Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1586

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§ 166 TITLE 48.-TERRITORIES . report to the governor in writing the length of the term, the wages`paid the teacher, the number of- pupils in attendance, and the average daily attendance during the term. (Jan. 27, 1905, c. 277, § 6, 33·Stat. 619.) · . 166. School districts outside incorporated tovvns; duty of clerk of district conrt; election.-Phe clerk of the district court ehall have the power, and it shall be his duty, in the division to which he is appointed and in which he resides, upon petition as hereinafter specihéd`, to establish by order Qin writing a school district at any camp, village, or settlement outside ot thelimits of any incorporated town, but snch `schooljdistrict ehall not `embrace more than forty Bsguare miles _0f territory nor contain less than twenty resident white children. between the ages of six and twenty yearn. The. eaidypetition shall specify as near as maybe thelocation and boundary of the proposed school- district, the number °of_‘pe0ple,_ the number of families, and the number oth children between the ages of aix and twenty years, resident therein, and ,such other material facts as tendto show the necessitytor the establishment of the school district. Said petition shall_ be signed by not less than twelve persons of adult age who are citizens of the United States or have declared thelrlntention to become. such and who reside, within the boundaries of the proposed school district. If the clerk of the court is satisfied that it is necessary and proper to grant such petition, he shall make an order in writing establishing the schooldlstrict prayed ·£0r,_ describing the same and defining its boundaries, and he shall also in said order appoint three ot the petitioners to `supervise and give V notice ot the Bret election, and Shall apeclfywhe time and place of theisame. The original order shall remain on tile in the records ot the court, and a copy of thesame shall be? posted at three pnhllc places in the school district at least ten daye before the election, and auch posting shall be deemeda- sumeient notice et such election. All persona qualided to sign saldpetition shall be qualified to vote at said election. ( Jan. 27, 1905, oQ_ 277, 5 5, " 33 Stat. 617.) . ~ - - 167, Same; election of school aboard; powers and duties.--- The qualided voters otsald `school district shall at said election choose by a plurality vote a school- board of three members, consisting of a clerk, a treasurer, and a director, who shall, before entering- uponthe duties of their trust, eachtake an oath in writing to honorahly and faithfully discharge the duties of their emce. Incasel a vacancy in the membership 01 eaid beard occurs from death, resignation, removal, or other cause, auch [vaeaney may be dlled by a_ special election, upon ten days’ notice, called by the remaining members ot the `board upon the petltieu ot five quallded yoters. The; treasurer shall be the buetodian not the moneys ot .the school district, and he shall; before entering upon th`8 duties ‘ot, his omce, give his bond to the school disti·ldt,.wltl1 eumcseae sureties, to he approved by theclerk ol! the court,. and ln such snm as he may direct, but·not less than twice the amount ot `mpneythat may come into his handa as treasurer; conditioned- that he, the treasurer, will honestly`_and _!aithfnl1y‘dlahnrae and account rter all the money that may coxnednto his hands by virtue oi lniaeotflce. Said beard shall have the power to bnlld··or rent the neeeaeary schoolhouse or echcolroom, to equip the same with the necessary turnlture and nxturm, to provide fuel and light, to hire"and émpléy teachers, and in general to do and perform everything that may be necessary for the‘2m`alntenance of a. public, School. The members of said board shall `held omce for the term et one year and until their successors are elected and qnallned. An annual eleetlen shall be aheld· each year, after the hrst election, for the election or members `et » said board. Aa seen as themembersd ofaald scheol board have been elected and `quallded; they shall send to the clerk of the pom-t and me in his omce a c~ertltl§:ate‘ of {their election under ·the hand and seal bf the judges or supervisors of eleétion, their oaths ot omée, and the bond ot the trwrer, and the

no wsvnazz rossasszozvs 1572 clerk of the court shall Hle said papers and carefully keep them as a part of the tiles- and records of his-oillce, and .he.shall at once send to the Governor of the District of Alaska a certi- `iied copy of said papers,-together-witl1 a certified copy of the

 order establishing the school district, and me governor shall

. duly ii_le and preserve the same. Tl1e_ said board, as soon as » they hairecomplied with the requirements aforesaid, shall im- ._ mediately report in writing to the governor the number of e r children ln their. school district between the ages of six and

  • . twenty years thaf intend to attend a public school, andthe
wages per month for which a— teacher can `be obtained; and

· after`a’sc‘hoo1 has been opened and nmaintainedthey shall, at . the end of each school term, report to the governor in writing .· the length of the term, the wages paid the teacher, the total · number of pupils in attendance, and the daily average of such T attendance at such term. (Jan. 27, 1905, c. 277, § 5, 33 Stat.

1617.) " ‘· _ `.·

, 168._Governor to assign rproportion of Alaska fund.————Tlxe » governor shall assign and set apart to each school. district . established and organized under the provisions of sections 166 . and 167.0t this title a· sum, not less tl1an_$300 nor 'more than _ , l $1,000, in proportionto the number oi pupils in the district, for /_,/ , the construction and equipment ot a schoolhouse, .w_hich— sum L- shalllbe paidlby the·Secretary of the Treasury to the treasurer · of the school district upon the order and. voucher of the gover- »· nor outuot that portion ot the said Alaska fund set. apartfor . `the establishment and maintenance of- ptrhlic schools. The resi- > ,due of said portion or said fund, or so much thereof as may be » necessary, shall, by the governor be apportioned among the » several school 'distrlcts established under the provisions ot this > sectionln amoumesumcxesc for each district to pay the wages > of a teacher; together withthe expense ot fuel and llght, for r jive months’ school `in each__year. And the amounts so appor- L tidhed to each school district shall be paid to the treasurer of . the district by the Secretary of the Treasury upon the order. and voucher of the governor out of the said portionfot said ·` fund. (Jan. 27, 1905, c. 277, § 5, 33 Stat. 617.) I · , · _ 169. Same; education of children and Eskimos___a¤d·Indians.- · The `schools speclhed and providcdfor in sections 162, 163, 1Gfi · and 167 ot this title shall be devoted to the educatior1`<p£‘a·l»ite n chlldren and children of mixed blood who lead acivilged life. » The education of the Eskimos and Indians in Alaska will re- 5 main- under the direction and control of the Secretary f the ‘ Interior, and schools for and among the Esklmos and Indians L 0l!.A1aska shall be provided for by an annual appropriation. L and the Eskimo and Indian children of Alaska shall have the L same right to be admitted torany Indian boarding school as the l Indian children in the States- or Territories of the- United l States. (Jan. 27,1905, c. 277, § 7, 33 Stat. 619.) _ _ . · 1'l0.— Same; schools for white and colored children; appro- ‘ priations.·-—-'lihe Legislature of Alaska .is empowered to esmh=· · lishyand maintain schools for white and colored children and e children of mixed blood who lead a civilized llfe in said Ter- 1 ritory and to make appropriations of Territorlal funds for that F purpose. (Mar. 3; .1917, c. 167, 39 Stat. 1131.) ·

171{Sarne; assignments of pay hy teachers. and other

r employeese-·-··The Secretary ot the Interior ls‘_—authorized to l `perrnit teachers and other employees of the United `States`Bul reau of Educatloa employed in Alaska to rnake assigmnents of r their D8?. under such regulations as he may prescribe, during 4 such time-as theylnay bein. the employ of the Bureau of Eda·· = cation in Alaska; and the Secretary of the Interiorls further. L authorized, in his discretion, under snch ,¤`¢8¤¥ations as he may F prescribe, to relxnburse school teachers in Alaska for expenses ` e incurred by them ixrthe discharge of thér datim and paid from = their personal funds: _ (Mar, .21, 1906, No. 10, 34-Stat. @4.) ··»»»·\ ‘ . 172. Same; employeu aa aacclal poses o&oera.·—-···'I'he Att.or·· j _ .- any (general shall have power to appoint, in his discretion, any l person employed lh the Alaslra school service who may` be