnmo- in 0.11 to the Law. from tho otasndhrd gold dud m*v&_ inguts, im! alloys for minor comme, mai); ¢EliV€1‘$.tQ him for that { and shall. be responsihie for all buylion kljvered to him, until tho same is rotu1·¤éd`w the supérihtgddent and the mover vouchers ob-

IY AND 1$YINANG’E‘ * § 282

_ tained. - (R. S. 5 3509; Aug. 23,1912, c. 350, § 1, 37 Stat. 384;

Jan. 3, 1923, c., 22, 42_ Stat. 1103.). · — I { _ 27 6. Dqties of engrgvers; dies for coins; nes? designs.-——'l‘he

 engraver shall prepare from the original dies nl_ready._a1:;th0r-
 ized-a1l`the_w9rmng dieérequiretl for use in the coinage of the '

}_¤eve¤ia1 mints, and, when pew coins, emblex:i$,_@evicm, levmls,

  • 0r designs are authorized, shall, it required by the- Director of

E the Mint, _ prepare the devices, models, hubs, or original dies { for the same. The Director of- the Mint shall have power, xwith the approval ct tlxe‘Sec1‘etary. of the Treasuxé, te muse new designs or models oi authorized emblems or eleview to be . prepared~&nd· nddpted l in the stuzge manner as when new coms or deviees are authorized.; 'But no change in the or die "of any coin — shall bé made oftener than ence in twwty-tive y&rs jrcm and including the year at the - mst aeieptieu at the design, model, die, or hub tm; thesame coin`: Provided, That no changebe made in tlie diameter abt any But the- Director ,015 the. Mint they neverthelese, » with the appmval of the Seeretiry of the.'1Yrwsury,_ wggge t¢n£;x>rarily» ter this purpose the seryices of one ormore irtists, distixxguislied in their respecqvé departments of art, who shall be_1paid_ for such service from tl;e_co¤ti¤ger1fapproprlatt0¤ for the mint at Philadelphia. (R. S. § 3510; Sept. 26, *1890, (:,944, 26—_Stnt. 484.) e . 27 74 Dutiu cfg e§s¤$er shall sew; all metals ahd bullion, whenever-such are required `in' theepem- 'tionsoi the mit1t;`¤ml make essaysnet cam or éamplm of- bullion yvheiiever required .bi the ispperintendeat. ·(R. .8. A 278._‘_Bwuess` df hazy at Nei ZYark.——Tm besieem et ·· the Uultecf Stqtw Assn? e@ce— it New Yerk 'shall be in all - reapectsisimilar t0_ that of the jnints, except that mrs only angi- _not coin, mall be mannracmma therein; and no metals Shell ·“ be purchased ger minor gecinage. All · bullion ‘i¤tem3ed~ by the depqsitor to be converted into coins, of the United States, and silver bullion p;1rc_lmsed_ for coinage, when amuym, parted, and re§¤ed,.aqd its net value certmed, shall be `transferred to the mint" of Philadelphia, Kinder. such directions its be made " by the Secretary of the- Treasurys at the expense of the can- Qtingent fund of the hint, and shall be there coined. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized te make the necessary 8l'l’&l1g€Hl€DtS-OT the iadjulstment ei'. the Jaceeuuts upon such _·t1’8IlSfQl? between the rwpective‘]o&ces. (R. S. 45. 279. 0$¢ers Ast New Yerlt - ®cc; Vcmtzers of tlge aesay omce gt Ne·w—Y0rk shall bea mtei1denf and an essayer; each ot wbqm shall be appointed by the PréQ- dent, by and with the advice qntlconsent of the Senate. (R. & _ 5 3554; Aug. 23, 1912, ge. 350, 5 1, 37 Stat. 384-) = ‘ J · 280. Snpte;·_s3laries.——'1‘l1e'c>§lce1—s of the amy eflke at New Yerk shall be entitled tq mléries in acéordeuce with the provisions nf section 675 of Title·_5.’_. (R; S. {3558; Apr. 4, 1924, c. 84, 43 Stat. 78;`JanQ 21, 19%, c. 87, 43 Stat. 764.) Q _ ' 281. Same; dutieq.-=-'Ilge duties of the superintericleet andthe assayer ot the assay qmée et New Yer; shall corrmmnd to these `ot superintendents end assayers of mints; end all the prowisions of this title`rc1¢1·€§¤8 fn mime and their exmceré, the duties and; responsibilities of such ehlcers, and ethers°‘e§plhyed tlierein,.the oaths tc be taken; and thi: bqmls had sxnreties t¤ ibe 'gtven by them, shall ertend, gs {ar as the same may be appli- éeble, to the assay tmce it New ‘Y¤r§,- and to Ita 0mcers,,clerke, and employees. (R. S. S 3555; Aug.-%, 1912,.1*. 350, { 1, _37` ',Stnt.‘&S4`;,J¤n. 3,19%, é, 22, 42- Stat. HM.) . . ‘ 282. Snldriea of mf employees.-·-·Tl1e compensation ot 8éSiSUll1tSQ'C]€l'k8," end`w6rkme¤ in the may cféce at New York shell be regulated in the same manner- as 1e prepcribed lri regard to mints. (R. S. § $557 ; Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, t1,87sm.:>,s-1.;* · ·