Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1625

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1611 TITLE 48.-s-TER1z1T0R1Eg4%v1 of each regular session thereof ar1§* such special reports as the P: isgislature may from tixixe to time require. (July 9, 1921, H g_‘42,·§ 222,42 Stat. 115.) ’ s · _ ; Z - e( 696; Same; bond of executive 0§cer and secrctsry.——The ex-_ rg ecutive officer "and secretary shalt giwfe bond in the •sum oi? tl

for the faithful performance of, his duties. The sureties 01

aupon the bond and the conditions vtherwi shall be approved 01 annually by the éommisstou, (July 9, 1921, e. 42, 5 222, 42 'w sms:. 115.) _ -» · . _ » ci 697. Certain "public lsmis dwignstcd available lands?- ‘ AH public lands `of thedescription and acreage, as follews, ae excluding (s) hl1_la11dS`within any forest reservation, (b) all ez cultivated shgaresbe lands; z:.x1d;(c) all public lziuds held ls under s —certi§cate et occupstikm-,. homestead lease, right of b; pumlaese lease, or special homestead agreement, are designated, ‘64 and hereinafter referred togas " available lands ": · _ · lz ` (1) On .thé island of .Hswaii:.Ksma0a-Puueo (eleven si thousand acres, more or 1ess),"ii:1 the `distriétbt Kan.; Puukapu `n· (twelve thqussnd acres,4 more ·01'_ less), `Kswaibse I ,(ten lz thousand scresfmore or less), sud Pauahi '(wseven hundred and · ‘v: fifty acr&,»·——mo1·é' or less), in the d1strict· of South Kohela; az Ksmoku-Kapnilens (five thousand ac1jes,_m0re ·0r» less), ·__Wai· ~ b· manu (two/e hundred acres; more ore1ess)[ and Nienie (seven ui thouszmd three hundred and fifty acres, mere O1" less), in the i, district G! Hsmskus; §fty»three thousand acres to»be selected 0* by Lhebemmissien from the landsmt Humimla Mauks, inwthe a; district ot Nerth Hi10;(.Pxi¤sewe, Wsiskes (two thousand si mares, more pr less); Wsiskwkai, er Keamikaha (two thou- fi send `scres, m01‘e.9r less), and two thousand scies of agri- p= cultural lands tq be jselectedebi. the commission tromythe lands y• of Piibcmm, in the district of South Hilo; ends twq thousand ix acres to be selected by_ the cbmmission from the minds of m Kzmhe·Mskuu, in the district of Pune; _ · xc. (2) 0:1 the island ot Maui: Kehikinui (t»wenty·five thou- send acres, more or lm) in the district ot Kshikirmi, slid the b· pubiig: lands · (sixeftheusgnd acres, more or less) in the district g4 (3) On, the island of Molokai: Pslssu (eleven` thousand 1e fear hundred scrm, »more or less), Kgnpuakss (tW0At?10§S&lid_ sn acres, mere er less); Kalemsuié (six thousand acres, more dri s 1ess)°§` Ho-elehss (three thousand are h¤1:•dred°’¤cree,,more or ‘g less), Ksmileles I md II (thrm st.1m¤ss.11d_E hu¤dred acres. 0; more or ms), and Makskumis (two jtheussnd its hundred 12 séres, more er lem); and Kslsumps (Hrs thousand acres, mereeriew); -»· _ ~$  » = * " im (4) Os the island e1Q,0ahu: Nsnskuli (three t1;¢mm¤d‘ acres, p more or less), s¤d;Lua1ua1ei {two thousand scm more er is less,) is the district of »Wsis¤se; sud Wsimeusle (four s~t.bcu· 'I seed acres, more 0z•'1m),.in the district yet Kceisupeke," ex· E ceptirag iheretmm the military rmervstién and the beach si 1Em¢;}s;`~s¤d 4,4 , _ s i e ‘ (5) Qu the island ot Kauai: Upper Lend of `Wsimes, above ( the cxxlizivsted sugarrue lands. is the district of Waimea tl (stigma theussnd acres, mers er. less); sed Memes (tweetheu- lz ssml srs ° more pr less) , end Anshsls sud ‘Ksme1ems.}0 *(¤vs themed acres, ,mcre hr 1¤£¤)· (IUI! 9. 9* 1921,c.42,§%&,42Btstr169.) M ~ n _ _ 698. Anilshle to he Hlwaiibn heme mmm! bi} e· eemmissisn; at lmds.·+—·0¤ sed Ju1y·9, 1921, eil srsilsble lends shall assume the sigsms of Hswsiisn tl home 1snds“ s ·e under eestrel elmo ehmmimlegui ce be e used sud of is semrdme with previsioxis et __cl subchspter, except __ ° Q _ · . e (1*)_Fcr A. perm;} et are years stter the Soi the S Hawaiian 'Hemes Cnwiwieia em; rims; ntusta es H isiand 0t‘Mq1eks1. which are psrtkriariy ¤» » · in ixnmgrephs p 1 and 3 et section 697 512 this title: Wsimsm, is district et *1 Hawkes; xessuxmus, is me cams: er smh Hilb; me u

2, INSULAR Possasszoxs l § 701 anaewa; Walakea, in the disttflct of South Hile, island ef Zawaii, shall be available for use and disposition by aald xmmissltm under the prbvisiena of this title and aime of the amaining available landanamed in said section shall, after le expi1*afi0n of the_said ilve—year period`, be leased, used, or zherwise dispoged of by the commission urrder the previsioaa E this title, except by further autheriaation of Congress and ith the written approval ot the Secretary of the Interior of le United States. » - _ a (_2)*Ai1y available land under lease on Jul? 9, 1921, shall not ssume the status-of Hawaiian henfge lahda until the lease zpiires 0;* the commissioner of public lands withdraws the mds from the opératiozyof the lease. the land is covered y a lease COI"lt£liIl`lll·g·&}l\·’i{hd1‘£l‘\V&1 clause as provided in section B5, the commissioner of public lands shall withdraw such mds_ frm:} the operation of the lease whenaye;1 the cemmision with t_he approval of the Secretary of the Interior gives otice to him that the commission is at the opinion that the mds.are required by it for leasing as autherized by the pm! lsiong of section 701_0f this title; or for a community pasture s provided in section 705. M Such withdrawal shall M held te e_ for a public purpose within the meaning of that term as sed in section 665. at t · ’“ » (8) In case any land is to be selected by the eemazlaalea. · ut .015 a larger area of available lands, auch land {shall het saume the status of Hawaiian heme lahdé until the gemmla lon, with the approval of Secretary of fthe; lnterlezj, makes a me selection and gives notice thereof tw the commissioner et ublic lahds. The commission shall give each notice within three ears after the expiration of the Evegyeai period referred tew 1 paragraph 1 ‘ at this wctloh. Any. auch notice given there- {ter shall be deemed invalid and of no edfect, . (July 9, 1921, A2, §·2Q4,.42 Stat. l10.) _ ( ‘ _ 3 » N 699. Sale or leaae of géailahle laada.·——~Avallahle l&Ii(fS` shall ~ e sold or leased only (1) in the manner and fer the imypaaes at cut in this subchapterga or (2) esmay be necessary its cem·~ lete hay valid agreement ot sale or lease ia e&ect on July 9, B21; except that" auch limitetlohe shall not apply » to the aaelected portions of lands fmmwgch the commission has made ` eelectica and given imtlcel ther Q, er tailed ee te select and lveiaetice within thetlme limit; as provided in paragraph (3)· t sectlen @8 et this title. ~_(.luly_9, 1921, .eQ 42, { md, 42 Stat, 10.)· ~ _ `~ . · 799. Available lands act mbiect te disposition by geveraar; ammlglegner at publie lmm an heard of pahlie Iaade.·—·—-The owen had duties of the gfevjemerl the eommiealeaer ei pahlie mde, and the Qheard of public leads, la` te leads ei the lertltery, ehall het extend te lands hayihg the statue et _ lawalimi heme lands, . except ae specmaally prevlded. lh this; amnapm. (suny e;1e21,e.42, 5 42 Stat...110.) · ‘ 701. Lease of heme leads; araemt; title te laade,———-·- af) The commiaxea is aatheri® ta te native Hawaiians he right to the me and eeeapahey eta tract of Hawaiian heme mda within the Rfollewiag acreage limlte per; eaéh leaaae: . N (1) Net less than tint; ae: more than e i_ghty~acrea of agri- ¤lt¤m1lahd¤__:01‘_. .4 ~ a · , “ ? l · a (2) Net leaa than me hundred mr mexfe than me haadred eree ef§x·at—clam mstaral leaded; or I · l ‘ d _ (8) Netleaa than two ‘hmidred Mt? her more than one Lmaeaad acrm et eeeanltbelaaa pastoral lands} Preaided, time- ’ 4 her, That lem, `eaeh ef”eae—hal£ at aa acre er mere, et any lass ei! land may he leased has residence lata. · t d_ (h) Tha title te leads ee leand nhaltremala in the United étetm. -Ap¤plienti¤1la fh! tracts shall bca made te am;} gra ated; y ale eemlmiaaien, hader each regulations,. not in eoadlet with ng phevisiea eta this title, gee the commission may prescribe. I _ Phe eemmimiea shall, whenever tracts are available, egxte; mth auch 1 lease with any applicant whe, in the opinion dt , s