Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/351

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· 337 -1*1TLE 1: quzmtities nt 'these §r<$dubts° and of éotténsbed. on ilmnd,` the qu`antitiw.0f crude and reilned cottouseed oil l1eld_by refiners by 1ll8Illlf3(}t\ll?€i‘S`0t compdund lard, butterme, cleomargarine mul soap, and by brokers, exporters, and warehousexhén, en gazed in hsmdling crude and refined ccttenseegl qil, and the 1°;u:ui%ity _0f__c0tmi1sead _ and c¢$ttc»nsned `prod_uéts` `importecl and éxpurtexl: I’r0vidqd,~Tl1at; the cost cflfhe collection; and publica mu of the statistics p1·0vidéd‘for`lp1`th‘is sec:ti0u"shall`h01 (-wml $10,000'per annum; _`(Aug. 'Z; 1916, c. 274, § 1, 39_ Stat 436.) · · · .. ·— _ · . .· _ 82. Iufarmatiqn as caxmdentinlg penalty for ·discl0sure.·—-The i:¤f¤»rmati<»n furnished by "any individual establisbmeht unde1 llw provisions of· thisq subdivision ·sl)al1 be ;c0n5idered qs strictly pczxlideutial and shall be used only for the statistics! punwase for which it is `supplied: Any employee Of the ·Bureat nz" the Census who,. witlxdut.the.writte·1i·‘&ut_h_0rity of thé Di _ · 1·é·<·tm· of the Census, shall publish OK communicate any informal U __ti:»n given into his possession by reasbn of his employmen mulet the lpmvisicns df-big subdivision shall ·g1iilty` of': rnisd¢·m<·m£oi· and shall, upmi conviction 'thereof, bé fined nd _m;»r{~ tlahiy $1,000, or lxupyisbxied not more `tlmn one ·ye,ar,·- 91 hath. (Ai:g._7, 1916,: c. 274, 5 2, 39. Stat. 437.) _ ‘· l 83. Duty to fnrqish correct ixnfoniigtion; pc1{alty.——It shal lm the duly of every `owner, U president, fréusurer, pecretapy director, or other cuflcci nit agent of ai1y cottonseedmil mill mzulufacturiing éstabl-iéhxhcnlt, refinery, 01··wzir<zl10use, wlnem mtmnseed products are DITOGQCQG, manufactured, 0; gtogéd when requested by the`DirectorYot the Census or by any specia m;e·=nt‘ orother eniplbyee ot the Buregu of the Census actin; ‘ mgder the instructions bt said ‘dircct0r, to furnish comblctel; mul c·9r1·éctly,' to the best of his knowledge, allgof the iinforgna mm cmxcemlxig the quantity of cotitnnaieed recéh{ed,_ consumed , ‘ or on hai1d,` and the guaxxtltjn qt crudé null rnhncd oil, cakzmd.maal, hulls, and linters proérucécl, hud the quantify bf th<¤;s· pmducfs shipped and, on hand. The request of the ‘Di17ect0 <»f‘ the Census {Of_iHf($1Ill1BtI0!I‘C0D0éYDIDg`Ih€ ·q1i2mtil;y 0 m»ttnn$eed rccéived, pqhsumed, and on `hand," the quautlty 0 chute oil shipped, and the quantity ct crude ’ol1 consumed nm stocks on himdrmay be made in writing 01··by a visiting repre mitatlve, and it made In writing shall be forwarded by rcgié wrvd mail, and the registry_1:ebeipt‘·0t theb Po$t·0fIice Depart m¢·u·t_ shall be accepted as prlimn fdcigfevidcxicc of suchl dcmané Angy owner, president, trcaau1fer,‘sécreta1·_y, director, ‘0r 0the » · , uml-e»r og- ¤·;é¤f of nxiyléottonsaedl oil og uaanufaéturing éstabllst azmni, refsurry, or warehouse, where `cctfouseed and cé0ftc»nscc pmducts are manufactured or stored, who; under theconmfition lsbxjeiiubefore stated, gl1all‘_refuse‘0x·"willfully néglcct to furuisi any at the; lx1formaticn.providéd for in this sectlomor Lshal willfully give answers `that are false shall he guilty of 0. mls dvnu=z1n0x* and' upoin conviction thereof shhll be flmed not mor than $1.000; (Aug. 7, 1910, c, 274, 5 3,* 39 Slat. 437.) ‘ ` 84. Explosivé and medichted cotton Dl‘0dIlCt8.·~;1`}lB -Di1·éctc of the (lenms ii mxthprizéd and dlrectécI to` collect and publls quartwly statistics of -r_aw -and prepared ._c0·ttdu and llnte§1·: coiton- wustv, and hull flber consumed in the manufacture c guhéotton and cxploslvée;. of all kinds, and of absorbent an medicated cotton, amljthe quantity held in sqclr establisl uwuts at-the end otjaach quarter. The statistim·hc1•ci¤ pre fqided for ére"in adllltiou to those now collected mcompllnm wi‘t_h sectiqns 71 to 76, —l¤cluslvg,'theprovisions opmldseétiom being made applicable toe and governing `the collection `an ., publication of the data. (·Aug.—7, 1916, c. 274,`§ 4, 39 Binh 437. HIDE AND LEATHER STATISTICS I 91. Cgllectigm mid pdbllepatimm-—·—The'D1re<;tor of.¢l1a' Cena:} is authprizéd 'and directed to cbllect and publicly dmttstu . monthly concerning-*·-— ` 8B270°--·26—·—··-—-22

r.—-»cE1rsUs X §· 101 2 (a)_ The quantities and classes of hides and skins, owned or , stored, and thequantities and classes;. of such products dis- , posed. of during the preceding census month by packers, abat- ` - toirs, butchers, 'tanners; L jobbers, dealers, wholesalers, ima_ porters, and exporters; _ 1 k ’ - b ` I `_ (b) The quantities and classes of hides and skins in the — process of_€8nnlng or manufacture, the quantities and amonnt I: of finished product for the preceding month; _ - I · { · . (c) The quantities and classes ot leather owned or stored and manufactured daring the preceding census month by tan- 2 ·ners,` jobbers, dealers, wholesalers, importers, exporters, and F. establishments cutting or consuming leather. ·(June 5, 1920, W S c. 263, § 1, 41 Staf. 1057.) o . _ · . ~ l 92. information as conndential; penalty for disclosure.-—·Thé 1_ information furnished- by any dndiridual establishment under · the provisions of fthis subdivi.sion_ shall be considered as 1 ‘- strictly confidential and shall bef used only_°for_the statistical lz purposes for which it is supplied. . Any. employee" of the 1 Bureau of Census who, without the written authority of the l t Director of the Censns, shall publish or communicate any rr informationglven into his possession by re"€s1{rof~his— employ- ment. under the provisions of this subdivision shall be guilty l· of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined

  • , not more than $1,000 `or imprisoned not rnore.·than’ one year,

., or both, (June 5, `1920,_c. 263, § 2, 41 Stat. 1057.) `_ e ’93. Duty tp furnish' correct information; penalty.-——-—It~ shall l, be the duty of every owner, president', or treasurer, secretary, ,1 director,. orother omcer or agent of any abattoir and of any sg packing, tanning, jobbgng, dealing, wholesaling, importing, or y exporting establishment where hides and skins arelstored or A sold, or, leatherjis tanned, treated, 'flnished, or stored or any l, establishment is engaged in the cutting of- leather or in the] e- production ot" boots and shoes, gloves, saddlery, ~h_arness,. or e other manufactures ot_ leather goods, wherever leather is conr isumcd, when requested by the; Director of the Census or by I any special agent ore other employee of the Census Q®ce act-‘ nf ing nndcr the. instructions of said `director to gfnrnish com-

1 plétely. and accurately to ‘-the best of his knowledge, all the

r- information authorized to ‘ be collected] by section 91. The s- demand of! the Director ot_ the Census for snch infor cation tI shall be madefin writing or by arisiting representative and l,. it made in writing shall he forwardedloy registered mail and lr the registry receipt of the- Post Omce _Departn1cnt shall be l- accepted has prima facie evidence of suchdemand. Any owner-, d president, treasurer, secretary, director, or other officer or ls agent of any establishment required to furnish information h under the provisions ot this subdivision, yrho under the condi-, lr tions hereinbetore stated shall refuse or willfully neglect to 5. furnish any of thelnformation provided for ln this section ·e or shall willfully give answers tlnatare false; shall be guilty `of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall l>e`tincd »;· ‘·not more than $1,000.: (June 5, 1920, c. 203,. §~ 3, 41 StatL“1057.)


rt " 101. Annual collection of vital statistics; eonnpensationwvtd. There. shall be a collection of -the’statistlcs of the births and 1- deaths in registration. areas annually, the data for which J- ‘shall_§be obtained Eonly from and restricted to such registration se records of such States and municipalities as in the discretion, ls. of the atrector possess records aierding satisfactorydata iu .d necessary detail, the compensation for the transcription of .) nrhlch shall not exceed 4 cents fom each birth ’or death reportedi or a. minimum compensation of $25‘niay be allowed, in the discretion of the directorghin States or cities registering ls less than nre hundred deaths or five lnundred births during the

s preceding year. (Mar. 6,11902, c, 130, § 8, 32·Stut. 52; Apr. 27,

' _ 1904, c. 1626, `33»..362.)_ · · , `