Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2034

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§l244 1*11*1.12: /26.-»—lNTl 1260. _Px·im· revenue law in farce for assessment and collection ’of ‘ taxes and for impositlexr and cqllectieu of {penalties there-4 e under. '· " · __ » ’ . 1262. Dehnitious. _ 1::6.3. _'1‘exes ou erticleasold or leased for export. { _’ · 1265. Feiluretc pay certatu other taxes or to make returns and so 1'mjth; penklty. _· .· - - { __ ( , 1266. Failure `te ceffect, account for, or pay,ove1;certaln taxes. 12S?. Aidiuig or assisting in false or fraudulent returns; penalty. _ 1268,, Additional penalty for evading 01- failing to collect, and se forth, [ certain tures. _ ’ _ ‘ . · `· · 126Se. Liability in case of failure to surreinder property 0¤_ which · levy has been made. [New.] . — ` - 2  » 12613. I}eHui°ti<m; person. . ' ;, 1271. Partial invalid§y of title. _ 1 ·· 1%:2. Citation. ‘ -_ ‘ » - " 1273. Repeal otprier provisibitse. {New.] · _ _ 12?—i. Jeint cougressiohul committee bp internal revenue tugatipn; ` _ memberé; Yacuucies'; duties ;' orgahlzatiouj gowers; expenses. [New.] " `_ . . *· F . = 1‘.2T5. Computation` efinvestcd capital. [New.} . . · 1276.- Eiective date of ect. [-Nei.] __ »

  • 1244. laws · made qpplicuble.-All adualnigtijatiye,

cial: or stump provisions of law, including the law relating to theessesmeut of taxes, so far as applicable. are hereby extended to aud made a part of this Ach" ‘(Feb.·.26; 1926, 27, 5 1100, 44 Stgt. 1111) _ `L · _ _ _` . " —.;\ similar provision with resgect to Title 26, INTmRNA1.‘RBVENUll; _ viii! be found in-§‘1244·t!;e1f¢0f. _ ‘ ‘° i_ t 1245; Rules and ’regu1atieus.-The" commissioner, with tithe approval of the Secretary, shall preséribe aud publish all needful rules and regulations for the enforcement of this Aet." (Feb. 26, 1 , c. 27; 5 1101, 44 Stat. 111.) _ _ . - = _ “ . A {simile `provleidn with ¤cspect·`t0 Title 26, of the Code, will ._be`fouud in .1245 therebt. . · · ’ _ _ __ _ ' 1247. Examination of books, pdpers, records; taking testimany.-—The eommlssigmer, for the purpose of ascertaining J the correctness _ of any retm·u or for the purpose of .malti’neg a · rettxrirwhere mme has; 'beeu made, is herebyhuthorized, by uny revenue agent or inspector. designated by himifor that purpose, te examine any books, papers, records, ·0r memoranda. bearing ·11{g0xn the matters required tg be included in the_retm·n; and may require the attendance of the person rendering the return ur eiiany qmeeai or employee of such pereon, pr the utteudance at any other person helviug knowledge in the premises, iaud may take me testimony with refe¤euee· to the matter required by lztw to be included in such return. with power to administer baths to such person or persons. (Feb. .26, 1926, c; 27,__·$·1104, 44 Stat. 113.)_ ` . »· J .. ._’- ~ Section 1004, of the Act of Juue—2, 1924. c. 234, ceustitutlng § 1247 of Title 26, of the Cade. wds repealed by Act ot Feb, 26. liogti. c. 27, 5 1200[ 44 Stat. 125, to take eifect as ot that date. The ssabjeetimatter of the repealed statute was carried into 1104; or the latter Act and is herein get cut. · . . ’ ‘ b 12#8. Same; number of inspections of taxpayefs accounts allowable; exceptiem.——Ne taxpayer shall be subjtxted te nmnneeeesary ·exami:nationS br iuvestjgati¢.»us,-Rand only one impectieu of e taxpuyefs books of account shell be made for each ttaxuble year unless the tzixpuyer requests otherwlseer unless the (*l“)l!11B1SS1()!1£?1’, after iuvestigatigu, notifies the. taxpayer in writing that an edditixmal imspecticn le neces.~;=ary.__ (Feb. 26, 1£l26,·k·. 27. § 1105, Stat. 113.) V —_ . j · _ " 'rhe netiate cexmltutlugi 1248 of Title 26 of the e¤¢¢‘w».L. repeeml by Act et Feb. 26, 1926, c.-27, $.1200, 44 Stkt. .125, te gtake elfeetas of that {date, The subject matter` of the repealed statute was eun·ried into § 11% et meld Act and is herele cet put. f 1249.. [Hhs? of liuiitatiusxsg e§é%t;] ccuclueivencse of means-. ment; determinntian of tax, and acceptance 'nf hbatcment, credit or refund.-(tg) The bar et the statute oflimltatleus againet the United States in tjespeet of may interna.!-revenue mx shall not only operate to but the remedy but shall, extinguish ."‘f,'1`l»is Act it mnsmutes this title of b ·

QRNAL REl‘EN‘UE , the liability} but nocrcdit or refund an respect of such tax shall be allowed-unless the taxpayer has overpaid the tax. The bar! V ot the statute of limitations against the taxpayér in respect ot any intcrnal-rcvcmic tax shall `not only operate. to bar the remedy butshall extinguish, the liability; but. no collection in respcct of such tax shall be made unless the taxpayer, has undcryiaid the tax. n M · ‘ ‘ . . _ W (b) It after a determination and assessment in any case the taxpeiycr has paid imwholc any tax or penalty, or acccptcdnny `abatemént, crcdit, oi- rctnnd»—bascd on such determination and asscssment, and- an agreement is made in writing between the taxpayer and". the commissioner,. with tha approval `of the _ Secretary, that such determination and assessment shall be final and conclusivcythen `(cxccpt upon a showing of fraud or malfcasancc or misrepresc1;;tati_§>n.o£ {scf m¤m·l¤11y‘¤¤m1¤g» the détcrmination or asséssiixcrit th_ll8`Q&d8)' (1) the case shall not bc reopened or th€·.(1€t€1*Hl1H&ti0B and assessment mdihcd - by any 0H'l(.'€1',.€D1]0l0Y€€,·QY`8gPDE of the U¤it& Statés, and (2) , enosuit, action, ot proceeding to anmll, modify,. or mt aside such dctcrmination_or assessment shall be cntcttaincd b§’._&BX_ court of the United States. Q (Feb. 20, 1926, c. 27, § 1108; 44 Stat; 113.) A The statute- constituting. Q. 1249 of Title 26 of the- Code was _;-epealcd by the Actor Feb. 26, 1020, c. 27, { 1200, 44 -8mt. 125. » to take cftcct as of that date. The subject matter of the repealed _ statute is carried into 5 1106 of that Act and is herein act oat. _, 1250. Concluaivcncss of Endings decisions by' Caamb sinner of Intérnal Revcnuc.——In the absence ot fraud m- mistake in. mathematical calculation', ’ the of facts in and the decision of the commissioner upon (or in cass the Secretary is authorized to approve the wma, than after such apirioval) the merits okiany claim presentéd under orauthorizcd by the internal-revenue laws shall not, éicept as pnnvldcd in Title IX of the Rcvcnac Act of 1924 " as amended, _ be subject to icvicw by any other administrative or xaccountiug dma, employee, or agent ot the UnitedStates. {Feb, 26,19%, of 27,} 1107, 44 Stat..113.) · c l I -` · . 'lfhc statute ·constltutlnz 5 1250 0¢~¥1‘ltlc 26- of thé Code was repealed hy the Act ot Feb. 26, 1928, c. 27, j 1200, 44 Stat. 125. Q to take ctcct as ot that date. The subject matter of the repcalcd _ statatc wagcarricd into § 1107 of nid Act and lnlhcreia act oat., · ’ 1251. lletrcactive eicct ot rsgalatiqaé or 'l`re@·y~ hd- -. sions.-i( a) In case a regulation »or Treasury decision rqlatlng‘ to the intcmarrevcnuc laws, made by the commissioner or tlic _ ··Sccrct°ary,·_ or by the corngglssioncr éwith the approtjal of the Secretary; is __1°€V€l’S8d zby a spbsegucnt 1’€g1;Ili\t1Ql1 SBI*;`}’ decision, and such reversal is not, immediately :_ slkmcd ar lroquircd by a decision of a court of competent `jttrisdiction, such subsequent regulation or Treasury.- decision may, in the '”d.1SC1‘€tj0Il of the commissioner, with the appéoval og the Sécrctu;·y, be applied without xctroactive c6cct. · _] · 2 (b)· No tax shall hcjlcvlcd. a d, o1·.collectgd`undéx· the provisions of Title VI of this Act" on any articlc· sold or léascd by the manufacturcr, produccny or ixnportcr, {Tat the time . oi the sale unleash there whsan existing ruling, regulation, or '_ Treasury `dccmon holding that the sale 0;* lcascof such attlcle vya,5_ not taxuhléf and the manufacturer, pioduccr, or importcr partcd with `iaosscssion or ownctship of such article, relying upon the ru|ing,»Vrcgulation, m·*1‘reasn¤·y ‘dccIsion. - (Fch. 26. . 19%, c. 2T,_§ 1108, 44 Stat. 114.) a`_. 3 1 )·"'1‘he statute constituting subdivision! (al of Q 1251¥ of Title 20 ut 'the Codc was repcalcd by the Act of Feb. 26, 1926, c. 27. 5 1200, 44 Stat. 125, tq takc cHcct_ as at tha.t.q.latc.~ '1‘hc’subjcct nxattcr ot tho Accpcalcd 'statutég was carrlcd into subdivision (al) , of 5 1108 of that Act hndlis hcrelnaset out. A provision siniiluy to subdivision (b)_ of said Q 1251 is? contained in subdivision (lx of said 5 1108 and is herein set out as subdivision tb). 5 · ‘ . 1* Title IX of the Rctcmxc Act of 1024 constit_utcs ‘c. 22 of Tltic $36. , ‘o£ tho*Cndc. _ . · - . . _ · "”"Tit)c VI of this Act" constitutes c. 17 ot this- titlc of· thei appéndix. a ·