Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1303

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.1% neu w.-=-memo eezwzm for the Navy ·Dem.rtme¤t and Wu Dwrtmeut in Peteuuc perk west ctsereetemth- seeth ei B me tm·m·vtm·y temyeruy e t:ut1d1@_ei the type erected an Hary‘1’u·t, an lecntediiu Park (earth) between FuHl'·&@··l*hl]I ned —§x& 8t1·& and seutli ei Ave? nm eee em located eu the Mall betwem Sevmth and Ninth . streets am B §etreefew·th»•¤d B Street seeth, and the_tt¤·ee· `etorytempenry e&ee et·rdut lin Seaton Park (south) between Feur—a¤d·n-hal! and Sixth Streets and wth ct Mum Avenue dull be uma thelmpervipieu and dueeem er the me eu·e¢m.’ (Mu. @,,1918, e. za, t Y1, 40 stat 4@;I\me·4,1918, c. .92..40 Stat. 698;_Feb. 26, 1925, em, §2,·w_s:¤t.¤&.>* , f _ .— >· 12. Care, n•i¤t etc., K hteriby Departmeut, "Pmdei Q§ee,P•&0E¤e,udG%·d_Lad@¤ehildi¤gs.—Tbe respeeéieility m este, und ptjetectieut et the Interior ¤ep•¤@r_e¤¥¤i¤t, the re@ me- Pemt (wen 81111618:, and Lind Building, iucleuiui ® lishtiw plant therdu, and me ‘d¤¤w t?e¢ meroprlstétkretor, tegether with aB md puvulies used, or fer tum, in eemzectieu therewith, is 't1‘&B8f¢1'l’€d· to' Dixeeter et Public md Public Pub at the Nattouat .nC.¤pitg!. (May 24, 1%,gc. 199, 42 Stat. Feb. 26, 1925, c.%,°$|`1,_6,4&-8¤t.®.)—· — • . ·· _ _ 13. Care, etc., of of I@ce butle- ._ ings.--me rwpeueibiiitj for the mintexmnee, md pro-" tecttw of the bui& er but1 -¤e¤¤p;e¤’by_t§e· n t e£J&ei¤&eDtm*tctc!Ge1mN8n¤dthedieb t of the fseek &%er, with. ell theimiehtnery, ‘euuiment,·•ed. or toruse, incmmctieu wethe-Director ot·Publ1e Buildings gm Pebtie Perks efthe‘Nnt1¤m1 Gepim. (Feb. 13,

  • 19%, c. 72, 42 Stet. 1%; Fw. 26,.1Q5,;_c. 339, SS 1;q6, 43 Stet.
  • 14,-Cqe, ¢t¢.,~¤¤§(—,D¢DIl'¢H& ¢foB¤t!'¤2·
  .=¤ M  ebitity. for- the   metntenemee, and

_~ et the by the De-

 qnd the
  • ¥ s“ *‘ ¥ ”‘?*—

813 ..2 . eee, .i¤= ccueeetieu mwewith, ia, to the Director et ·· and th Betiezxnl Capital. tm. is, lm-:. 12. 42 mat. 12&‘; F@.`&,·1m, e. swgtt 1-6, 48St{t._9$.) -- _ 15. Care, e ¢¢¢i» of Department of Labor `build-~ _‘ i¤ge.·—~The · :·es;wmbi1ity te: care,. memtmhuce, end' pnetee [$& of ui t _, Q! ey ce ij cei M ei Labor in ‘&e District ei Gcl¤i:hia1,M" the éismtsemeut et. the Jams tegether with ell the me- euiua·y,_-_tee1¤,' aud muwlies used, er for use, Ln ww e . 5 M- to the Director ot Public

 md Public Fett: at   Netimel Capitgl. (Feb. 13,

_ c. 72, @·8tat. 1@; Feb. 28, 1®5,_c.-339,H 1.-6, 43 Stat.

 16., Cpu,   etc., d 'l‘i·enury"Departmeut Amie:
 Director' at     and Putéltc Parks

et the meme mute ·eee me te; the cine, . .· n ~·= M ¤v e·* *».;.•e k is Trees- 1, uw F thent Annex e •tFem·tm¤th n§ed» ·B etnets- wrthvut, ioeeted at wee- [teenth F Steam Ocx.Bui1d&,‘1oentm et 1769 New {eek i§ in dt; ot Wasuq ms. m`¢ · e~= and any F! fer, pevplies

G8, PROPERTY, AND WORK§.. § 22 i ww, cr for use, in c0nmcti¤¤x1.therewith, is `trmmerred from gthe Secretary qt the Treasury to said director. (Apr. 4, 1924, _ }c. $4,_Title} I, 43 Stat. 66; Feb. 26,, 1925, ·c. 339, §§ 1-6, 43” -Btat.@3.) _ Q _` ‘ ‘ * _. _ 17. Care, maintenance, etc.,} ¢f Civil Service Commission buildiagk-—The responsibility for the care, m1aint@ance, and protection of the building 61"bl1udiIl@ occupied. by -_the Civil

 Gommiwonj in, tlge District ot Columbia and the disbursement of the fundé appmm·iatcd’ tmretor, together with

all the »machinéry,_.to0ls;· equipment, and" sxxpplies used, or tor? ug, in`. connection therewith, is transferred from the United States 011*11 $¤vica Commission tp tk- Director, of fubhc Building; and Public Parks of the Nattéml- caplun. i (Feb. 18, 1923,1:. 72, 42 Stat. 1249; Feb. 26; 1925, c. @9, ‘§§ 1—6Q 43 StatJ`9@.) 1_..‘ · _ ” T18. Care, nainteaanwq, ctc., of Interstate Canmerce (ldi-

   wcnéibilityy my the C8l’€,! maintengnbe. and prétection qt   building gr buildihg cccupkd

Hy the 1¤tarstgt¤Y_Q0&:¢etQommim¤u ih the of Columbia gud the disbursement of the funds a;£f>m·priat& therefor, together with all the machiueryptcolz; équipméixt, and suppliesi used; qt for uh¢,_ in `connection thetewith, fis innsterred hom the Interstate Co@i¤q¤ to the Director Public Buildim sud Public Parks pt the Nation;] l Capital. (Feb. 13, 1923, Qc, 72, 42 Stat. 1240; Feb. M, 19%, l'c. 839, ${1-6, 43 Stab 9&;) . · _ _ . Vi 19. Director to: -havc`·chsrgé- of p¤bHc béhgs sm

daQ—-·The mid Director or Publi; Buildings and Public

f Pdrks shall also havé charge of all other public builgling gud grounds in the"`DiSt1’ict- tif Columbia, tméer such mgulgtiom as _ may be_ prescribed by the Prwideut, thrwgh the Wai Department, except those buiI<H@ xml grqtmdg which are othéry wise prqvidéd forby law; and whenpit shall be` ma® ·t0_apQ pear to `the said élirector, dr to the_cmce1*`1mder` his éirectian V linijng immediate charge of mid public buildings; md g}mmds,· _ that any person or gbefsons ig in pcggupntion at my p0rtidn·0f·@id public lands, ur me mmm ¤¢ Onlmbiag 1: ,shalrbé the dutyof said cwccgr in; charge » 0! miami: 1‘ they marshal of the -District of Calsmbla in writting of I meh Q uulgwful éccupatiou, pid the said marshal shall thereupon "cuuse; the s&id_trespasser_o—r to be wiki lauclgsg and shall restore posswn of the same so .thé' amcek cllérged by law with the custody the;·e0f.— (RQ SL {1797; Am-; m, 1992,'c. umm sm.»1¤2; ¤·¤¤.‘f2s, 19%; s 3,

  1. 43 sm. mq) - -  » .\ . - t

t — 20. of ,clilrect¤;.-—=Hs- skull annually subrixit to the Secretary bt. Wa:.-m time to accompany the annual message ° ot the Preédent to Congress, a repo? of his `cperatigms. for the . paieceding yehr, with és account of the manner in which all sppropriatimxs for public buildings and grounds Jiave been _· »a,pplied,__i¤cludin"§ a' Statement of thé_Il\1¤i®1‘ at public lots sold, or fémainiug unsold eagh yearn of thé csmditjon of tlme _ public buildings and gr§m1ds,,anQ·d1' the nxieasums necessary _ to be taken for the cme and preservation pt all pttblic property under his charge; (R. S. I 1812.) `· — , · U j

 21. Mannfactnmiaml sale of icc, clgctridty, md steam te ·

executive departments and ind¢md~¢~nt—`e¤tnblis'la¤mtents.-g——The Director ct Public Builclings. mad Pnblic Parks, ·i.s suth<»rizéd` to manufacture" and sell at cost to the cmqutive depgrtnwnts md independent mtablishnicnts of the 'Goverhmmt émqh quégp- ·t1tles of `icg, eléctricity, sud steam nsnhe may be able tp mamv fncture 01* _ gen§r¤te_ with the; equipment that is available in the buildings under his supervlsipxgl '. (May 24;- 1922, c. 199, 42 · . Cexgtfal heating,. lighting, and powcg plm1t.———-»'J;‘he _S@<t·x·gy CM'! ot ·th¢‘Treasm·y is authorized and directed. gp._furnisl1· .héit,.li@t, and povwt from the central heating, lighting; and. \