Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1049

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fjggggj TITLE 82.-——·NAi ‘ mm me appraised v¤1¤¢· TIM; exxienses fog advertising,. •pL prgziscnxeut, survey, and sale shall bc paid fgrom the proceeds uf me sale; and the _ net proceeds thereof, s§al1 be placed to. ` th,. {-edit ot the State, Territory, or District ot Columbia, gg wnsirinzxal lto its aliotmégnt uxxdersection 49 of this title; · (May 13, 1,917, c.·12, 40 Stat. 67.) ~ ‘ r _ _ . si. Fcrfciture af fight fb allotment of appropriation.-- \‘»‘;¤~;m·gr any State shall, within- a- limit of time (0 bejixed by xm- President, hawg failed Olf refused to `comply with or e11·-

u·;·i·e any`req1¤iremeut·0f this titlc,—0r any regulation promulg

-;.;m—·! thereuntler and in aid thereof by the President pr the

 wmry of War, the National Guarduof subh State shall be

liw»:u·red, wholly or ii; part, as the President may direct, from

—x·.—»iviug from me- United States any pecuniary or other aid,

. mwtit, or pnivilegé authorized or provided by this title 0: gm;-· mhér law. (Julie 3; 1916, c;. 134, §-_ 116, 39 Stat. 212.) _` - 25. Annual estimates of cxpensemg-·Thg Secretary of War- \m1ix·ause to bc estimated axxnuallfthe amount necessary {Ur carrying 0\{t2 the provisions of law relating to the militia, ami Im money shall be expended llI1d€1’_ said ·pi·0’vfsions except has sh:1}1 from time to time) be appropriated for carrying- them uu;. (J,unc‘3, 1916, c.‘134, I 119, 39 Stat. 213,)` - _

36. Reduction of certain units tb meet apprqpriation.-4The

`zu·»mue·d, motorized, air, medical, and tank uinits nndfmotbi mmsport, military police, wagon aud, service companicsot the N{»m»nu} Guaid shall be` so reduced that. the appropriation nmde for the Nstibnal Guard during the §sc&l year 1926 shall émwar the entire é0ét_0t maintenaqce of sizch units. (Feb, 12, ~1£•;35, c. 225, Title I, 43 Stat. 921.) A “ ‘ fmnptcr 8.-AARMAMENT, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES. Sov, l` l .‘ _ ‘ _ ’ Q I

1. Type at arms, equipment, etc. _ `
2.;!*ux—ch¤éc- of, and accountability for arms and equipment.

33. Issue of arms tb Nnéoaal Gua!jd._ V °

4. usue of new types of small arms. .

· rs. (mst of supplying new types ofarhms and equipment. $3;, issue of automatic' pistol;. _ `- A?. Issue of F‘i··c»}d¢Artlllery matériel. _ 5 ‘ ’ 2;%;. Hupplyiug and cxchnnglpg Inuuatry equipment; requisitions. A ‘ saw, 1*urcImsé.¤f supplies, etc., trdm Wax: Depagtmcut; requisition by , -·" G0_V€f!21¤P!1t RUG! QHICBBEQ. · _ i ·_ ` 46. {mrchqne of auiilksls with National, Guard funds. - 52. Care or mimali, amamut, ctc. . . · 43. Wit§1d;·assa1 of 'Cmst Artillery equipment in emergency, _ 44.·J¤suc of lclothlgg, cquipmknth ctc; A `· 453. Prooéodg ?·tIsq1ga·¤i' mndexuucd utorea. , ‘ ~m· mmm of pmpertylraplnced as obwlete, or condemned. gc E Milgagiy property Lost, Qestroygfl, damaged, or becoming uuscrvIce· R0 » .. . . U 48. Bqnd ta sqcount {dr {rave! ration mn}! not required. _‘ 49. l’rope·rt3 and dimuning s>&cex|. , ` 50. Agents, at Qisbumiug camera. . _ W I Sectim_ 31.vpe of nts, equipnmt, ~ct¢.-·-The National . Guard at the *Lx;l"ted Sm; wgll, gn tu as practica,b1o,`pe mii- , £"§Gl‘l1?€d, grmed, and equibpod with thé typé bt uniform; . arm!. and equipments santa mr |h•.1l_be§r0Yid&cl’.£<§: the Begin ’¥1:1r Army. (June 3, 1918, c, 384, I @,39 BML %.) - · 32»‘P¤r;§¤e at nad {drums and gqéy _ · waist.--'Im puxéhase 9: manufacture pz arms,brdn a1icc stores, i1uarterm.aate;,aw¤e•, and `camp eqx;ip¤g¤,_(p: me militio, imder me pmvmcnq qttmsiitlie éhallbemada at the Spci·&ary of War, as such arms, »crd¤ahce‘ and qmrwmkmr smres, and camp equipmge gre now maagntactitxd br _Dl`07id9d {mi the usda! the Army, a¤d’thay skill be receipaeii tc1·.'a.nkl· quail, mmm the - greperty at the United l gtams, agad be umqaliy hr by the :¤#mi*¤»qr• at the gtates Tggrimrim and by thq of the Nimoual Guard of tbé Diitxict of fw-whkth DUXPQDQ the Scc;·e;ary,c!_Wa1··shs1l prgpcribe and- qiwply téé Nblahki gud make shch as ¤•¤|$&X3

PIONAL GUARD § 36 to protect the interests of the United States. _(Juao 22, 1906, c.· 3515, { ·3, 34 Stat. 450.), e . . · `

 _ 33. Issue of arms to National Guard.-——Tl1e Secretary of War

is hereby autliorizedté procurejunder such regulations as the °P're‘sident may prescribe, by purchase or manufacture, within the limits of available appropriations made byQ Congress, and to issue from_time to time to the National Guard, upon 1°€(]lll·' sition of the governors ot the several States and Territories or the colhmanding general of the National Guard ot the District of _Colum_bié, such rmmber of United States aervicéaraxa, with all accessories, Field Artillery materiel, Engineer, Coast ALrtil4 ·_1€ITY, Signal, and Sanitary matériel, accoutcrments, Held uniforms, clothing, equipage, publications, and military stores oft all kinds, including public animals, asare nccemry to arm, uniform, taudyequip {or·}iel`d· service the National Guard ug the t several :States,, Territories, and the District of Columbia: Provided, That as a éonilition`,precedeut to the. issue of any property as. provided for by this title, the State, fferritory, or the District of Columbia desiring snichi isaue shall make adequate provis{0D»· to _ the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, for theprotection -and_ care ot such progiertyz ProvidéQ`1arther, That whenever it shall `be shown to the satisfaction of tm Secretary _ of 1War thatythé National. Guard of my · State,' Territory, ·or `the"Distriet·—ot Colombia} is proper}; orgmiizeel armed, andj equipped for field service, funds allotted to that State, Territory, or Diptrigzt for the aupport of its `National Guard may be iused for the purchaée, from the War Departriaerrt, oi any article issued by_ ahy of the-mpply‘depart1!}ehts ot tm Army. (Juue3, 1916,cj184,§83,39§tat. 2Q,) · Y` `-` " ‘ 34. Isaac of new type; of small arraa.-é··It shall he the gilt! of:-thei Sgoretary ot _War, whenever a new `[ypg ot amall arm °shal1 hare beénradopted. for. the use ot tk negmar Army, and wher: a sipdicient quantity of such arms `shall have hem manu! factored `to constitute, ih his discretion, Iaa adequate reserve for the armament ot _é.HY._ regular and; volr:inteer.force•_ that it may be found necessary to raise in case of war, to‘¤uae~ the .Organlzed` Militia of the Unite;} States to he Iernishegl" with small arms of the type so adopted, with` hyoneta and tha necessary accouterzaeats and equipments, xaexaaing `aarmaai-» tion therefor. (Marg 2, 190*7, e. 2511, 34 Stat. IH;.) ` · 35. Cost of supplying noi typeaof md aq¤ip¤;mt.—·—-· Under such regulations aa the Pnuideut Qmay prmrlhe, whemg layer spew tygggpt eqaiment, small arm, or Eelé gan, smH have. been issued t the National Goarél of the several States, Ter-. ritories, and the ?Dlatriét‘. of Columbia; nach eqai@¤t, small arms, and aeld kmxa, iacludlag all a¢: riea; shall he for-

 without charging the cou or ;val¤e  {or aayexpause connected therewith ag•i¤sfthe— apprmiatioas pmvldeé .

for the support of the National Gaarrh (Jriae 8, 1916, or 134, §84,39StatQ®4,). _` ` a _ { n` W I®ae of automatic ¤Sfi&·······W'}w§8V%¥_ `la his opin ion a ruhoient number or aatomatie ot the wrriee Irma holatcrs, met pwtol cam- op mm tnarerol, emu rave been pmeared and be available for the purpose, the Secretary of War is hereby authorised to`la·a¤©Q mths reqaldtion or the ` governors or the sereral Statw aaa lor ot oem- ’ _

 jeneraliof tm   of the Disuiefof Col   t ibia,

leach `aumher of pistols, hohtérs, nad pistol cartrldzo boxw therefor aa for Qemiagallot the

   in said- States, Territories, and District of

Columbia; irlthout charging the coat or valao thereof, or any' extiem connected ihmwith, against the ammmt to said ·Bt•¤e, Territory. 01* iot of Columbia, out of the aaaaal appropriation `provtd& hy wctiom & of thi! title, . or ¤·a.;¤¤l·t

 id! Dqfmoat thérofor, and to exolrange, without receiving any

money credit thororor, tammunition, or parts itherooif, suitable to the ae! @6ard pistol, rouhd for round, iter corresponding