Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2157

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2143 ' LVD Apprep.riati01iS—Continued { , ` Navy Department v _ X y e _ , · Appropriations for each bureau to be kept separatejn Treafsnryrp. 1017, $634 · 1 . ‘· Appropriations for Navy to be controlled by Secretary of Navy, p. 1017, 5 wet . - _` · ‘ _ _ -_ Charges against and credits ato permanent special work-_ " ing fum], fb. 1017, ${643 I` " '_ ’_ l _ » Charges against naval supply account fund,. p. -1017, . · Clothing a‘nd_small4stores fund, p. 1017; §_ 640 - ' Contingent expenses not payable from appropriations for. p. 1017. 5 637 ‘ ‘ N _ i Credit to appropriation "_ Pay, miscella_neous,°’ of pre-' miums from sale of exchange, lp. 1017, §·639 · - Direct and indirect chargesuto be included in- fixing n cost of wort; under naval appropriations, p, 1018, Materials `pnrclsased during war to beissued at reduced prices. p.11018.'§ 645 ‘ ° . .·_ i Q A ·Moneys apprépriated for. Navy Department to be drawn` c on requisition of %retary.of’ Navy, p, 1016, §‘631 (warhead- rbarges to be- charged against _/approp1;iations. p. 1018.5 646 ‘ I — . _ ’ ~ _ Payments from ‘° General account of advances"` returned, p. 1017, § 642 [ U ‘ ‘ ‘ · E , Pagicesof material expended from naval supply account. -p;- 1018. § 645 . » · . ‘ ' Purcliase. classification, and issue of.naval suppiitng Purclaases chargeftl to "`Naval supply 'account,"4 p. i1017.,§6·12‘. .’ n ` Rcstrictionsu on appropriations for ordnance or ordnance material. p. *1017. §_638 · “ _ ‘ A Nui'? pension fund. estim/ntes of appropriations foi·.”_p. 1012. §5S3_(12)»= _ “ _ . _  » Otticers Reserve_(‘m·ps. gratuitous services of uft·¤lt1m·¤ not _’ pml1ibited.,p.· 1019. § `° _ " · . b _ · Order and arrangement of estimates ‘a‘nd’generaI appropri- . » ation bills. p. 1013. #586 n (—n·tlnn_uce Départnient _ , _ , Q Expenses. in _`procurlng stores for other depgirtnients ’ ’ . . or bureaus. p. 1018. § I, e. -» x 1 No expenditure for freight charges. p. 1018. $-657 Hntstanding appropriations, amount. of. to be designated in '_9?·$iilli819!·¤,·[3. 101-1."§ tTi08" ·_ _ " . , lkinania Canal, eestinnates of appr<»priati<.»ns for. D.] ·1016.`l l’cn»=ions, estimates of appropriations for ot1ice.of disburs- , ing clerk for paynxent of, p. 1012, § 583 (1§I•)_ ’ l~’erinanent annual app‘ropriatZons » _ { Interior Department, p. 1022, §‘ 711 .Nur3*;I)epartnient, p. 1022, §— 711 . _ ` Smitlxsonianlnstitutiun, , 10222, § 711 J Treasury Departn1e;at,__p.A)021, § 711 { _\\'a`r Department, p. 1022. § 711 . _ Pnéstal Service, payments on account ofj to be drawn on . warrant by Postmaster General, p. 1017, § 632 Post Otlice Departinent ‘ — _ q ° . ` Estin1ates‘ at appropriations for,_`p. 1015, § 610 Expenditure of appropriations forecuntingeut; expenses, » ‘ Zp. 1020, § 677‘ " l . i 1‘rintlng"and b1ll(11llg.iPSf11Il8t9S of appropriations for- ex—· · penses ef, p. 1013. ‘§§ 583, 589 · ~ 0 Pul>lie_ buildings M 1 _ Appropriations available only for purposes spmltically enumerated, p. 1020, § 633 .’ [ c

·EX M10 ` `Appr0[1riations·¥—('}_»nti nued, . i Public`bui1d`ings———(QTo11tinlu.ed " . E < . gappropriations available tmtil completion _0f work; `p.`1020.§'6S2, , _V _ ·‘ 1 Buildings. under eo j of Treasury Department; ap- § ·propr`,ation ava°lable mm<·diately.—pt. 10201 ‘§ ,681 - ·

 Pay .f assista mrnstoéiimts and janitors, p. 1021,

k I - § ._' V r I- - ‘ "

 Sepaijate est niates for administrative work, p., 1020.

I _ State1nents’_i estiinates as to persons. eniployedi at _`j ° publié` bu`ilt_'n;z‘s and expenditures for repairs. p.`

 1014,.§_601-_` -- ‘ . ·--’

' ·PHi)iit3·'·H9i1][il Service. ‘·timates of expeasesof maintain· _ ing. p. 1012. §'583=(6l i ‘ ` Public {Yorks. r_ s' s of estimates for appropriations Y mr, yi. 1014. 594 . * . ·· . A Purehasev or m iufaetur of stores or materials or per- 'formance of .: rviees y one `bnreau or department for ’ anofficryp. 10 1. § 96 · , { .» ° · Railway Mail Ser ee. estimates of appropriations for. WD. ..1015,§61r  »·f- "_ r " Rearrangemenf of estimates not eontorming tu retpiirepments. p.` 1013. §- 58] Y -‘ . _ . - ’ Refnnd of ~re_venue‘ taxes, estiniales and appropriations for. p. 1014. § 602 . _ I _ ` . Riitler and harbor improyements. estimates of appropriaii “ * tions for, p. 1012.,§ 583;-S} :_ p. 1015. § 6051 W · ` _ Salaries of··inefIieient employees,_‘reports in .esti1nates'with _ . respeetfto, p. 1014. 592 . ’ ._ . . . S:l_laries`ot'· oflieers. estimates of 'app;ropt·iati<i»1ns for. p. 1014.. ‘ § 501 , · n ' U · » Sales of material, stores. and supplies _» _ - Proceeds to revert to partitinlar appropriations, p. 10*23, _ §720 —. W `—‘ ._St{lit;‘lll9l1t of pro<·eeds of sales to be suhniitted to Con- ` H · gfress at eaeh session. p.`_·1016. § 625 _; e _ i Shipping eonnnissioners and ('IGPKS.-_€§iii;12_l`i.US of approy priations for. p. 1012. § (10) _ . . . Si;rnal.serriee · .» “ _ _ ·, Dislrurseinents for.- [1.1018. §_651’i . ·~ . Estimates of appropriations fort printing and engrav- _ ina for. p. 1013. § 500 . Y _ . 1 Statenient of a;?p6priations by each session of (ioiiegress ' M Preparation and c·ontent,s of state1nen’t..‘p. og § ,105 . - Printingi ‘fnsnal nmnilwer" for distiribigtion, p. *1425, § ° Statennents bs" Bnreau of Budget to aec•»1npany annual es- . ‘tinm`tes of appropriations, p. 1016. §* 624 0 _ ‘ ‘Statein<·nt.s of expenditntps and estimated expenditures, p. L 101e’2,§5S1 - ; r ·-·· » 0. Staten1ents~·of inoney `reeeived from; proceeds) of pnl.»lie ` ‘ "property or other; semrees and of payments tlierefrom to be snbnnitted tofoxigress l»y·Seeretary of, ‘1‘reasnr_v. p. 1016. i 626 ~ . g p _ . _ Steamboat Inspeetien Service. estiiinates of appropriations· V for expenses of. p. 1012; § 583 ti'?} . , { Telegrairli lines in Alaska. estiinaltes of ·approprintion.s for ` extension of, D. 1012, § (ll) w - · Teleplione. service. expenditure from appropriations; for ’ private telephone serviee. p. 1020. 670. 6so `. a” ’ Territories, estinnates for expenses of Government in, p. 1015,5616 '» e ‘ ;* _ *~ Title of.appro;»i·iatioxi acjts.“forn1 prescribed. p. 2, ’§ 25 “` " Transportation and *reern.iting:.T’ `.L*h2iI'gGt·5 for transporta- 0 tion of niensdiseharged to be clntrgealile to(npprop1:iationfor, 1017,} " ` {