Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2241

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INDEX. elv Shawneetown, Ill ., time extended for bridging Ohio River at ____________ _ Sheboygan Harbor, Wis., improvement Page. IShipping Board Bureau-Continued. Page. 105S Ship operation, cxpcn~iitufl~S subject to approvul by PresldcuL _______ 101, 1346 authorized ______________________ _ 103G Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corpora- tion, diHsolution of; transfer of records Sheffield, Ala., bridge construction across Tennessee River at _______________ _ 730 etc., to U. S . Maritime Coullubsiou_ 1987 Shellfish Investigation, appropriation for_ 9R, Shipyard River, S. C ., illlprovement au- 13.14 thorized_ _ _____ __________________ 1032 Shelter-Belt Project, sums available for distribution of stocks, etc., in liquida- tion oL__________________________ 1439 Shelton Harbor, Wash., examination au- thorized_________________________ 1047 "Shenandoah", erection of memorial to dead in wreck of dirigible, authorized_ 1371 Shenandoah National Park, Va., appro- priation for administration, etc _ _ 208, 1793 Sherman Institute, Riverside, Calif., appropriation for education of Indial~ _______________________ 190,1774 Shingles, limitation on importation of, from Canada by Executivc order____ 1746 Ship Mortgage Act, Amendment, preferred mortgages _______________________ _ Shipowners' Liability. See Shipping. Shipping. See also Merchant Marine Act, 1936; Navigation; Vessels. "Coastwise trade and mackerel fishery", combination licensc for; form, etc_ Ice patrol' and derelict destruction. See separate title. Limitation of shipowners' liability; 424 131)7 1 amount _____________________ 960,1479 Inland navigation, application of pro- visio ns to __ _____ _____ ___ _____ 1481 Proceedings to limit liability ___ ____ 1480 Stipulations limiting liability for negligence _____________ . _ _____ 1480 Stipulations limiting time for filing claims and commencing suit___ _ 960 Shipping Act of 1916, Amendments: Carriers, discriminations and prefer- ences prohibited________________ 1518 Sections repealed __________________ _ Shippers, false billing, etc. , prohibited_ Penalties ____________________ ~ ___ _ Shipping Board Bureau. See also Com- merce, Departmcnt of. Deficieucy appropriation for audited 2016 1518 1519 claims ________________________ 61, 605 Attorneys, npproval of contracts of em- ploymcnt. __________________ 101,134 -) Employment limitatioll _________ 101,1347 Claims, special appropriation continued available ____________________ 100, 13·lli Fuel oil of foreign production, restric- tion 011 purchase oL __________ 101 ,1346 Rent rcstriction __________ ~_ ______ 101, 1346 Salary limitatioll _________ . ________ 101,1346 Shoals, Ind., flood-control project au- thorizc(L __ ______________________ 1587 Shohola, Pa., bridge authorized across Delaware Rin'r nt._______________ 1531 Shoshone Irrigation Project, Wyo., appro- priation for ______________ 199,1783,1784 Shreveport, La., Centennial, commemo- rath'e medals authorized___________ 1927 Shrewsbury River, N. J ., improvement authorized_ _ ____ _____ ___ _____ ____ 1030 Shrine Convention, D. C .: Lirenses to peddlers, etc_____________ 36 Loan of tents, flags, etc______________ 35 Maintenance of public order, etc., ap- propriation authorized_ _____ __ ___ 161 AppropriatIOn for_________________ 217 Special illumination. provisions for____ 35 Traffic regulation during_ _ ____ ___ ____ 34 Use of parks, public spaces, etc., for___ 34 Siam, appropriation for envoy extraordi- nary, etc. , to ___________________ 69,1311 Sick Leave. See Goyernment Employees. Signal Corps. See War Department. Signal Safety Systems, appropriation for inspecting, etc__________________ 12,1174 "Signing of the Constitution", reproduc- tion of painting entitled; distribution_ 1392 Siletz River, Oreg., examination author- ized_ __ _________ ___ ______ ____ _ 440, 1595 Silver Purchase Act of 1934, appropria- tion for administrath'c expenses_ _ _ _ 1125 Sinepuxent Bay, Md., improvement au- thorized_ __ ___ _____ ___ _ __ __ ___ __ _ 1031 Sioux City, Iowa: Bridge authorized across Missouri River ot ____________________________ _ 1073 Time e~(tendt'd for hridging_________ 1530 Sioux Indians, SUIll authorized for pay- ments to _______________________ 196,340 Appropriation fOL ______________ 1764, 17~0 Sioux Sanatorium, S. Dak., sums avail- able for cOllstrul'tion oL___________ 1777 Siskiyou National I'orest, Oreg., addition to______________________________ _ 338 Sistersville, W. Va., tillle ('xtcndcd. for hridging Ohio Riwr aL _________ 904,1255 Sitka Harbor, Alaska, examination and impro\'('lIlcnt authorized ______ _ 1039, 1o·t 7 Siuslaw Rivl~r, Oreg., examination alit hor- ized ___________________________ 440, 15!15 Six Mile Creek, Ark., examination au- t1lOrized ________________________ . . 1565