Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/517

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503 TITLE 18.-CRIMINBXL CODE scéiziga shall }· apply only wlplsin the Territories ot the United States and the District of Calumbia. (Feb. 1, _1896,.c. 12, 5 1, 29 Stat. 5: Har. 4, 1903, c. 321,. 532), as Stat. 1150Q) I ' -521. (.(h·imin•I.`C0de. ¥¤cc§0n 321.), Same; "pugilistic encounter ” ‘de§ned.—By the terms “ pagillstlc enc0unte1·,” as used in section 520 ? of this title, is ineantr any:..v0Innta17y `fight by blows `by ramps ot nsts or iotherwise;;“whether wltln er without g10ves,"beta·een~ two or f more `men, for money -01 for a prize of anyqcharacter. for for any.0th_er thing `cli value. `()l?·fd1° any championshin, or upon the result of which any money or anything {of value ;is bet er wagered, or to see which auyf admission fee is directly. or indirectly charged. (Fe>b,°l', 1896, ;ci~;12, § Q, Star. 5; Mar. 4,-1909, c. 321 § 321,

=<a<=¢.115<>.> , "   n .- 1   , .    u

.522. (Criminal Code, section 322.) Train robberies.--·¢Whu over shall willfully and maliciously trespass updn cr enter upon any ‘~raiI1·0ad lrainprallread car, or °railroad,_10c0nn0tlve. with the..inte;1t to cemmlt murder, or robbery. shall be fined ‘. not 'nmre tlaan $5,000; or imprisbned not -more- than twenty A years, at botlx. Whoever shallwillfully and lilaliclously gespass upon or enter upon any railroad train], railroad rar, `01 railroad locomotive, with intent to commit‘any·‘uTnlawful violence uma or against any passengerdon said" train, dor car,. dr upon or against any e¤€·'¥¤ce1i, conductor, `iireman, brakeman, bran; 0Hi¢·er·'or employee cunpccterl ·w/lth said locemotlveytraiu, 0.1 cm-, mj upbu my against. any exp`?(>ss ,m.».S.·¤·g.»¢ hr mail agent on said train pr in a_uy’car’ fl10re<$f,“’m· to commit any crime or olfvnse against any person or property flnereon,. shall be fined not mdre·tl1a`n_`$1_.000, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Wh0ev¢~·r' shall conrnsel, aid, aber, oi assistln the pcrpetration of auynf the <•iYc11s<c·s_sct forthlin this section ‘ shall be déexnedjto be a principal lhereln. Upon the trlalaoi any person charged with any offense set forth in this. section] ‘it shall not be necessary to set forth or prmie the particulax person fagaipstuyvhom it was intended/to commit the cflfense or that it was intended to commit such offeuseagjnlnst any particnlar person; -(.li1ly.1, 1902, c. 1376, 32 Stat. 727; Mar 4, 1909, c. 321, § 322,.35 Stat. 1150.) ·· _ . . A 523. Discriminatienby proprietors at theaters against per A sons. wearing luniférm of `Army, Navy, etc.-¥·—I<o pm prietor, manager, or employee of a theater br other public place, of entertainment or amusement in the District ot Cdlum . bla, `or in any»Territ0ty, the District of Alaska 01'·1IlS11l8.l " possession _0f the United States, shall make, or cause to be made, my discrimination against any person lawfully wearing the nnlferm of the Approved, Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corp: e£.tl1e United States because of 'that uniform, and any persor making, or causing to `be made, such discrimination shall b< guilty do! a misdemea¤or,`puuisb‘able by a. line mit exceeding $500. '(Mar. 1, 1911, c. 187, 36 Stat. 963f Jan. 28, l9l5, c. 20 , §, 38 Stat. 800.) Chamer 14.-SAVING PBOVISIONS.` Sec, · o ’ 532. Pending actions not aliectedq 533. Prosecutions prior to takinfeffect of law. a 534. Ll:nltat1cn•.· · ‘ ' 535. Oteases prior to date of certain sections. 536. Partial, invalidity of certain secticgnww. · 532. (Criminal Code, sectian 342.) s Pending actions not aEccted.·——The repeal of exlstlnx Laws 0l°_lIl0(llu€8Ll0DB thereoz embraced ln sections 1 $9 553, W7. 568, and 571 to 573 of this ‘ title, shall not affect any act dans, or any right accruing 01 accrued, ar any suit my proceeding `bad or commenced ln, an; civil cause prior to said repeal or modltlcations, but all llablll ties under said _, laws shall continue and may be enforced in the same manner as it said repul er mcdidcaticns had not bee: made. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, l 342,. 35 Stat. 1159.) `


 . 53_3. (Criminal Code, section 343.) Prosécutions prior to

, taking.e§cc|: of“Iaw.—-All offenses committed, and all penalties, fdrfeitures, or liabilitiag incurred prior to J&m1ary»‘1,‘ 1910, . under any lnw en1brnced_ in, or ebauged, modiiied, or rgpqaled

‘by`se¢tiims 1 to 553, 567, 568 and 57'rtQ 573 of this title, may

· p1·0secuted and punished) in the same manner and with thel

ésama clfectns it the said sections had not been passed. (Mar.

y 4, 1909, 9. 32_1,` 5 343. 35 Stat. 1159.) . · , 534. (Criminnh Cbde; section 344.). Limitations.·—·-—All acts V of limitation, whether apgillcable to ciyvil causes gud proceed- , ings; op `for 'the recovery of penalties or forteitures, embraced _ in, · m0di_filed.. changed, I or repealed by sections 1 to 553; 567, , 568. and. 571 tc]573 of this title, shall not be a§ccted_the1*eby; and all suits_ offproceédings for cnuses arising or acts done or , · committed prior to January ·1,‘ 1910; may be commenced and . prosecuted within thelsame time and with the snmc effwt as , lfxsnid repeal had not been_`mi1de. (Mar. 4, `1%9,‘—c.' 321, i 344, [ 35 ‘Stat. 1159.) " __ f _ _ , }_ 1535. Offénscs prior to date of certain ‘ `section5.—-Offenses _ c0‘n1rpjtte{l. and penalties, f¢s_i·fcjwi·é’s, or liabilities incurred 5 . fpriot to June 15, 1_917,— under any lay: embraced in, or `changed, , m0di·H<-ed, 'or repeuléd by,_ Secti0u.s_ 31 td 38, QS, 130 to I 132, 343 to 345, `and 611 to of this title, and sections-213,.

220 tt>,_222, 231 to 234, and 238 to .245_01' Title} 22, may be

._ prosecuted and punished, and suits and proceedings for causes E arisixng `or acts dnne or committed. prior tp sai;} dnte may be E. commenced nucl prosecuted, in the same mzumé`r and with the B samea effect as‘if.?.suld sections had not been passed. _ (June 15. B 1917, C.; 30, Title XIII, §_3, 40 Stat. 231.) · .v . · . §’_ 536. Partial invalidity of certain sections.-—If may clause, L gcnténcc. paragraph or. part -0f the sections enumerated in [ Section 535 of this title slum -for any ;·eas0n‘ bg adjudged by , any Cbllft of 'conlpetent jurisdiction to be im·alid,·- smh judg- .' ment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the i;emainder‘thereof but shall be cdimncq in its 0pe17:·1tion_t0 the clause; sentence, , or paragraph ·t-hereof directly ·ix1v<>lvcd_·in the controversy in

which such judgment shall have been rendered; (June 15,

1917, 0. 30, Title XIII;} Q. 40 Stat. .231.) 7 ° “I’a:i·t'2.-#—CRI)iINAIJ PROCEDURE I · (`hapter. ‘ ’ . · - ‘ _ Sec. I 15. Gm:1·;n.xr.‘ P.R0\'¥Sll\§¥S_.;._..-L..;...# . ., _ . M1 _ -16. LIMITATIONS' ... .Q . _ ..,..4..-, n- 581 17. Annnsw, K.%IL,._A§D c0_mu<rnmx71·-..-.. . .._.? 591 V 18. Simnqxr wmn4N·r,-,---;-;..;T; s .. . 011 a 19; Fxxms, z7¤·.x.u.·rms, nm FO_RFElTURESL---J--Q ,. _-- 641 , 20. ·EXTHADI’1*IO_N ,. ;-- -..- ..,. 651 gt 21. W¤rrs·;u·* !:mc0.u-..._..n.. *;'`° . ,. ... .7- . ..- 681 lj Chnptét 15.e-—GENEh·AL PROVISIONS. 5 Sec. I D . __`, I S 541. Felcnlen and misdemeanors. l, M2. Death penalty by hanging, 543. Bodybf executed ommdér 'tor dissection. ‘ 544. -C0n·uption_’ of blood and tdrtelture 0-t estate éxcluded. ` 545. \\’hlpD.lng nnd plllory abolished. 540. Jurisdiction ot district cdurts. 547. Jurisdiction ot·Statc·cqurt¤. l _ · . 548. Indinns committing certain qrlmefuct, on reservations; rape on t Indian woman. ° l l ;. 549. Crimes cqmmlttedbn Indian reservations in South Dakota; rqpc of-female Indian. ` - . 550., “Princlpals " denuedf "' · 551. 'Punishment ct accessories. t 552. Same; robbery or piracy. [ 553. Place of committal at murder or mndslnughter determined. B ·· 5134, Indictment: and px‘cscntment¤·; by twelve grand jurors. 555. Same; gllenses against elective trgnchisa. . { 556. Snmq; detects at torn:. ` 7 557. Same; joihder nt charge;. 5. 558. Same; pcrjvry. . ’ E . B 559. Bama: subornation ot perjpry. . 550. Bhme.; perjury before; naval co¤rt—m:u·tial. ¥ “5Q1. Same: Judgment an dsnmzrér. 562. Cnpyiot ludlntment and list of jurors and witnesses for urisoner,