Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1609

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1595 TITLE 48.--·TERRITORI1§S A2 , any time to ulter, amend, 01* fépééi &¢ti¤¤8 $11 U? 419. 421,423, and 461; tp 465 or this time or any wrt t?1Bl‘B0f;_ aud, the right or way herein and- hereby Qifthbfiiéd Shall mt be agsigned or mnskerrea in eey form whatever pricr tv the cvustructien ucl

 g;·gm;£eti0¤; of at leuét cme-fourth of the pmposed, mileage ot

” smh railroad, wagou road, ,0: `tmmwuy, as indicated by. the map u_ét"}1e¤uite,10@ti<>n, exeept by mortgages or other liens. A that may be given or secure:} thereeuto did in thecuuetruction `iHerect: Provided, That whew within ninety days aftéi: May 14,. " 1898, proc: ii made to the satisfaction ot the- Becfetary at the. 1utei·i0rYthat_ actual surveys, evidenced by designated monug ‘ · ments, were made,»€•.ud the Hue ·ot, a. railroad, wagon raged or

·amwey leeuted. thereby, or that actual construction was commenced on the line qt qui railroad, wagdn- rea;} or tramwhy,

prior to Jauuaty 21, ·1@8, the rights t0_iuure;here\mder éhell, -i£ the terms ot said sections are,.c0mp1ied' with as to such miimad, wagon med ur tramwuy, relate back to the dhte when‘si1£h survey or construction, was commenced; aixd,“i.u·_e1l mumcts teldtive to therlght ot way or other privilegeoi said eectiens the person, cumbauy ur corporation having been mst ' ,1n time in actual surveyi 01* (construction, as the ease °muy bé, egzell be deemed Brat in right. —(-Mui 14, 1898, c. 299, .§ 8, 30 ·Stat.,4i2.) — . ‘· _, ._‘ 419. Map of location.-Eine map and pr0B1e.ot deduite loca-·_ ,. `tiou of such railroad, wagon road, or tmmway, tc. be tiled as hereiubefere provideé, shell, when the line passes over sur; vexeh ¤1auds,‘i¤dieate the location ,015 the toed by reference to. section us officm ‘estab1ished‘ survey cbruers, end__ where such lim pasm evergunsurveyed _1anQs the location thereon shall · be indicated by courses and dismuceé and by references! to neturai objects and permaueut ponumeuts in such mauuerg that the locating oi the road, may be meedily determined by reference to 'descripticus giveu in eomzectiou with sdid prome map. (May 14, 1%8, c. @9, §`9, 30 Stat. 413.) ` u Tmum cm Ptmmc _LAz~ms _421f Sale et ti¤ber.···—-·’I72e Secretary ’ of the Qubextier, under , euuh u ruiu and rmintions gs he may prescribe, *mey` cause to be appraised the dmber er auy p}m·t‘thex·eot upéu public lends in Alaska, and may {mm time to time sell eo much mbexec! as he may deeiu proper for not less than the eppmjsed value thereof, in auch quantities to geh purchaser as he shall, mee-uribe,. tu be um in Aleeku except as dtevemid, but not for ex§m·t theretrexu except ae ·pmvided· under eecticm 422 , ct this titke. And eueh mlm shell ht ¤.lL tgimeg be limited to `&ctuu1“u%aitiee for `eemumptiuu in Alaskq {mm year to year, und puymeutzs ‘ for such timber shell made Ttu the register as the lceel iandmmee ot the lend diemct in which said timlwr may be mid, uuder such rule; and regulations ae the Jef the Interior maj prescribe, and the moneys, e,fisLug~‘there£x·em shell be eceeuuted for by the register et {such ·_ Iaud rmce to f.h8FC9¤@miB8iQ_BB1.’ ot the General Land` Omce in e eeparate eceeuut, and uhall `be covered into the . Treeeury, (May 14, 18%, c, 2%; §* 11, 3Q Stat. 114.) ‘ _ 422. Export of tiguber weed and umm} pulp.=—·—··Bi“rch ”ti»mb»er _ uutfpulu wmd ur, weed pulp manufactured {rem. timber in Alaska. may w erpuxted therefrom. `( Feb[ 1, .: 1905, · Q, @8, 5 2, 33‘_Stet. 628;»J'uue B, 1926, e.·_%e5, [ 1, 41 Stat, 917.) " · 4,23, Cutting use of tinker by nettleri, residents, peiuen, etc.;-·—·-Phe Secretgry of the Interim: may permit under t ° regulations to be by him the use of umber · mime! umu the pub1ié—la,ud#i¤*uA.1a.skntby actual! settlers, meideuh, individual miuem and pmepectcm fo1‘,`miB§_fR,§$, fer ·§xeweed,_ feueiug, buildings, miuiug, p@ectiug mad fe} denewtic put- ` Doses, eel may actueltlyjbe umed ·by` such permne texi , such , 1>¤¥‘1><>Se¤. (May 14, IWQ c. @9,} tu *11, 30 Stat. 41·L.). · '

VD INSULAR BOSSESSIONS y 435 _ l Colm LANDS' {Crash reference: Entries Ion land containing eoal, eil, or gas; see sections 376 and 377 at this titlet ‘_ t ‘ F

431; Coal land lawsxof United States extended ta Alaska.-

All the prnvislnnsi of the- coal land laws nf- the United Staten not in conl1ict.with‘the provisions of this chapter shall be Ain full force in Alaska. (June 6, 1900, c. 796, 31 Stat. 658; Apr. 28, 1904,,e. 1772,_§ 4, 33_Stat. 528.) · - ’_ · l _ 432; Survey of coal lands;-¤—*l?he Secretary of the Interior is anthqrized and ‘directed°_t0 aurvey the- lands ot the United States hi the Territery of Alaska known to he valuable fer their deposits of coal; "preference to be given first in favor of ·~ surveying lands within these areas commonly known ae they Bering River, Matanuaka, ancl Nenana coal Belds, and thex·e· after €0’·Sl1(!h4&lY€3S or coal nelds as lie tributary. ‘t0·%tablished ° ‘ settlements or existing or proposed rail or water transportation lines. Any surveys made under the authority or by the approval ot the Department ot ·tlfe _Interlor {prior `te October 20, 1914, may be adopted and need tek __tl1e ,l>¤1‘I>0Ses ex this section. _`(Oct. 20, 1914, e. 330, § 1, 38 Stat. 141;) e ° `- · ‘ 433. Ruervatien of ceal lanes; mi%l tender direction of . ’President.·-5The Prwident. of the United States shall designate · and reserve from use, location, sale, lease, or disposition net ex- » ceeding- Qve thdunandy one hundred and twenty acres of coal- bearing land injthe Bering Riyer held and net exceedingfseyen thousand six hundred yandeiglxty acres of ceabbearing land in ` the ihiatanneka _ held, and not to exceed enehalty of the etller coal zlnnda in Alaska: Provided, That the coal deposits in such reserved areas may be mined Wunder the digection et the President wnen, · ln his opinion, the mining ot ench coal in seen reserved areas, under the direction of me {President, becomes necessary, by reason of an inaumeient supply of eeal at a reasonable price for {the lrequlrements of Government works, · conatmetionl and eneratien cf, Gotfernment railroads, fer me » Navy, for national protection, or fer relief from .n:lenepoly er . l oppmnaive conditions; (Oet. 20, 1914, c. 330, of 2; 38 Stat. 742.) 434.; Division of nnmenerved' lands into leasing blacks er ·tr¤cts_; !&§S88;·······ThB umeeerved coal lands and ceal deposits shall be dividednby the Secretary of the Intexjier inte leasing bleekn or tracts of feg·ty aerm each; er multiples thereof, and in auch term as in the opinion of the Secretary `will pel·mit,` the· ‘- meat economical mining ot the eeal, in seen bleelza, ibut in_ no case exceeding two ltheneand Ave hundred andi sixty acres in any tone leasing block or tract; and theregter, the Secretary ehall eqexi sneh·~.blecke· ar tracts and me coal, llgnlte and asseelated mlnemle ‘tl1efeln_ fer leasing and may awaxvd leases thereof through` advertisemenp, wzempetitlve bidding, or such 0ChB1°·I1‘l€th0d8 as he may by general` regulatiane adopt, te any person above an the agent twentyene years gene in e eitieen ef the United States, er to any aaeeclatlen et each neraens, er te any eerperntlen or municipality erganieed nnder the lane ef the United Stnteal or et any State or l'I*e:·ritex·yl tnereetz Bree _ vided, That amajerity at gtgne eteek nf seen eenperntfen shall at all .ti,m‘® be owned and held lxyeitinlena et the United Stetee: [Am further; That ne railroad er eemmnn earrierahall be. permitted tetake or acquire thrsengn leaee er nepnzit under this aeetlen any coal an ceal lends in exeeas erlenen area er "qnantlty an may be required and‘_nsed aelely {et its qwn uae, end eneh llmltatienet use ahellebe expneeaedin ell leases or . permits; lennetf to railreads ep eennnen ‘ear;·iere hereunder, (Get. 20»_191j4, .c. 330, E' 3, 38 Stnt.·742; Mar. 4, 1921, e. 152, 41 $tat.13%.)’ . ; 2 J _ ‘ . _ 435. of Qdditinngl landa.-—-·gA person, namnciatien, or em·· peratlen holding a lease et een! lands under aeetiene 432 te 452 of this title IIRBFY, witlhthe appmvel at the Secretary et the In— term; and thmugh the name procedure and nn0n_tJ.1e same