Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/148

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§ 140 1 111.1; sé.·~~—.·ll,l.II§N.S n of tho Fnitml Smévs, For m·<—ry villlntimzl of the provisions] §ll=l*¢—•»f mv pvlisml 2‘§¤l:llim;* tho $221110 may lie Dl'():$P(flll€(`l in a ziriminlzi avtiml for :2 rslisllmximxmr, amion cmrviction tlxcrécfl »ei1:lll liv gmnishod by a mm of $l.lll)0, ur by imprisomnent for a l §i?l°§ll of not loss Num sir; months nur ismre than two years; and llllilt‘l` oillwr the civil or the criminal pmc·0durc mentioned sepamll~ snails or`;>re>”sec11ti·>nS may he lxrougzht for each alien illus E eli’f”<~r0<l or ])l‘0illlS(‘{l <·mpl0yn1011t as afore5z1i<l. Tha, Depart-_` mom of Jusxice, with the approval of the Dep:u·t-ment of'Lz1b0r. maj? fl`l3§ll.Illl}' finns or penalties I`(¥CE’l"»'(‘iI ]l{'l}’.1`(‘W{l‘T(lS to pct-.; xmas otlavr than (lm·ern1i10nt c~n1plr»ye—es who may furnisln infor- { iamiiml lozlding to th? recovery of any sukrh pqnalfies, or to the

°::·r<·st ::1141 pxmislinmimt offany person, as in this section ;ir0#{

vid¤·d. (Feb. 1917, c. 29, § 5; 39 Stat. 879.) l `_ l 140. Same; rcwa:l·d` to iHformer.—The Secretary of- I.ab0r is amlwri;:m1 to pay td an informér who furnishes original infor- mlltimn that Section 139 prcc0df11g has been violated suchla l slime of the penalties recovered asllie-‘n1ay deem rcaslqiiablel

mgl just. not cxéeeding *50 per égntum, wlxcré it. appears that

the re¢·m·ery was had in c0nse>quence_0,f thy l!!foI`ll12itl()H'll.ll1Sl furnisl1<>~d. ‘ (Oct. 19, 1_88R;rc. '1210,.§ 1,_25 Staf.` 5li6_; Apr. 28,_1 lim}, Not 34,` 32-l Stat. 591.) l l . l [ l 141. Contracts for labor or service of aligns, previous to iuiportaticn, v0l¢l.e—All contracts 1'l1"2l§lYB€lll01ll[S, express' url implied, para}; or special. whiqh lllfl_\:1}lIlHllQ by and between any" pérson; coinpany; p:u·t.ncrsl1ip,, or- corporation, and any l f<>reign<>r_ or foreigners, alien- or aliens; to perform labor O1‘ service? or l1a`vi»ng reference ‘t0.—thé ]l&‘l'ff)l‘ll1li}l('C of labor orl ” servic-e by any psréonl in the United States, its Tcrritorks, or the District of·_ Columbia previous to {11.9 n1`igratim1 or iruporta- l tim: of {hc porsqn.m·` persons whose -l:ah0r or gprvicé {S can-"Q lmcted, fdr into {hc Yniteml 'Statm, shall be. nttcrly void and of no (-Toot. (Feb. 26, 1885, c. 164. 2Q 23 Stat. 332,) T l V1 142. Advertisements af Vcntployment ta aliens, etc.5—It-slmll l•Q.ll§ll:l\'Vf\1l and be (lQ(Pl1l€(1 a violation ot. section 139 of this { title t0induc0,·a·ssist,‘g-m·o11rag0, or s0li<·it,.0r atte·mpt.lt0 llldllC£‘§"% assist. encourage, or srxlivxit, any alien to ccsnmc into the Unitéll States by ._ promise of. employment through advertisements l prinlo:l,_ pul>li»;lléd.' onnclizstributcel in any forérn Vc0u1itry,i whether such promise is true. br false, and either the grivil.· or l criminal penalty-or both imposed by _°s:1i<l se·r·tion~ shall be {l[|;)li(t2l}lG»{0 such :1 ruse.- (Full. ·5,»_ 1917, b. 29,j§ 6,,39* Stat. 879.).*. . l , l '__' · · . `., r °143. Solicitation of immigration_by·_ transportation companicsQ———1t ‘shall_ be unl-awful fur any person. nssuciationj society, company, partnérship,} corporation, ·0r others cngagqmli in tlw_l•m;i1ws$ of transporting; aliens fo ar within the United Bfatés, including owners, masters, cillccrs, and agents ofvcsQ sells, directly or indirectly, by writing, printing, nral reprvscnia-‘ {lon, payment of iillY;CQ1¥\ll1iSSi0llS· to an alien `cuniingv intra the llfnitod Statcé, allowance 015 alxyrcbatcé t0‘gu alien c0n1ing·int0 the United States, or otherwise, to solicit, innvitc, or encourage or attempt tcsolicit, invite, or enconragc, any alién to come into they United States, and anyone violating any provision heréofy shall be subject to either the civil br the "crinnlnal. prosccnntirwu} _0r lmth, prescribed by section 139 df this `tlflc; or if it shall appear to the sutisfactian of the Sccx·ctary_¤f· Lalmrlhat any owner, master, iofliccr, or agent of a yéssel has 'brought. or caused to be brought to a portlof the! United Statesl any alien. _s0 s-ul"iclt¢—d,‘ invimc·d,___ or omnuuraigeml to c0n1é,l»y suvh owner, lllIlSl€!‘,·(IH`lC€!‘, or- zlgvlll, >=u•·h..ownct, mastcr,`0iil<eer, or agent shall pay for the collector of custonls of the,c·ué=x0ms district in which the port. of arrival is lbcatul, qi in vghlvh any-vessel of gtlm line may bc fo\l·ll(l,.lll(§_S\llll·“ of $400. for each alml”cv`cry snvh AVl0l2lfiQll§ and no ycsscl shall be Lgrantéd rlqarancc peml-l ing {hq tlctcrnnlnution of the question _0f the llalvilily toi the` paymmnt n.l;iS\l(lll_·llll0Q or while tlaqlline iniposod re-mains `unpaiil, npr shall smh Hue be relxuittcd or refumléd; but rlearauce

em'!) CITlZE2\'SIIIP G lol [ may he granted prior to the dvtcrmianatlaa of aazrln Q2a»ahti·»·i

 }]p(;\]l   (]Cp(}Sit \Yith the coiigctor Of custolns Hf 21 SIHH guilix
 cient to cover such fine, \Vheaever it shall he ahown to ali

S satisfactionof the Secretary of Labor that the provisions nl thin

section arc persistently violated hy or on behalf of any trxur
 portation company, it Shall he the duty af Said Secretglw AM
 deny to such company the privilege of landing alien inxuuiuoraalg

_ l):[SS(`!llg€]'S Ofjllly or all (‘]3S$€?T5 at St§t€$ ptr)I`tS fi)? S'l|*§§ a period as in his jutlgment may he necessary to insure em obs<·rv:1nc·e<·h provi_sions;.. This section shall not he lull ' to prevent transportation companies from issuing letters, my _<*ulars, or advcrtisennents, confined strictly to statinglthe sailing of their vessels and terms and facilitiea of tra·nspartati.>;§ therein. Under this sezetion and sections l39 and 142 of ttm. title it shall be presumed from the faot that any person}t·•»m. pany, partnership, corporation, association, or society inelm·¤~e_, assist, encourages, solicits, or invites, or attempts to ~lnd»m—, assist, encourage, solicit, or invite, the importation, rni_grati¤»a, or coming of an alien from a country foreign to the·}Enin··l States th_at the offender had knowledge of such pm.»u·Se alit»u· ago. (Feb; 5, 1917, c._ 29, §V 7, 39 Stat. 879.) ‘ t · T l 144. Bringing in-or harboring or concealing certain-aliens.— _ Anypg~rson, incl4ulin·;: the master, agent; owner, or ce»n1signe{».as any i·esscl·, whonsball bringi into. or land in the`United States, by vessel or otherwise, or shall attempt, byhimself or thromgh another, to l>ring__i11to_or land_in the Unite¢l·States, by vessel or otl1erwise._0r shall conceal or harbor or attempt to <¥og4·¢·al or harbor, or aggist or ahot another to conceal or·harl»or, in any placey inc·lu<lii1;:; any l»ui—l¢lin;:,`ve»<sel, railway tar, ¢·onv¢·;,·- auch. or velnicle, any alien not dulyadmittet} hy an ixnnnigrznxxt inepector or not lawfully entitled. to enter or tomcside within the United States; shall be deemed guilty of a nniselenneamni and upon conviction ‘tliqa)eof shall be punished hy zi Env not exvoeeling :.*32,000 aud»`h§· imprisonment for a_ term not exe·e<·¤l— ingifivo years for Qeaoh and every alien so lauded or brouulzt vii: or"attem’pted to he lajrdcd or brought in. `( Feb. 5, 1917, li 29, § S, 3!l‘Stat. S80;) — · · `. · _ _ · ‘- 1 145; Bringing in aliens subject to disability, ofatllictcd wilh ` diseas¢.eIt `shall be unlawful for any person, including any , . transportation company other thanrailivay linesentering the United ·States‘fro'm foreig:11 conti;mous territory.- `or the owner. master, agent, ...· noarvcnnsignee of any`voSsel, to bringlto Quo Uaitvel stares either fro1n‘a foreign country or any insulaf pbsses>ion of the United States any alienfanliotedl. with >i¢lloc$ insanity; .imbecility,_ feehleeirninndednneast epilepsy, t constitntionalx payohopathic‘ inferiority, ·chronic alcoholism,tuberculosis in any form. or at loaithsome or dangerous coutagio11s¢§iséai§e{·anli/tf it shall appear to. the satisfaction offthe Beer tary of that any alien so l»r0ught°to` the Unitecl Stat, Rvas a&llcte¢l with any a the said diseases or,_g;i\sabiliti_ea Qt./ttné time ot fareignrexn- Ylnarlgation,_a11¢l?tl1at?trlle oxistemo"e“ { such engage or édisalnlity Nmight have 'been“"tIe¢ted _-by means of a competent ‘me¢ll<·:¤|

 examination   auch ime, such person or transports¤fion,_o<>znn-`

Wpanyyor the nrastler, agent,. owner, or eonsigneéyoi any `su<·h‘_ · a__.vcsSél, shall payfto the collector. of customsl ot the customs di<-l `trictln which the port ’o(°arriv_a`l islocated the sum of $1,000; and in aelditiona sum equal to that paid by sneh alien forhik transportation from the initial point of departure, imlicatall iu his tloket; to the port of arrival, for eaeh and_every__vi.olati•»ll = of the provisionsof this s0ction,.such latter Sum to he deliveml . by the collector of customs to theialien on $V]l0SQ·!lCC0lllllQ :1s;` sessed. It shall also be unlawful for any such person to vbriug a to any`·p0rt- of the Uniteel States any alien afflicted with any mental defect other than those above spcciH(:a}ly named; or physical defect of ia nature which may affect hist al_»ilit_y\_t¤>i earn. a living,° as coutemplated· in section 136 of- this title. »aml;’ if it Sllaltl appear to the satisfaetion of ·theW$ecreta`ry of L:1|M¥1’ that any alien so brought to the United states was soaratllivtecl