Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1179

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Jifgé TITLE 85.- v .· TITLE 35.:-- 4`l,.:§=l·? 8¢c° { L faq`}; TIT 0§rF{Cg*·‘°'°°""`°°°'°°°°°°°?°°°-°°'°°-°’_°**·_’_—”””·.· 1 .. r;mpu·r 1 .·--·PATEN`T OFFICE.

;· enéillislxment.
.·si.._e» sod employees.

W ’;1i;};.==¤2o¤s on owsers and employees of Patent Qmeo as to mtoresz iz s.; * I . l ° · ’

.;<..»;.%;-T; Iooixao iostomr and ohio! clerk.

To i•£a¥ios of lev ee er; 4 ·T. lmaies ul t’Xu.&iB§`$.lB Cllhf. _ * ~ s__ _°}¤; “_`. *_ b - ‘ , ‘ .  ;-ltiissagpsm or nttomeys;_role¤ and regulations for: suspension. ‘ og- exolusion from practice. _ . e ` }lf..l°—1‘1!all!l§ of papers med. . ~. z;;, musing coplos of el1ims,.laws, daemon. . — _` - .14. 4·.·1-sold copies of drawings ot patents tamed; tees. · ws. Evwosoze of printed cooks of patents with Cnm&. . , . gl; xsolsigizlphing henéingn of vémwingn for patented cues. ' }T,}`us¥¢1dy of ooIlec¤o¤i._ot ewlvrlasoxpcmtipn. __ ·_ `;»._ vommissiou to select Patent- 0§ce models for presogvation and. ` yoxhilsitloll; expenses; reoort to Congress. — ' 1?'•_ Illsbszrseahetlts for Patent 0&¢p. v - ‘ ‘ zu. Aomml report of oommissionero . Section 1. shall bea in the De ttméut · ol. immxueraje 8H‘_BE(*B lmowa as the Patent QMce, here all

·€·¢·o¤··!»=, Books, models, drawings, specimzatlozzs, · _ ud` other
:s :—ua§l thingsjpermlulnig to patents- shall be y kept and

-;e··~<·»rx·e<l. (R. S.- S 475;·Felx 14,,1903, ci E 5 t. _. 2. Oflicers and employees.-4·’1fhere shall be ln the Patent j#;i2···¤· a_ C··:1gmissloher of Patents; one mst iassistsno com¢· · mssiomrr, one assistant commissioner; Kim Eve. examiners in _¢·§zie·!`, who shall be ammlnted by. the I’re¤deot,- »_by and with

2..- zyllvim and consent of the Senate. The first awistaut comm.~$om·:rga:1d the assistant commissioner shall perfoxjm sueh ·

<1mi¤·e¢ p<·rt:1inix1g to the 0Qce of commissioner as may · ¤—~»1;soo¤1 ro them,!'€S§l6C{lV£1y,.fl*Qlll time to-tlxmrby tho_Com·‘ o.;»~i.»¤s»;· of Pateuts. ‘ 411 OIh£1'¥0@€€¥8, clerks, and employees

·:1lwri2ed—by law for 'thé 0Qto shall be nwciuted by the·z;;r;· of Commerce · upon the nomination of the Coml1f§:<#;Hll€l' of Patents. 1(R; S. S5 476, 477; 14,1903. C. 552. > I2, Stat. KX); M;of4,'1909,~c. 297, S 1, 35 Stat. 891;’·lll¤¢ 27; 1;*141, lr. 292 § 1, 36.Stat. 514; Feb!. 15,.19lg €. 22, H 1, 2. sm. S-; May 19, 1916, c. 117, l 1, 39 Stat. 101; May 3, 19%. a:..·l%i2,43Stat.§,) l , l` ', , 3.;Seal.———-The seal pwvlakd for the Patent 0&co`prior to Jul? 5*. lt<•9,.#sl1al1»be tlxe smliof the o&ee, with which l£:¥e1‘S.Dét&¤t A;1m.1_;»::;>ers assucd {rom the o§<;eshall besuthentica od. l (R. S. s Us.) , 2 , e _ “ ·l· Restnotaons o¤·o§oe1-s and emyloycu of P•tc¤t.0B¢¢ as lf? liiliiféd —0&oers.a1.1d`emp1oyeeS of the Potent . llfloge slmllbe megpamo, during theipertml for whisclx they hold 1,is~·lr, s{•pomm;.ems, to acquire or take, directlyi or iudiréétly, "?~¥‘¥‘l9lQQl1§' iuherimugg or mgmt, guy!'l@1{“l9f i11t€l'¥st'Iil‘&H¥ ' 1·¤¤;s·ut·issued‘by.tke ”( =. if §,4®.) “I . 1 `·é>·,Bmds of ca and chief clerk.-—··Tl1e_C0txi1ll1i$· _-;·»¤er or 1;’.oten1;g··a5§ me » clerk, who smll be qualified

  • 1**. set as ·a prludpql ~ 4.1%; hetero feotmisg upoo their

i»?j,~1es, slgall severally give e ew with suretlog, tg the Trggfgugegi

 lilo {exalted, States, the fo; s o in the sum ot $10.000, Hill} V

kl ilottiér lu the sumlof $5,G()0,‘cou4lLtlo11ed for thé`faftl1f1,l_l, i ,*4 imfge of, their respeetgivo duties, and that they shall EDGE? · T; if Gsoersllkcmnuug a trwseeoont ofsll money .. toned virtue of their {H., S. I 479; Mar. 4, 1909, ¢. ..*97, { 1, 35 Sth!. @1.) _ `

APATENTH §§ l-13 -PATENTS Cnapm _ See. 2. Pasrrwrs . - ... -- .,,, - .,, .,. ,_.,. ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, 31 6. Dntiu of ce¤missiener.—The Commiresioner ei Patents, under the directien et the Secretary et Commerce, shall superintend er, perform all duties respecting the granting and issulng of patents directed by law; gud he null have charge ct all hewn, records, papers, models, machines, and other mlm belonmng tb the Patent 03ee. He subject; to the swims! of the Secretary of Gemmerce, fren: M to time establish regulations, net incenmuent with lqw, for the c0n· dmt of pméeedLnm`in the Patent Omee. (R. 8. if 481, 483; Feb. 14, 19®,‘c-552, { 12, 32 Stat. 830.) · 7. of answers in d¤¢f.——The cumi& in chiei shall be param ct eompebwt legal wwkedm und seimtiic ability, whose duty fit shall be, on the writtm petition et the appe§,pt, to revise gud determine npem tm validity nt the adverse decisions of examiners upon nppliations ter patents, and for reissmp; patenu, and in intertermez cam; and, when required-by the. imener, they shall hmr and report upon claims- for eitensiens, and perform meh other like duties as he my assign them. (R. S. S QQ.) _ V 10. Libriry.—'1‘here shall be pnrchgsed fer tlée use of the `Pntent Omce an ltbriry of euéli $&enti& worm ami mlediealez both foreign and Lnaérieanyns may aid the c&cem in the discharge at their duties, net exeeediu the smnnt annnslly appropriated for thet (R. S. i 486.) `_ ` `ll. Patent agents cznattérneys; mln and fer;

 or exelwma fren   Cmmiwener et

Patents, subject in the approval of the Secretary of Cemmerée, may . prescribe rules Anand rwulntionn . governing they recognition of l agents, attorneys, or other persons repxwenting npplicnnts er; other before his enleel and may required .91* such persons, agents, or nttnrneys; before being reexnized as repnmentativeé nz - npplimnts er other that they shall show that are ot good moral character and in good lrepute, are of the qnalinestium to enable. » them to. render to nppliennts or other persons valna& service, 'and are likewise eeznpetent to advise and and applicants 051* other pereomn in the presentation or prosecution of their appllmtionn ur ether business before the cmce. ‘ stoner nt Patents l may, after netlee and o@rt¤ni?ty tier n _ baring, suspend er exclude, either genernlljr or ln any particn- _ `lnrl mee, from further . practice betere rms emee any person, agent. or attorney shown te be incompetent dr ‘·epntgble,— or guilty of '§I'(£S_ Qmisenndnct, nr whe refuses to comply- with the slid mlm and regulations, 0: who shall. with intent- to _ ckfrnnd in any manner, deceive, mislead, er threaten any·ippli¢ cant qr prospective npplimnt, or other person hnving i·mnxediate m' prespéctiye before `the"” 0&ce, by ward, cir+ .-cular, letter, er by nd_verdntng. The reasons for any such ` suspension or exclnsion· shall be duly recerded. The notion of the commissioner may he reviewed upon the petition et. the person ne refused reemnitlnn or no suspended or excluded . by the A Supreme Court ot the District or _ Columbia under such conditions- and upon such proceedings as the said ceurtgrnny bjr its rules Ydetermine. (R, S. _§` 487; Feb. QS, 1922, c. 58, §= 3;42StatQ3®0.)_ · A r e ._ n 12; Printing nf papers hlcd.-——Th`e Commissioner at Patents may require all www med in the Pntknt ()§ce. if net cer-_ rectly, lwlbly. and clearly written, to be printed at the crest of the pnrty Kling them. (R. S. § 488.) ’ ‘ j 1& `Printing. of china, laws, decisicnsr-——The C0mrnlssinner 0{ Patents méy print; or° cause te be . printed, copies ct