Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1031

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1017 TITLE .s1.--Mczvi ·— Shall be drawn from the Txfeasury, by wm·m¤t5,s at the Secre- " sary of tha Treasmy, upon the rmuisitlcma of t;1m"Secmt&ri&$ ot mage departments, respectively, couuterslgued lmthel General Ayglluizting OEG2, uml registered. (R. S. _ §¤ 3673;. June 10, 1%:21, c. 18, § 304, 42 Sta;. 24.) , 632._1Restricti<m an pnymenls c1_;__acc<m¤t of Postal Scrvice.··—-e payments af money 9`ut bf the Treasizry pn account ot the imtlzl Service shall belt: pursuance »0fabp1·0p1‘ia.ti6ns“made by izw, by "wstmnts of the Postmaster General, registered and ¤·¤»mltrz·rsig11e<l in the Genem1.Acc0ugting Omce, and expressing lm their face the ·appmprl&ti0h_ lo ·-which they should be ` ,<·lmrgcd;P (R. S. § 3674; June 10, 1921, c. 18, § 304, 42·Stat. 24.) 633. Charge against fund “_Trs¤sportali¢m and rccAruiti1;g," my transportation af men disclnrégd.-·The tmrlsportdtion m meir h<;mes,‘·lf _1'€$id€1lt8.._0{ the U1llt€d·°St&C%, of enllstedwmen $126 apprentices of the Naiy dischafged on E€diC8.1·Sl1PV€i;{J8,H(] -melfrausportaticn to the place of enlistment, it regidents ot .tlie Failed States of suchzezzllsted men azid`_apprcutices discharged lm account 0{-éI[)?il;&ti0l1”0{ enlistment,. shall be ch§1l· the appioprlatiéu “Transportation and 1*ccrult;lng." (Mar. 3, 1 1901, —c. 831,1} 1, 3L Stat. 1630; Feb. 11, 1925, c. 209, 43"Stat. 864.) * . — . x _, · 634.. Appmpriatinétgcro Navi lcontrolled by Sgcretary;" for bureaus lkept sepaiat y.-5All dpprbpilatious for specillc, general; and cémzlugem éxpegscs ci the Navy Department shall be under the comm} and expended hby the d1;*cc·tl§`u of the; _·Set:re> tary af gba Ngyy, and the appropriation t0r` each bureau glial} `ba kept’separate`.in` {ha '1‘reasu::§y._ _ (R. S. {3676.) __ _

 41635. ,Appmprintim¤.s fm Bureau of Yards "md Docks. available cali! exgiéndéd,-—-Aiaprepriations _ made {mder The Bureau

bf _Yax·d$ and Discks for ppbllc works, exclusive of repairs and

‘,prescrvat‘io¤, shall rgmaln available until expended,. (Ju1y”_12g

T1921, c. 44, § 3, 32 Stat, 139.) · · ‘ · _ _ 1 R®x·ictipm’ upon? use of appropriations for f‘ Increase ( of N gvy " under Bureau bf Qrdna¤e¤é.·—-No part bt appropria- ` (luna made {qa: “Inizteage of jhc Navy " uncle: the Bureau of Ordnance and no Jpart df allotments of approprtutivns madq to mid lmméu shall be ivailnble fc: the payment for scrylbes or materials in the cmlstnicticm of any shop, building, living quarters, cr olhcr structures, except such temporary structures costing mt, ju excess oi $5,609 each as; may be incident to cu1·— rmt ssfcrk at said bureau; or for additions ‘ and bcttarmpnts to any, exismng shore station Afacllltlm the _ approiwlatioh shall in terms spacidenlly authorize such .c0¤sti·uct.lcm or gddi: Liana mid bctttermgmts: Prmridéd, That é@thing“ herein shall bé " cunstruwl as lntqrterlug la any way with any existing céngmét or may wart in prjugrw cm July 12, 1921. q (5111;**12, 1921, c. A4, §1,42$tnt,1%.) F " J . v W 637Z Canthemt expcmm not payable fmm n.ppropklat.ia¤s

 for Naval Est@§liN1me¤t,.·—-——·It shall not be lawful mexpmcl, tm:

any at {be 0&cas——~¤r bureaus ct the Navy Hepgrfment at Washi¤1`€t$¤» $$3 sum out at ¤W¥6I¤‘iatl<m¤ Bl&d@ for fhg Naval Estab1i®mem fm giaticncry, fumltum, mwspupefa, plans, clriwings, drawing !31£.£81‘ll§.l,“h0I"£ and wagons to be used only for h$cl·ul mcludiuggeutal of stable, purchase, nxaiutenanm, repal1·,’cpeml:l<m 01- exchauge of h01"S%·d1’RW!1_§8.S·

 senggr·ca1·;·yl¤g· veliléleg gutcmablle mall wagon, ·luél1iclléfg

é exqhgnge gt same, street car tickets, ifrelglxt. expmssage, past-

 age, t ypewi·iw:·s,» computing machines, and ether absolutely

ugwsmxy expenses of the Navy Departmeél; aud. its variqus bu;·am1s;g¤d o§<‘;·cs. ·(gi1i1’B 22, c. 3514; §__ ,1; 34 Stat;. 427; mv. .2, 191*:, ¤. 1&,» §‘1l, as Stat.11G2l) _ A l 638; awa .;p§rbpz·ia$lms far nulmmb as ardiagmze mlm:} ln: mat.crial__ th¤rmwi—th.--—Na luionéy appraprmtm for aéduaueg ug medxganca material mg material burchasad thawwith {br the Navy shall 5a gxmdjfor any other purpose than tm: mr yhlch the -approprlatlq¤l.was made: Prcvidlcd, That mbtlling herein shall be mmtrged as pmvmtlng the allocation of armog, atmameht, ammunition, ptdhsnéa ma-

EY AZVB IZIQVAXGE § 644 terial, equipment, and accasscrim to ships acéording to this l requirements _0f tha naval service. (July 1, 1918, c. 114, -10 , Stat. 721; July 12, 1921, c. 44, § 1, 42 Stat. 128.) l . 639. Credit to appmpriatioa “Pay xaiacellaaeauaé af premjums from sale of excha¤gc.·-——The General Accmmting Oilica · may credit appropriation “Pay amiscellaue0axa," with all receipts l Iorirxterest on the account of »tha Navy Department vgiih the l Loudon ilscal agents, premiums arising from sales of bills of cx¢hauge," and {mm any appreciation ia. the valueaof .f<>miga l ~c0in. (Mar. 3, 1893, c. 212; 27 Stat, 7l6»;-mia 10, 1*321, c. 18, » 5 304, 42 Stat,24.) » ‘ i 640.* Clothiag and small-stares fmaé.-—-The `valaa af isaaaa ' of clothing and small stores by the Bureau of Supplies and »· Accqnihts in the Departmént of the Navy shall be credited ta a i consolidated fund to be designated as the " clothing and smil- _ stores fund," in the same manner as tha value at the issues af v_ clothing was credited to the " clothing fund " priar to February T i 14, 1879, and as the Kvalue of issues of small stares was credited l to the " amaystcres fund ".priqr to J uae 30, 1890; the tjaaaarcm l l of the fund to be used in the puréhasé of supplies at clathlug I and small stores for' issue. (Eel?.-14, 1879, c. ii: *29 Stat. @8; ` June 30, 1890, c. 64Q, 26 Stat. 197; July li), 1892, é. 296, 5 1, 27 · Stat; 243, 245; Mar. 3, 1893; c._ 101Q,r 32 Stat. Hal; Mar. )%, · 1922, c. .104, 42 Stat. 451.) i l [ ‘ · . » 641. Naval supplies; purchase, and md isaac, - fo;· Navy, and not fag bureaus.-———A.ll aappliea purchased vgita . moneys appropriatgd for any branch of tac Naval Emahliwaat . shall beideemed purchased for than, Navy ana not far aa; bareaa ~ ‘ théivof; arid shall. pa hrramgad, classmed, wtalagam, aaa iaaam l for consumption or uae, uader such regulations aa tha Secretary i

 may prasegribe; without regard to' tha i bureau far? whiék {hay

were pxgrchasad. ,°(Juaa 30, 2+% , c. 640, % Stat., 2%; Mar. 2, `1891;cQ494Q26,Stat. 807.) · * a · _ 1 ~ ¤ 642. “Nav1l_iSapply Accmmt "; ta; pay- · rnaants fmm “General Account of Advs@T’ Y' Naval Supply Account tar me Naval Emab1i ai, unda: tm > Burehul of Sapplics and Accoaatu, shall gawaia the cha k a ; ‘ cradlting,Aire;;aipt. purchase, traadaz, maaatactare, rekixr, ‘l F ami maaumpiiiem ot all amrm tar Naval a isa i W az, exl 'ceptlng auch material as prqviaiaas. clathigxg aaa mall mma, » · ¢edi<:~al stores; and- such ataar materials as tha at · the Navy may gasiwte, and wlglch- may aa by ape- · ·cl¤c apgémprhaéicaa or transferred ta spaciac appropriations · before such materials ara issued tar! or caaaamptiaa ; thai gmk! charge, hcxwavar. tb any particular appramiatica ba i limited to_ the amaaat appropriated mania:. a ppz·aiwd· { valuaot all atoms, ¤_§uiP8·S;¢» nad aappliaa tmaad ia tram ships, » and ahiba equgpage mraed in from yards » qa: stapaaa (axcapt salvage); shall ba credited ta tha caxmat §¤§¥mpria§iaaa aaa- ‘ éamad, and tha mma ac craditaa shall be available fa: ex- · peadituras for the mma aa tixaaaargpriatiaaa cre¤i@ . (Juaa _25, H10, c. Stat. Mar. 4, 1911, c. . Stat. 1279; Jima 30, 19rt;a. 139. 33 Stat. a» — l ,

 643. Permaaaat special warléag {and; chiargm against md V

l credit; ta;———-*13ha wrmaaat apaclal working mad af tha Navy » alxall be ca argéd·with tha nat pwada of all aalaaa at aarplua r aadycoadamaé atoms; with refund? tb biciilara at aalaa and to — séacial depositors; and a?ith; al1 labor; avarlixead, material, and l aaryicaa lacidaxifto work doaa not {chargeable to; naval appra-

 priaticaa; and aballhé cradiiadwitli all fsmda mcaiéed as pay- a

{ ment as advaaaaa tar amsplua amraa; fm: caademaad atoms, and fo: all axpeama iaaidaat to work act chargeabia ta aava·1”`appm~· ~ priatloaa. {May 38, 1924, c. wil, 43 Stat. 1%.) il · . _ 644.. Npvnli Supply Acgainat fuadl; charges §galiaat.·~·——’1‘hara_ i _ sl1all_ba a aaval aupply accauat faad, which ahall ba chargad ‘ · xfaith the coat ct all ataraa pxicgaeategl far and iéradltged with the value at all isauaa or sales anada tram tha aaval aupply acl mix ub Demglaaciea {unda: ap;1;·cr;>li·la$l0i4a {cri tha 2¥a;:a1\‘Estab-· ·i liahmaat atc: aha Hacal year 1920 and prior years ahall ba