Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1521

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Iggecxxd. A- lite buoy shall mtlsfy the following conditions: `(a) It shall be of solid cork·or any other equiyalent matérfal; ·` _ (by Iii shall bc capable ct supporting l ln {rash water Kfqr , megty-cdr hours at least thirty-one pcuncls _¤voirdi1pqis or ·7 H. t · _ - ,; A ·_ I · I I mllite Buoys Hlled with rushes, cmzk shavlngs, O1', granulated ‘ Ggrk, ey my other loose gra1mlgted material, GfWh0S¢,bl1(ly&l1€y L depends ixpcu air compartments which · require to be§1¤!1atéd," are prohibited,. , . , I ‘ ‘— . - Third. The minimum` number at life; buoys with `which, veg- . gvls are tc be pmvidedis Hked ds, follows; I ·_ , _ JI ` `Vesséls under one hundred feet in length, minimum ·_ number of bucys, twd; lvesselé Que hundred feet; '&I1d` less than twohundred feet in len‘h, minimum number of bucys, .foui·, of wllich two shall bc, luminous ; vessels two hundred feét 1 and _ less than three hundred feet in length, minimum nunibér dt l~%ml,ys, six, at which two shall be luminous; vessels three himgm} fecit and lessgthan fqur hundred ieet ih length, minimum mmiger of bxmys, -twelve,—¤f which four glzgall be luminous; l v<»$=se#·ls four hundred feet and ms Elisa- six hundred fget‘ ig length, minimhm number bt buoys, eighteen, of which nine . shall be lumigmis; vgssels sixhnndred iectmid less than eight 1 hacked Met in length, minimum nuhaber of bucys, twenty- · {em; at which twélve shall be luminous; éesséls eight hundred feat gm} vger in length, pinlmué number ot buoys, thirty, {lf which Afteeut, shall §e·1umin0u§.» » ‘ » " Fourth. All the lmoys shall be hated with béckets sectimlv

 Where two buoyé only are carried, one shall be Htted

with ·a life line at least fiftecn fathoms in length, and where _¤mz·e that two btxoys are carried, at least cné may on each side shgll 5c Htteil with n life line ot at least hftgen fathémss A in , léugth. A‘1‘ha» lights 4 16.11 be a_$cient selfdgniting lights gv1zi<:l1 can nat he extingumlled in water and they shall bé kept near the lmoys to, www they-belong, with the uecwsary menus ‘ cf attachment _ · · · . Q Fifth. All the lite lmoys and llfejabkets shall be so placgd $?m M feadily accewible to the: persons on board; their post-· _, on shallm plalply indicated so as t0_ be known tc_ the par-, sms concerned. · ,_ - A — i The lite bucys shall always be capable 91 ° beingtltapidly, cast ` .,1»m>se,_ and shall not be permanently pecured in any way. The · <>wne;· ct any vessel. wha nmlects cr, refuses to prqnyldq uml equip his vesgel with such llfebcats, Hosts, rafts, life preservem, Killa-carrying pxcjectlles, mnt! the mmm at propellihg, them, {mags, pumps, cr other npplldncm, ng im xjequired under the t pmvisions cf? this. section, ac: under the wulaticms of the Bcmrd cyf S_;:pez·vitsl ng I¤,@ctcrs, appmved by thé Sgcmtary ct Com-‘ mcrce, mxthqrigekl · by and made pumuant hereto, lshsll be lined gmt las; thm. $590, nor more than $5,000, and qvéryw . master of a vessel who shall tall to aqmply with me requirements bt this secttcm and the regulations of the Bdnrcl of Supervising Inspe.~ctm·¤,· appmvzd _ by the §ecretary- at Com-· meme, autlmrlzetglrby and mndé pursuant bemté, glmlll upén l camictlma be, Quad not lem than, $50,’ hor, mdre than $500. £$.?`S. { Mar. 2, .18&, c. 4,15,] _1, t% St8C.·1012§'M&’!. 3, 1965, 1454, 5 3, ,%t·Btat. .1024; Md:. 4, 1915, ke. .153, It 14,* , B$'Stat. 1170*; Jam 1916, c. 141, W But, 2.24.) ‘ ‘ »— ` 482., Water-»td;ht_ in lake steamarn carrying passgn‘g¤—g.-@-Every magma; ste§m¤r,a.¤d every stauxer navigatmg _ the lgmqt nartmm cr nmjthwuhmn lgkm fpsssengezs, the. building bt vghldm jhall pe # · ¢ ,; · ‘ after the @$31 da! ¤!_ A¤g·uat,s1371, mt bumwlaa, mn quxxlnmaa m with no em mm am ml mgxg- _dmked· otherwise `to thy dmk next belcw tlgé main deck: to, bdmndo qi XHD9}1 mitgblp

 `work`} md to be pmperly secured in   of the     ,'1%é

Désltsion · of mach bulkhudg md the of matsérlal of which the same shall bh mnstructw shall b§`det.érmined “b,y

mr1>me j, ~ — · · — ~a§~487—

the gneral rnles otthe Board ef-Supervising Inspectors. (R. S. 6 § 4490; Feb. 27, 1877, c. @,· § 1, 19 Stat. 252.) K ’ ,,483. Water-ti ght bulklgeads _ not 6 requiked an certain stéamei*s.——Stearn vessels of one ‘hund1*éd'tens bnfden or Ender, engagedln the boastwise bays, and. harbors et the United States, may he licensed by the United States local inspectors ei steam yeesels tb cayry passengers or excemessaes the ecean or upon the Great Lakes of the North or Northwest, not exceeding ht-· teen miles {fen; the mouth _ of such bays er halfbers, without being to 'have the three wate}-tight cress bulkheads provided by the preceding section 10: other passenger steamers: Prcviidcd, That in the _1¤<1gI¤ent bf the local inspector each steamers shall be safeand suitable fer such navigation without danger to human -llIe,·and that they shall hate one water-tight collisikm bulkhead not lwstthan tive. feet abaft the stem et said steamer. 6- (.Tuly`·9, 1886, cg. 755,- 5 3," 24 Stat. 129.) ~ _ ‘ ° 484. Radie·cnmmnnicatien‘ apparatus.-It shall be nnlawfnl for any steamer of the Unite:} States er of any foreign cenntry navigating the or Great Lakw and licensed te carry, or carrying, fifty or more pers0ns,Yinclnding.passengers or crew oribcth, tot leave er attempt te. leave any port of the United . States unless such steamer shall be equipped with an emcient apparatus for rndie communication, in- good working erder, capable of `tranemltting and receiving messages eve:. a distance ` of at least one hundred miles, hy or night. anxiliafy · power` stx_ppLv,' independent ef. the vesselfs main electric power plant, must be provided which will enable the sending set for at least {cnr hears to send messages ever a' distance et at least one hundred miles, day en night, .and e$cient eemmnnieatien ( between the operator in thd radio mem and the bridge shall be maintalnedatalldmes._ f .— `_ _· ,» The radio equipment nmst be in charge of twe er more per- ' gens s§lle<l in the use et such apparatus, one er, the ether et ” whom shall be en. duty at all Hmm while the vessel la being navlgated. Shah equ§pmmt,.qperate1—st the regulation et tlxir watches, ssexne transxniaien and receipt of manages,. exeept as may be rmulated by law er international agreement,. shall. be under the éontml et the master}, in the case et a vessel et the United States ;. and eve!} willful failure en the et ~ the

 1:0* enfefee at sea Tthe pfeylsiena ee this paragraph as

to peqnlpmmt. operators, and watches shall subject nlm in a penaltref $100. · ‘ ··; L _ . _" ” . The proiisions of this sectfen shall net. apply to steamers pliing betwem wits, ot places,. less than twe hundred miles f apart. i (June 24, 191]), 9. 879, Q _1, 86 Stat. 6%; July 23, 1912. @250.}.1,87 Btat.199.)°~' Y . " 485.. Reqnlxemhnts as te ¢&c leney of rndie apparatas.—-——-Fez- _ the purpose of `aections 484. 486} and 487— apparatus fer radlee cemmtlnléatinn not be deemm te ne emcient unless the ‘ . · eompany installing it shall contract ln. writing te exchange, and .shall,- in tant, exchange, as t far as may be physically prac-6 ticahle. tp be gletermineél by the master. of the veesn. messages [with ashore. or ship statlens using other systems of itaclie commnnleatlen. (June 24; 1910, c.—S79, l 2, 86 Stat. @0.) `·

  • 486. Penalty for violating prevlsiens as te a tulle appara-;

tas;. separate efenses.-—·-·Tha master er 'ether persen being in charge of such vessel which leaves or attenipts to lease any. port et the United States in vielatien of any egfp the previstas d sections 484, 485, and §"{__p_sha1l, upon henvicticm, _ benneq in a. mm more than $5,000} and enysnch une i. lien span mich l and such vessel may lie llbeled therefor. ln any .dlst;·iet court ot the United States within the jnriweden at which auch vessel shall arrive or Elepart, and the `lemving or stcempuslg te leave each and every port at the United'? States shall constitute a separate emense. (June`24, 1910, e. 879. { 6,;86 Stat. @0.) a § e . ` 487, Regulitlenn as in radio appa;·atus.—-—JI‘he· Secretary at Commune {shall xnake such regulations as may be necessary