Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1178

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2786 EXTRADITION, ETC., TREATY-AUSTRIA. JANUARY 31, 1930. agents of the High Contracting Parties. In the event of the absence of such agents from the country or its seat; of Govern- ment, or where extradition is sought; from territory included in the preceding paragraph, other than the United States or Austria, requisitions may be made by superior consular officers. Req- uisitions for surrender with ac- companying documentary proofs shall be required to be translated by the Government which has preferred the demand for extradi- tion into the language of the sur- rendering Government. Applications Cor ar- The arrest and detention of a rest and detention. f" b lidf . UgItlvemay eapp e oronm- formation, even by telegraph, of the existence of 8. judgment of conviction or of a warrant; of arrest. In Austria, the application for arrest and detention shall ce ad- dressed to the Federal Chancellor, who will transmit it to the proper department. In the United States, the appli- cation for arrest and detention shall be addressed to the Secre- tary of State, who shall deliver a mandate certifying that the appli- cation is reguhdy made and re- questing the competent author- ities to take action thereon in conformity to statute. Urgent cases. In case of urgency, the applica- tion for arrest and, detention may be addressed directly to the com- petent magistrate in conformity to the statutes in force. Provisional arrests. The person provisionally ar- rested shall be released, unless within three months from the date of commitment in the United Staf,es--)r from the date of arrest in Austria, th£ formal requisition for surrender, with the documen- tary proofs hereinafter described, be made as aforesaid by the diplo- matic agent of the demanding Government, or in his absence, by a consular officer thereof. Papers required. If the fugitive criminal shall have been convicted of the crime for which his extradition is asked, 8. copy of the sentence of the court before which such conviction took mati~ ~ertreter bet .poben ~et­ tNQ~litfieubtn ~ile geftellt roerben. t1ClUf bitft &rtreter bon bem @3taate ober bern EiiQe feintt Dtegierung Qbn>efenh finb Dber bie ~lieferut1Q auf tinem im borf)ergel)enben ~bfa~ ertud~nttn, aufJtt~lb bet mtreinigtm 6t4aten ober ()ftemhVt gdegenen ®tbiet bege~rt mirb, fiSnnen bie ~fudJen burd) qi:i~ere .R'onfularbearnte gefteUt n>erbtn. !l:lie ilu~neferung~bege~ren famt ben angefdiloffenen .58en>eieurlun- ben fo~ bie erfud}enbe 9legimmg mit tiner fiberf~ung in bie @3pradJe bet erfuditen 9legierung berfef)en. Um bie 58erl)aftung uub t1eftf)altung eine~ tjlUd}tlingf fann aUf @runb eina allenfllUi tdegtalJ~ifdJen 5Bttftiinbigung bon bern SBeftanbe tine3 Urttile6 oba eiuet (>aftbefel)lef angefud)t merben. 3n Ofterreidj fon ba3 ~fud)en um 5Berl)aftung unb ~eft~altung an btn 5Bunbeffanalet gerid)td roerben, bet ef an bie Auftctnbige 6tene meitetleiten roirb. Sn ben 5.Bereinigten @>t4aten foIl ba3 ~rfud)en um 58erqaftung unb Beftf)ali:ung an ben 6taat3fefretiir gerltVtet roerben, ber ein IDlanbat auf- fteUen tuirb, ba3 beftcttigt, ban baf (trfudjen tegeIredjt geftellt rourbe uub bie auftctnbigen 5Be~orben anroeift, ba3 (hfotbetlidje im ~inflang mit ben ®efe~n AU betanlaffen. 3m ~afie bet !l:lrlngfidjfeit fann' ba! (ttfudjen um 5Ber~llftung unb ~eft~1l1~ tung unmitteIbar Iln bie Auftltnbige 5Be~orbe tm G:inflang mit ben in Rtaft fte~mben ®efe~en geridjtet merben. IDet oonttufitJ 5Bet~aftete fofi fret- gelaffen metben, menn nidjt binnen brei IDlonaten born Xage bet $er~ttngung ber ~u3liefmmg3~llft in ben 5Ber.. einigten @3tClllten ober born ~Ilge ber \jtftna~me in Oftmeidj ba3 formlidje SBege~ten urn ~u3neferung mit ben unten befttrlebenen udunbli~n ~adj~ roeifungen l:Jom blplornatifdjen 58er.. ttetet bet etfudjenben Dtegitrung ober in feiner ~bweren~eit bon einem iQrer .R'llnfularbeamten in bet borerwct~nten }IDeife geftellt mitb. . $IDenn bet flUdjtige 5.Berbtedjer meg en bet fttafbaren .panbluJ1Q, berentrocgen feine ~u3lieferung berlangt mirb, berur~ teilt worben ift, mua eine ge~orig beglaubigte ~bfdjrlft be~ Urteile bef