Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1147

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’ · Q * Q UTITLE _; _· .· ;.;;,m.mLmlLrS'1' FDR KWWL}! ANI) aesaayp pointmeut of former oQcers. - ` GENERAL PROVISIONS Seam 751.- Naval Bewrve: <=l¤®;__¤t•t¤¤_ and psy of r· mea members of N•v•loBe¤crv¢ Fwoe ¤¤a¤ec¢e;1,+:rue Nav: ,,,_,,.,.,.,._ ,,-me emu be so compeeevt mt et the .U¤i}¢¢<1_8*¤¤ QM}-, shall,collSiSt·0f lihlivé <:l¤88e8. mtmely: the ·Fleet_Nava £,.;,.m·," me Merchant Marine Naval Reserve, and _ me Volrn r · me- Navel Reserve: · Provided, {1‘hat.·trauste;·e gg emerge gy · ,.,,1-,,;1,·,1 men heretofore made from the Naval Reserve _Fqr¢ , IQ. me Naval Reserve Shall be for the mxexpiredperlod or the; ' d‘ill‘l`t*llL_,GHfUl`lII1€Dt in the Naval Bwerve Force on July Q. 192E

»m»-germ further, That nothidq "in this chapter shall eiteet tk

grains or pay of members of the’Nava1 Reserve—Force heretotm mgm: with or without pay. (Feb; 28, IQ25, c. 874, §§‘ 1, 4 4:;suu.10;l0, 1090.) v . , . I · _ 752. Marine Corps Reeerve nested; claases:-The Marin Corps Reserve is created md Qtabiished as a component pa: ei the United States Mariae`Oorps,··pmder the same provision in all respects (except as may- be; néeessary to adapt the 881 pr<..visi<>us to the Marine Corps) aa in ath? chapter or whlch may hereafter be enacted providing for tt Naval Reserve: Thatthe Marine Reserve sha lewis: of two cl@,  :· The Fleetliarlao Resort and {me Volunteer Marino Corps Reserve, corresponding,} near as maybe, to_tho'Fleet Naval, Reserve am~ tho Volniq geez- Neval Reserve, respectively., (Feb. 28,1925, c. 374, { 2 ._4.$s1at.;1o80.) ._ -` ·. ‘ . , · 753. Composition of Navalkesqrvo; tnmfers`; aliens; mea .. lierehip in other naval or military orxlaintions; ehploymer `ia civil branch of public •zrvico.—-éllfhe Naval Raerve shall b p oqmposerl ot male cltl&. ;ot_ the United and of th `itmnm-· pos=eeesioas_ so! the United Statq oi eighteen me c ' ece or over who ·by gmgmtmeat or oolmment tlxerein, pads ‘r<·g·uletions prescribed bye the Secretary ot tholllavy,. or b transfer or assignment thereto aa in this·_chapter provided, obl gale theinselvesto serve iu. the muy lu time of war or durlh the existence ot_ a national emergency declared by the Pros U dent: Provided, That any ‘mlbted‘ man Fvrvho, wm serving-! me regular Navy on July 1, 1926.. who is not a citizen of ti Fnited States and pvho on that date had éomllletéd hot 1% than eight yearsi riaval service shall `be ·ollglHle to nansfer toitho Fleet Naval Bueno upon oomplotkm of th mlnlimum amount of service reqolred for-meh transfer: Pre vided __ree·:her, That M omeror mmf of the Naval Bmw real! be d member 61 any other naval or military .or§ahizatioi except the Naval Militia: A••¢,.y·oo£dM farther, That no exist me law shall be to prcve¤t”a¤y member of th Naval `Rmerve a&tlag·employmo¤t in any civil brancl GT the public, service, mr from rxelvipg pay md IHGW __ ences incident to me in . additlqmto axiy pay o

 ~ellovvaueee"‘to wine}; fhg my be entitled trader the provision

of, this chapter. (Feb,. A- 19%, .c. 874, all L4, 40, 43 Stal 1091,1090,) ~ - ..,__ ~ · V · . » 1 ‘ , 754. Ranks, sadgraltlngs la Navall Remrve; omcer 3Pl*9i¤t&d for vgriing {daties;·.~reg¤latims govcmin: appoint ments, etc; coamiadmi; tcm of caiistmelrte-·Tho1$e `shall lm almgved la the Naval Rmrve the variants ranks, gradosyam mtiugs eorreepomxing up thee; mv the regular Navy. `bl1t"¤0‘ rabove the rank so! lieutenant commander, except aa ’othervvls< }*I`!»*V ill of tHE UQG mly fer deck dutlu, eugueeging _ dutiq, or both, or for avlatiol llutlee. All appgmtmentg and promotions of odcers. and eo lisanxeuts and changes in ratlag of menj lu` the Naval Rmrve and transiers to and from any of the three elassee therein, un

8.§;;——N4YY. » § .756.

` less ntherwlé provlded ln this chapter, shall be `made lu ac-

b_ cordance `with regulations prescribw by the Secretary of;-  

Navy: Provided, That peraom appointed ·` to commissioned ` in the Naval.'d`Bmrve‘ mall fbe by the President alone and those appointed to `warraht grades shall Bd. be warranted by the Navy: Proeided farther, af Thatlenliments in the Naval. Reserve shag -be for a term of Eg {our years, subject to 'the__provisions or section, 757 or this lr chapter,-and yay; be extended for periods of one, two, three, W or tour years, in accordance with rxulations prescribed by me Secretary. ot the Navy. (Feb. E; 1925, c.— 374, 5.5, 43 "‘ Stat.1081Z) `_ _ ._ · ·_ gi 755. Discharges from service in Naval Ruerve; separation i_ from in time of yar or nathan! emergency.-——In time ot IQ peace no owceri or, man of the Naval B$erve shall be disré. charged except upon expiration of-~ his term of serrlce or 0 ‘ upon his own request, or for full and sudlcient cause, in ’ the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That

 enlisted men heretofore or herufter transferred to the Fleet

‘° Naval Reserve from the regular .Navy_e in accordance with rt law shall at all ·times‘ be governed `by the laws and regula-_ S-. tions for the government, of the$C—.Navy and shall not be diaié charged from the Naval Reserve without thdr consent ex- _ , cept by sentence ot. a courbmartial or- in accordance with the

°;_ provisions ot section 'IQ4 of this chapter
Provided r•mae»·,o

r _·'I‘hat intimeaof W8l‘,`-§)1° a national emergehcy, by r°_ the President to exist, omcers? and enlisted, enrolled and as-

  • 8 signed — men of thef Naval Reserve shall be subject ‘ to separa·‘

°' tion ‘ therefrom in “ the same lnanmr as may be provided. by gf or in pursuance of law for separation · of omers and , enlisted _ men from the regular" Navy, subject to the provi- |· sionsxot section 757 of this `chapter. Q28, 19%, c. 374; rt ‘5 c, 43 sm; 1081z) ‘ -_ ~ -— _. _

  • 6 756. Commissioned and warrant o§eers appehited or trans-
  • 9. ferred to Naval tReserve;* grades and ragtkae-12 xaaeo

lf aaa warrant omcers appointed- or transferred to' the Naval lf Reserre shall be commlssioned or warranted to serve tdurlm e W the pleasure {of the President, aa grades or ranks not above i- that of lieutenant commander, except that a small percentage lt of `omcers, who may be ‘requlred° in higer grades or rank F for the recruiting; organization, administration, training, in- ¢¤ spection, and mobilisation et the Naval Reserve, may be com-

  • ¢ missioned l_n thej grades or ranks of comxnodore, captain, and;

lss commander. "Hle actual number of line; o&cers so eww ’*` tsioned in higher gradm shall. be distributed in the propor- ¤¢ tion of one ln·the,_grade of commolorepto nfteen in the grade lr of captain,¤`to_ twenty-eghf in the grade of commander. The “€‘ actual number of sta£f_o$cers so eoxnmimioned in higher ranks ¤_ shall be cornmlasioned ln the proportion of eight in the rank lj of captain, to sixteen in the rank of commander. Elfhe total ¢ number et line cmcers- in such higher grades shall not exh [coed iortytouro onehundredths- of 1 per centum and of stad '* omcers in. such higher ranks shall not r exceed twenty-tour r oneqhundredths; of 1 per` centum of the actual nuxnber of ¤ enlisted men regularlr assigned todlvislous or other organized L, units of the Fleet Naval Reserve entitled to pay " as pro- ` vided in sectgon 782 ot this chanter. Whenever a anal frac- § tion occurs in computing the authorl@_ number of officers ..· in said higher grades or ranks, the nearest. whole number B shall be regarded as the authorlm number, but at least one _ 1* oxhcer may be allowedin each grade or rank: Provided, That t to determine the authorized number ot omcers in the vari- B one grades or ranks above lieutenant commander as pro~ 1 vided in this section, computations shall be made by the an Secretary of the Navy at least once during each calendar - year- and the resulting numbers as so computed shall beheld ·, and .»considci·ed for all burposcs as the authorized number - ot o¤cers in such various grades or ranks and shall not be o