Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/55

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Lg; TITLE 5.-——L‘XECUT1$’E DEI’ARTLIENTl {.g;_§¤as lwrvixx described. This section docs not supersede other 2 M l;%»~= nf imlemuity in c%xi><te»ucc and does not diminish respuusi- im; EN}- (,1* may mérulver of- the military forces‘t0 the person in- for

 lllwr tc- the United States. _ (Apr.18, 1918, c. 57, 40 Stat, all

.TZ;f S _ . A _" 2

2 il Sale of surplus motor trucks and automobiles.-In addi- Sm
 lg gn mw eleliwrwy of the property authorized, to be delivered- jeg

Z. gw l·ul>lic‘ Health Service, the IJBDHYQHCHYU0f.AgfiC\11tl1'I'Q an] .5 me- lust Oilivc Department of-t_hc G(}V·€1`§1II\QDt, the Seem- AH ly}- by lmr is 21lI{h0I‘iZ0d to sell ally surplus supplies including gw

   wucks and autuxnwlxiles OIllJ·111Y 11, 1919, owned by and lem

gl gw [1€l$S€VSSii¥H of t11e*Go?e1t11mcx1t for the use of the War acc pill.;-¤l¤¤»<·z¤[ to any State or mxnnicipul subdiv`isi9n‘l·thereof, or tm

;;;;}',<‘<>l'}l)(lF£lti0Il _0r- individual upon sgxch termsl as may be ADH
 1 gmt bc·>zt._ (July 11, 1919, c. 8,441, Stat. 105.) 1 _— »_ - 1 ·_ tm

` 212. Sale`0t° dental 0v.ltiits.¥—Thc--Secretar5* of War is author; ,aft pl uml directed to sell at public ¤0r private sale; umIe1·.su·ch; bid g~;;;l~ :am1_rcguIz1li0l1s as h.c_ may prescribe, all d€I1{h1.0l1t§tS. · gl, . gl_·l·ss·_of the 11ecds`0f·the~ Government, ’pré§crentially.<t0 pe:-V an, 1.,5 wlm served in tl:1c_A;·my, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast pm ·;.z;ml. ur the' Americ;m`—Rcd Cr0ss’0f~ the United Stategl during me ml wwlll War and who arent thé time of such salcllicensed mi

. llmbllice dentistry 'bqt u0t;‘m01¤.e than 0i1c_sg=
tW of dental sup-` for

,1;;·~: shall he sold at1_priv¤ to any one person. (Apr. me 17* liéllil, u. 150, 41 Smt,554.) 1 ll l Q ~ ‘ 1 A iwh 213. lTrgnsf¢r'¤f motor vehicles to brginchcs or Government tm »l·rs·licc;"· paymentfor from nppxjcprinticns.——‘The Secretary ot pm ’\\`;lr is ~zmth0rized‘ to transfer auylunused and surplus IIIOIOI-·_ lm.

.¤··~;¤l·l1e¢l gghiclcs and motor equipment of any kind, the pay-. tm

.qm~m, for same to be made as provided herein, to any brunch act mi liu: Government service having appropriations available for '18i

 nlm purchase off said vehicles and equipmcug, »I¤··ca·.sa of the`

. ll‘2l!l$I`L‘1‘S herein authorized a _rcgs0¤abl¢:!>¢‘l¢e not to exceed ch lil-null cost, and 1-it the same have been) sed, `at a reasonable ";»:·i¢·e l»ased‘ upon length qt usugq, shéll be.i‘determined` upon 2: and an equivalent amount qt achfpproprmtion available for 24; Mm! purchase shallbc covered 1x1t01t11,¢z Treasury as u miscely 94: 1:me¢ »1zs‘re¢elpt, gn;1 the qpprbpiiatioql in "caéh casa reduced 2*.*

s·`···<»z·eliAzlgly.— It shall,-be the dug/ut/g&éh70$¤ial of the Gov-;

mmwnt having such purchases ‘ lclmrge to procure the same 2.“ lkml any such unused lor nurplrixs stqck. it possible. * No trans- 341 _fl·n· of mgm:-propgl1ed····vehl/clésfluid mot0x·»egu!pment,"i1n1ess" 11%* ,r<w<·iti<·aIly<auth01jized by;/jhw, {hall be madefreq oi charge to 2m Amy branch ot the'·G0v» nment service; _(JuIy 19;1919, c. 24,7 25: € 41 Stat. 233,) Q _ ~ ‘ii. _” 25; M 214. F.quipm”e¤f! or/Metropolitan Police.--The War Depart- 2¤¤ mvnt pany, in its Aiscr€l;1qz1;Ylturnish·the Qommissicmcre, forjusc 1 of (hc police, upon requiglticxi, ·suchlworu‘ mounted equipment 2><lma y· be lmqxiired; (June 29; 1922,4:. 249, S 1} 42 Stat; 692; 25. Full; 28, 148, { 1, 42 Stat. 1349; June 7, 1924, c. 802. ·§ 1, 43 Stat, 660:.Mar.”8, 1925,—c. 477, lf 1,.43 Btéti. 1%5.) 1 "

 215. Regbrtinf Secretariat  W4x·;  unexpemlcd bnlnncqs to $5*

(`ongres¤.;¥—The Secretary bt War tliall make annual report gg iw liuiizgrq/Qs containing a gtatment of the npproprléldonz ot the gg

 preceding     for the Depgrtmeut R01} Wir, showing 0161 “2¤1

mm_»unfp,pproprl¤ted”111;¢jer each had Q! nppropfintiqn, W Nw zimcuqt expendgd under hang], 1¤d:1thq`b&1¤¤cB which, _ L ml the thirtlgth dgy of June preceding such IBBOYQ fémdiiwd gm unoxmmdcd, Y Buch rep01?t·sha1l'bo acccmpaniedlby estimatés 26‘ vf the probable demands which may remain on auch dpprovrla- 26* 1 tion. - (R18, {ml 1 , ` 4 ni ‘·.. _261 216. Same; nmmnl nthtemeqt of cxpénditurei lfmyccntlngmt 27, <‘$D€¤seg;-—e·Tl10llanui1zil·nep9rt of tb`; Sécretnry cfjwap as in -27 me c·xpéudltur0_V0flg0utihgwt funds equirsd by saéfioh 104 ot 27 this title ghall inclgidg Q stgtemmt of the expanditufa bt the N morieys approprlgtedfor thsccntingent cxpénsés of the 1 V $;t,ab1i s:.hme¤`t. "_(B. B. Q 229; Ma1·.`2»,1895, c. 177, {1, .28 Stat; `

S, £).I?*FIGER»S‘§ ee§£~’D !§;l11'L(}i’EE§§ § 241 E17. Same; bids for w0rks.~»lWi1<·¤1<—x~€»r the Scvretery of E\;ur cites proposals for any works, or for any mziterinls or lulmr l any w0;‘k,phe shall ‘rep01•ft0 Conxxgrezes, at its next >=es>=i¤_m, bids therefor, with the 118mGS of the bi<ldes:e;._ ( R. S. § 2.30, ; E18. lWar.Department contracts; regulationsfor bids.—~.—The` zretary of War is hereby authorized to pres¢;ril>e. rules ami- Eulatioug to beobscrvedcin the"p.1‘eparati01;·m1d.s11binissi·m il {opening of bids for contracts under the War DQ[}8l’tI¥l(‘ll¥.. d he may require every bid to be accompzmicd by u vmcittexx 3;V1‘&llt€(3,_SigIl€d by one (JIT m0re"respousibletperslms, l;c»_~tlxc ectthut- he 0}: they undertake that the bidder, his bid is septed, wi11,nt such. time as miy be prescribcdvby the Surren- ·y of War or the ofhccr authorized to make u contract in the zmises, give bond, with good amlI_$uHicient sureties. to fmenielx z supplies proposed or to perform the service required. li

er fthe ncceptauceof. a bid and »-»»- u notiilcsztion thereof to the

lder he fails within the time prescribed by the Secretary of 11* orcother dulylauthorized officer——»t.0_4c11ter‘in{o a contract d furnish a boudwith _ good and sufficient' security for the mer fulfillmexit ofeits terms, the Sec1•e_tary_g; other authord officex shall proceed to contract with some other person to ?l1iSh"t]1€ supplies or perfor1uthe;serYice required, and shall rthwith cause the dmercnce between the amount specified by 2 bidder in default in the? proposal lnndp the amount for fich he may have contracted with another party to furnish z supplies or perform the service for the whole periodef the Jposnl todbc tchargctl up against the bidder and his guarantor guarantore, and the sum may be immediately recoveredby a United—·-Stdteé for the use of thejwar Department in~an’ tion, of debt {against either or all of such »pers0ns.c (Apr. .10, ?8,__c. 58, 20. Stat. 36; Mar. 3, 1883,12. 120, 22 Stat. 4S?.) napter 4.-·--eDEPABTM"BQNT OF TREASURY.

 Establishment lotldepartxnent. . ·

3.,Ge¤cx·al~dutiese 0t.Secretury of Treasury. 31 Restrlctioneupon Secretary ot. Treasury. p L. Undermcretnry ot Trcesuxfy: saleryz: duties. 5. Sime; pertormuncc ofdutlcs ot Secretary. 3. Assistnnt_·`Secrctuicn ot ’1‘;eeaeux·y. I., Snxnce; duties. .` _. . 3. Seine; signing warrants. = p · E”~Cblef‘ lcletk hud superintendent to be chief executive omcer of · » department. l _ ._ p · ` D.r*Depu•.y_ dlsbursing clegk. p L. Govemmentnctuary; salary. . 2. Salaries to Treasury Department ofdcers holding over. B. Enforcement lot laws relating to Treasury _Depm—tment_; detail ot ._ persons paid tron; certain appropriations tor. L Restrictions upon clexjlrs- tu department. Ssbivision of bookkeeping and,.w&z:ent•. B,·Q0mmen_cement ot uscal year. _ ‘ V » 1. Contingent expenses ot _'1‘xtcs.sury Department; .c0ntr0l of appro-

  • printions 1’ox·.1 ‘ ¢ ‘ t `

B. Same; sccounts ot expenditures ¢or.`__ _ e D.} Accounts ot receipts ot. internal revenue. c D.`¢Accounts:o£ expenditures for turnlturo and repehgs. — 1. Rules (or government ot agents representing claimants. 2. Reports of Secretaey-of Treasury. ·‘ B. Suns: postal. revenues end expenditures. 4._‘Ba;ne; receipts and expenditures ot public moneys. 5. same; estixngtes ot revenue and expenditures. 6. 'Smne;`cla.iius allowed. ‘ ‘ c l " 7.wSs  ; omcergldellnquent aa rendering accounts. B,  ;-‘sppro:>¤!8¥-lonsciolr _Depe.rtxnents of War and Navy- B. Accounts of Amounts expendeq for centiugeut expenses or Treasury buildings.? - -_ Q l . _ p · A ’ 0. Qunrterly publicetien ot statement of receipts sud cxpcnaimvz-ce._ 1. Monthly publication of weekly statement of '1`reneurcr. ‘ 2. Btntcxncnté ofvrocelpts and expenditures in navel. service. 8.·Bala¤ces inhnnds 0; dlibuuinz ments; report et amounts rect or $ _ t ’ unaccounted tor. __ »_ ‘ n — l

 24i. EstsNishmceit of depa_itment.#-There shall be

s the seat ot government an executive department to beknowu