
Úr Wikiheimild
Útgáfa frá 21. júlí 2022 kl. 22:27 eftir Snævar (spjall | framlög) Útgáfa frá 21. júlí 2022 kl. 22:27 eftir Snævar (spjall | framlög) (→‎Bot policy)
Potturinn er almennur umræðuvettvangur um hina íslensku Wikiheimild.
Hægt er að ræða verk og höfunda á spjallsíðum þeirra sem og annað efni á viðeigandi spjallsíðum. Hér fer fram almenn umræða um verkefnið en einnig eru tilkynningar birtar hér frá öðrum verkefnum og Wikimedia Foundation eftir því sem þær berast.
Hefja nýja umræðu
Söfn eldri umræðna

Er líf hérna?

Sæl verið þið.

Fyrir nokkrum árum byrjaði ég með Rafbókavefinn og bauð upp á dreifðan prófarkalestur (sbr. kerfið sem er notað fyrir Gutenberg). Þá vissi ég ekki einu sinni af þessum vef hérna. Fyrir um tveimur árum þá fór yfirlestrarvefurinn hjá okkur í rugl og hefur ekki verið endurreistur.

Núna er smá lífsmark hjá okkur, við vorum að birta Odysseifskviðu, og ég var að velta fyrir mér að reyna að endurvekja prófarkalesturinn okkar. En mér datt í hug að athuga kannski fyrst hvort að það væri hægt að nota kerfið hérna í staðinn.

Ég hef verið að skoða en ég finn ekki reglur hérna og íslensku um hvernig vinnuferlið er og hvernig á að ganga frá textanum. Eru engar sér reglur?

Óli Gneisti (spjall) 13. maí 2017 kl. 22:37 (UTC)[svara]


Ef ég man rétt þá innihélt rafbókarvefurinn bækur sem fallnar voru úr höfundarrétti. Sama reglan gildir hér, en þú getur lesið um það í smáatriðum á Wikiheimild:Um verkefnið. Hjálp er síðan að finna í hjálparritröð sem byrjar á síðunni Hjálp:Setja texta á stafrænt form. Tenglarnir efst á síðunum leiða þig svo áfram í gegnum ferlið. Það minnir mig líka á að ég þyrfti að láta hjálpartengilinn í hliðarstikunni vinstra megin tengja í hjálp um verkefnið, þannig það er ekki nema von þú spyrjir! --Snaevar (spjall) 14. maí 2017 kl. 19:38 (UTC)[svara]
Það er tvennt sem ég er að velta fyrir mér núna. Í fyrsta lagi þá virkjast Firefox stafsetningarviðbótin hjá mér þegar ég er að breyta texta á Wikipediu, hvort sem það er í WYSIWYG ham eða kóðaham, en hérna virkjast þetta bara í kóðaham (ég veit að maður treystir ekki stafsetningarviðbótinni blint en þetta er góð leið til að spotta ljóslestrarvillur). Í öðru lagi þá fannst mér voðalega gott að nota DP fontinn þegar ég var að lesa yfir í DP kerfinu. Er einhver leið til að fá textann í WYSIWYG haminum með öðrum fonti innan kerfisins? Ég get reddað því í kóðahaminum en ekki hinum.
Óli Gneisti (spjall) 15. maí 2017 kl. 08:31 (UTC)[svara]

Ég er að reyna að samræma gamlar leiðbeiningarsíður í eitt. Það eru leifar hér og þar af síðum. Ég tók líka og breytti aðeins hjálparsíðuröðinni þannig að núna eru upphlaðsleiðbeiningarnar á sömu síðu og ljóslestrarleiðbeiningarnar en villulestrarsíðan er þannig að hægt er að vísa nýju fólki beint á hana til að það viti hvernig á að demba sér í yfirlesturinn. Ég ætla líka að muna eftir að nota þessa síðu til að sjá hvaða síður eru hérna. Ég kláraði Kofa Tómasar frænda og lagaði aðeins síðunúmerin á Jóni Indíafara. Óli Gneisti (spjall) 19. júní 2017 kl. 22:16 (UTC)[svara]

Ég tók, eins og sést væntanlega, og færði eldri umræður í skjalageymslu. Óli Gneisti (spjall) 22. júní 2017 kl. 19:18 (UTC)[svara]


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 16. maí 2017 kl. 14:44 (UTC)[svara]

16. maí 2017 kl. 21:09 (UTC)

23. maí 2017 kl. 21:05 (UTC)

Eyða skrá sem ég var að hlaða upp

Ég var að prufa að hlaða upp skrá sem ég lét Internet Archive ljóslega. Ég skoðaði yfirlesturinn í hreinni textaskrá og var svo ánægður með hann að ég setti hana hingað inn. En eitthvað hefur uppsetningin á textanum í PDF verið undarleg þannig að þetta kom allt í graut í textahlutanum hér. Ég ætla að skoða þetta betur og sjá hvort ég geti fengið þetta í betri útgáfu frá Internet Archive. Ég sá engan möguleika á að hala niður djvu útgáfu þaðan en ég fann tvær skrár sem voru djvu text og djvu xml. Ég átta mig samt ekki hvort hægt sé að koma þeim hingað.

En ég myndi sumsé vilja láta eyða þessu áður en lengra er haldið.

Óli Gneisti (spjall) 27. maí 2017 kl. 10:48 (UTC)[svara]

Mér sýnist að Internet Archive sé bara hætt að bjóða upp á djvu skrár. Ljóslesturinn þeirra er hins vegar ágætur en kemur ekki vel út í gegnum PDF skrárnar þeirra - textaskjalið sem maður getur niðurhalað er miklu betra.
Mér sýnist að enska Wikisource sé bara í að að nota ljóslestrarvél sem er byggð inn í Wikisource. Sú vél er ekki nægilega góð í íslensku. Íslenska tesseract er betri en þessi sem er hér. Er það að af því að Wikiljóslestrarvélin er ekki nægilega góður í íslensku?
Óli Gneisti (spjall) 27. maí 2017 kl. 14:00 (UTC)[svara]
Ég er reyndar að spá hvort að ljóslesturinn hérna sé lélegur á myndunum af því að þeim var breytt af Internet Archive og eru því ekki jafn skýrar og þær voru í upprunalega skjalinu.
Óli Gneisti (spjall) 27. maí 2017 kl. 14:44 (UTC)[svara]
Til þess að hlaða upp skrá er farið á c:Special:UploadWizard. Þrátt fyrir að sá tengill tengi yfir á annað vefsvæði þá virkar engu að síður að hlaða þangað inn, passaðu bara að nafn frumritsins án "frumrit:" forskeytisins og skráarinnar sé það sama. Special:Upload hleður eingöngu skrám inn, hún er ekki ljóslestrarvél. Hinsvegar ef þú breytir blaðsíðu þá er til staðar takki sem ljósles blaðsíðuna með tesseract ljóslestrarvélinni.--Snaevar (spjall) 5. júní 2017 kl. 10:34 (UTC)[svara]
En er ekki hægt að láta þetta gerast sjálfkrafa án þess að þurfa að fara á síðurnar sjálfar og ýta á ljóslestrarhnappinn á hverri síðu?
Nei, það er ekki hægt að láta það gerast sjálfkrafa. OCR hnappurinn er meira redding en alvöru lausn. Það ætti frekar að nota eða tesseract.--Snaevar (spjall) 18. júlí 2019 kl. 21:54 (UTC)[svara]

Eyða Skýrsla rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis um Íbúðalánasjóð

Ég var að skoða Skýrslu rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis um Íbúðalánasjóð sem er verkefni sem hefur ekkert gengið með. Ég tók eftir því að það er til góð hrein texta útgáfa af skýrslunni. Er þetta ekki tilefni til að eyða út þessu verkefni? --Óli Gneisti (spjall) 5. júní 2017 kl. 19:28 (UTC)[svara]

Improved search in deleted pages archive

Please help translate to your language

During Wikimedia Hackathon 2016, the Discovery team worked on one of the items on the 2015 community wishlist, namely enabling searching the archive of deleted pages. This feature is now ready for production deployment, and will be enabled on all wikis, except Wikidata.

Right now, the feature is behind a feature flag - to use it on your wiki, please go to the Special:Undelete page, and add &fuzzy=1 to the URL, like this: Then search for the pages you're interested in. There should be more results than before, due to using ElasticSearch indexing (via the CirrusSearch extension).

We plan to enable this improved search by default on all wikis soon (around August 1, 2017). If you have any objections to this - please raise them with the Discovery team via email or on this announcement's discussion page. Like most Mediawiki configuration parameters, the functionality can be configured per wiki. Once the improved search becomes the default, you can still access the old mode using &fuzzy=0 in the URL, like this:

Please note that since Special:Undelete is an admin-only feature, this search capability is also only accessible to wiki admins.

Takk! CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 25. júlí 2017 kl. 18:39 (UTC)[svara]

Accessible editing buttons

--Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 27. júlí 2017 kl. 16:56 (UTC)[svara]

Changes to the global ban policy

Hello. Some changes to the community global ban policy have been proposed. Your comments are welcome at m:Requests for comment/Improvement of global ban policy. Please translate this message to your language, if needed. Cordially. Matiia (Matiia) 12. nóvember 2017 kl. 00:34 (UTC)[svara]

New print to pdf feature for mobile web readers

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20. nóvember 2017 kl. 22:07 (UTC)[svara]

Heads-up about a technical change affecting this wiki

Hello. Please help translate to your language. Takk!

This is a heads-up about a technical change affecting this wiki. You do not need to do anything.

In July 2017, the Wikimedia Foundation announced the intention to replace Tidy with RemexHTML across the Wikimedia cluster by July 2018. In order to make this switch, a number of broken wikitext patterns were identified that required fixing on wikis, highlighted via the high priority categories in the Linter extension.

While still planning to finish turning off Tidy in July 2018, doing early switches of wikis from Tidy to Remex will let us identify any lingering issues that are not already caught by the linter categories and our QA testing. We are encouraging big wikis that have worked hard to switch sooner, for example.

Since your wiki has zero high-priority errors, we think that it is ready to switch from Tidy to Remex. To be clear, if we notice problems (or if the wiki requests it), we will revert the change, after identifying the source of the problem. If you notice any incorrect rendering, you can use ?action=parsermigration-edit to identify if the switch from Tidy actually caused it.

We are suggesting 5 December 2017 as the possible date for the switch to happen, so there would still be plenty of time to fix any issues before the holidays start. We look forward to hearing any concerns you would have with this plan, and about how we can help make this transition as smooth as possible: if you have any comments, please remember to ping me personally to make sure I notice and address them, otherwise we will assume this message is acknowledged and the deadline works for your community.

Best, mw:User:Elitre (WMF) 28. nóvember 2017 kl. 10:35 (UTC)[svara]

PS: Apologies if you are seeing this message on a page that is not the best location for it: I have looked for the appropriate target pages (for example, on Meta), but may have found none. Please, by all means, move the message where you see fit, but most importantly, fix the various distribution lists by adding the correct page there, to avoid that this happens again in the future. I appreciate your understanding, and am available for further information and explanations.


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 7. maí 2018 kl. 14:53 (UTC)[svara]

Update on page issues on mobile web

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 12. júní 2018 kl. 20:58 (UTC)[svara]

Bot rights for User:Wikisource-bot

Hi. With the requirement to fix the page categorisation as notified at phab:T198470, I would like to propose to the community to have our bot run through and address the problem with the solution identified. The bot has been used to resolve issue previously on the Wikisources.

Thanks. Billinghurst (spjall) 7. júlí 2018 kl. 10:02 (UTC)[svara]

Addition of isWS to global bots

Above I have added a bot request, as this wiki is not within the global bot project, per list m:Special:WikiSets/2. Would the community consider opting in to the global bots, so that when we have Wikisource-wide fixes for mw:Extension:ProofreadPage that is possible to organise the bots to do the jobs within Phabricator, and simply get the fix in place. Billinghurst (spjall) 7. júlí 2018 kl. 10:03 (UTC)[svara]

No need for global bots on isWS at the moment.--Snaevar (spjall) 27. júlí 2018 kl. 23:41 (UTC)[svara]

Global preferences are available

10. júlí 2018 kl. 19:19 (UTC)

Consultation on the creation of a separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS

New user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS

New user group for editing sitewide CSS / JS

Editing of sitewide CSS/JS is only possible for interface administrators from now

(Please help translate to your language)

Hi all,

as announced previously, permission handling for CSS/JS pages has changed: only members of the interface-admin (Stjórnendur viðmóts) group, and a few highly privileged global groups such as stewards, can edit CSS/JS pages that they do not own (that is, any page ending with .css or .js that is either in the MediaWiki: namespace or is another user's user subpage). This is done to improve the security of readers and editors of Wikimedia projects. More information is available at Creation of separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS. If you encounter any unexpected problems, please contact me or file a bug.

Tgr (talk) 27. ágúst 2018 kl. 12:39 (UTC) (via global message delivery)[svara]

Read-only mode for up to an hour on 12 September and 10 October

6. september 2018 kl. 13:33 (UTC)

The GFDL license on Commons

20. september 2018 kl. 18:11 (UTC)

Words hyphenated across pages in Wikisource are now joined

Hi, this is a message by Can da Lua as discussed here for wikisource communities

The ProofreadPage extension can now join together a word that is split between a page and the next.

In the past, when a page was ending with "concat-" and the next page was beginning with "enation", the resulting transclusion would have been "concat- enation", and a special template like d:Q15630535 had to be used to obtain the word "concatenation".

Now the default behavior has changed: the hyphen at the end of a page is suppressed and in this case no space is inserted, so the result of the transclusion will be: "concatenation", without the need of a template. The "joiner" character is defined by default as "-" (the regular hyphen), but it is possible to change this. A template may still be needed to deal with particular cases when the hyphen needs to be preserved.

Please share this information with your community.

MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 30. september 2018 kl. 10:28 (UTC)[svara]

The Community Wishlist Survey

30. október 2018 kl. 11:06 (UTC)

Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 13. nóvember 2018 kl. 19:34 (UTC)[svara]

Community Wishlist Survey vote

22. nóvember 2018 kl. 18:13 (UTC)

Advanced Search

Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (talk) 26. nóvember 2018 kl. 11:02 (UTC)[svara]

Selection of the Wikisource Community User Group representative to the Wikimedia Summit

Dear all,

Sorry for writing in English and cross-posting this message.

The Wikisource Community User Group could send one representative to the Wikimedia Summit 2019 (formerly "Wikimedia Conference"). The Wikimedia Summit is a yearly conference of all organizations affiliated to the Wikimedia Movement (including our Wikisource Community User Group). It is a great place to talk about Wikisource needs to the chapters and other user groups that compose the Wikimedia movement. For context, there is a short report on what happened last year. The deadline is short and to avoid the confusing vote on the Wikisource-I mailing list of last year, we created a page on meta to decide who will be the representative of the user group to the Wikimedia Summit.

The vote will be in two parts:

  1. until December 7th, people can add their name and a short explanation on who they are and why they want to go to the summit. Nomination of other people is allowed, the nominated person should accept their nomination.
  2. starting December 7th, and for a week, the community vote to designate the representative.

Please feel free to ask any question on the wikisource-I mailing list or on the talk page.

For the Wikisource Community User Group, Tpt (talk) 15:15, 5 December 2018 (UTC)

New Wikimedia password policy and requirements

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 6. desember 2018 kl. 20:03 (UTC)[svara]

Wikisource Community User Group representative vote

Dear all,

Sorry for writing in English and cross-posting this message.

Following the previous message, the vote for the representative of the Wikisource Community User Group to the Wikimedia Summit 2019 is now open.

There is two great candidates on page on meta to decide who will be the representative of the user group to the Wikimedia Summit. You can support a candidate now. All active Wikisource users can vote. The vote is ending on December 14, 2018.

Feel free to ask any question on the wikisource-I mailing list or on the talk page.


For the Wikisource Community User Group, Tpt (talk) December 8, 2018 at 18:53 (UTC)

Invitation from Wiki Loves Love 2019

Please help translate to your language

Love is an important subject for humanity and it is expressed in different cultures and regions in different ways across the world through different gestures, ceremonies, festivals and to document expression of this rich and beautiful emotion, we need your help so we can share and spread the depth of cultures that each region has, the best of how people of that region, celebrate love.

Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an international photography competition of Wikimedia Commons with the subject love testimonials happening in the month of February.

The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects.

The theme of 2019 iteration is Celebrations, Festivals, Ceremonies and rituals of love.

Sign up your affiliate or individually at Participants page.

To know more about the contest, check out our Commons Page and FAQs

There are several prizes to grab. Hope to see you spreading love this February with Wiki Loves Love!

Kind regards,

Wiki Loves Love Team

Imagine... the sum of all love!

--MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 27. desember 2018 kl. 10:12 (UTC)[svara]

FileExporter beta feature

Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 14. janúar 2019 kl. 09:41 (UTC)[svara]

No editing for 30 minutes on 17 January

You will not be able to edit the wikis for up to 30 minutes on 17 January 07:00 UTC. This is because of a database problem that has to be fixed immediately. You can still read the wikis. Some wikis are not affected. They don't get this message. You can see which wikis are not affected on this page. Most wikis are affected. The time you can not edit might be shorter than 30 minutes. /Johan (WMF)

MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 16. janúar 2019 kl. 18:44 (UTC)[svara]

Talk to us about talking

Trizek (WMF) 21. febrúar 2019 kl. 15:01 (UTC)[svara]

Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April

8. apríl 2019 kl. 10:56 (UTC)

Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request

Please help translate to your language

The Wikimedia Foundation has published a Medium-Term Plan proposal covering the next 3–5 years. We want your feedback! Please leave all comments and questions, in any language, on the talk page, by April 20. Takk! Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 12. apríl 2019 kl. 17:35 (UTC)[svara]

Færa myndir á Commons

Ég vill færa myndirnar á þessu vefsvæði yfir á Commons. Commons er miðlægur myndagagnagrunnur sem er hægt að nota á öllum tungumálum wikiheimildar, wikipediu o.s.frv. Wikiheimild mun alltaf vera eingöngu með efni sem er það gamalt að það sé farið úr höfundarrétti og því tekur commons við öllum skrám héðan. Yfirleitt er sett sú regla á þeim vefsvæðum sem tengjast commons, að frjálsar skrár eins og þessar séu á commons. Þar sem ég er búinn að hlaða upp skránum á commons og sjá til þess að tenglarnir haldi sér, á eingöngu eftir að eyða þeim héðan. Engir dauðir tenglar verða til eftir við þetta. Skrárnar eru:

  1. Mynd:003.JPG.svg
  2. Mynd:1001.JPG.svg
  3. Mynd:1001b2-wiki.pdf
  4. Mynd:Angurgapi.png
  5. Mynd:Fengur.png
  6. Mynd:Fjölnir.png
  7. Mynd:Freyr.png
  8. Mynd:Ginfaxi.png
  9. Mynd:Ginnir.png
  10. Mynd:Karlamagnús Annað kerfi.png
  11. Mynd:Karlamagnús Fyrsta kerfi.png
  12. Mynd:Karlamagnús Þriðja kerfi.png
  13. Mynd:Kaupaloki.png
  1. Mynd:Norsk avfintyri b1.pdf
  2. Mynd:Róðukross.png
  3. Mynd:Rúnir 1.png
  4. Mynd:Rúnir 10.png
  5. Mynd:Rúnir 11.png
  6. Mynd:Rúnir 2.png
  7. Mynd:Rúnir 3.png
  8. Mynd:Rúnir 4.png
  9. Mynd:Rúnir 5.png
  10. Mynd:Rúnir 6.png
  11. Mynd:Rúnir 7.png
  12. Mynd:Rúnir 8.png
  1. Mynd:Rúnir 9.png
  2. Mynd:Skipaði hún ambáttum sínum að þjóna henni eins og drottningu sinni.svg
  3. Mynd:Smérhnútur.png
  4. Mynd:Stafir móti illum sendingum 1.png
  5. Mynd:Stafir móti illum sendingum 2.png
  6. Mynd:Stafir til að sjá þjóf 1.png
  7. Mynd:Stafir til að sjá þjóf 2.png
  8. Mynd:Varð Núreddín þá sem steini lostinn og hengdi niður höfuðið.svg
  9. Mynd:Ægishjálmur.png
  10. Mynd:Þekkur.png
  11. Mynd:Þjófastefna.png
  12. Mynd:Þrumur.png
  13. Mynd:Þundur.png
  14. Mynd:Þórshamar.png
  15. Mynd:Þúsund og ein nótt.svg

--Snaevar (spjall) 19. júlí 2019 kl. 18:47 (UTC)[svara]

Update on the consultation about office actions

Hello all,

Last month, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust & Safety team announced a future consultation about partial and/or temporary office actions. We want to let you know that the draft version of this consultation has now been posted on Meta.

This is a draft. It is not intended to be the consultation itself, which will be posted on Meta likely in early September. Please do not treat this draft as a consultation. Instead, we ask your assistance in forming the final language for the consultation.

For that end, we would like your input over the next couple of weeks about what questions the consultation should ask about partial and temporary Foundation office action bans and how it should be formatted. Please post it on the draft talk page. Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.

Please visit the consultation draft on Meta-wiki and leave your comments on the draft’s talk page about what the consultation should look like and what questions it should ask.

Thank you for your input! -- The Trust & Safety team 16. ágúst 2019 kl. 08:03 (UTC)

New tools and IP masking

21. ágúst 2019 kl. 14:19 (UTC)

The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started

-- Kbrown (WMF) 30. september 2019 kl. 17:14 (UTC)[svara]

Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project

16. október 2019 kl. 07:15 (UTC)

Community Wishlist 2020

IFried (WMF) 4. nóvember 2019 kl. 19:30 (UTC)[svara]

Wiki Loves Folklore

Hello Folks,

Wiki Loves Love is back again in 2020 iteration as Wiki Loves Folklore from 1 February, 2020 - 29 February, 2020. Join us to celebrate the local cultural heritage of your region with the theme of folklore in the international photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. Images, videos and audios representing different forms of folk cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far are welcome submissions in Wiki Loves Folklore. Learn more about the contest at Meta-Wiki and Commons.

Kind regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
sent using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 18. janúar 2020 kl. 06:14 (UTC)

Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project


The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.

To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!

-- LMiranda (WMF) (talk) 22. janúar 2020 kl. 19:01 (UTC)[svara]

Wikisource Conference in Warsaw

Dear Wikisource Community,

Meeting the Wikisource community expectations, we are working with Wikimedia Polska and Wikimedia Foundation on organiziing the 2nd Wikisource Conference in Warsaw. We already had a survey that showed high interest in the Conference within the community. We also had recently a meeting on the conference organization process and its requirements. However, we are still at a very early stage of the Conference organization process. But we are hoping this event will happen in September this year.

In order to apply for Wikimedia Foundation support, we need some input from the community about the Conference goals and the community expectations. If you are a wikisourcian, you wish to participate the conference or you wish to help the Wikisource community that the conference take place, please fill the short survey linked below before January 29 (due to short deadline for grant applications). Please, also share this request among Your communities. Here is the link to the survey

Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions, suggestions, proposals, or if you wish to help us in any other way.

On behalf of the Organizing Commitee,

Nicolas Vigneron

Satdeep Gill


Additional interface for edit conflicts on talk pages

Sorry, for writing this text in English. If you could help to translate it, it would be appreciated.

You might know the new interface for edit conflicts (currently a beta feature). Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. This interface is shown to you when you write on a discussion page and another person writes a discussion post in the same line and saves it before you do. With this additional editing conflict interface you can adjust the order of the comments and edit your comment. We are inviting everyone to have a look at the planned feature. Let us know what you think on our central feedback page! -- For the Technical Wishes Team: Max Klemm (WMDE) 26. febrúar 2020 kl. 14:15 (UTC)[svara]

Community Tech Launches Wikisource Improvement Initiative

This message is in English, but we encourage translation into other languages. Thank you!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all healthy and safe in these difficult times.

The Community Tech team has just launched a new initiative to improve Wikisource. We will be addressing five separate wishes, which came out of the 2020 Community Wishlist Survey, and we want you to be a part of the process! The projects include the following:

For the first project, the team will focus on the #1 wish: improve ebook exports. We have created a project page, which includes an analysis of the ebook export process. We now invite everyone to visit the page and share their feedback on the project talk page. Please let us know what you think of our analysis; we want to hear from all of you! Furthermore, we hope that you will participate in the other Wikisource improvement projects, which we’ll address in the future. Thank you in advance and we look forward to reading your feedback on the ebook export improvement talk page!

-- IFried (WMF) (Product Manager, Community Tech)

Sent by Satdeep Gill (WMF) using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 28. maí 2020 kl. 10:46 (UTC)[svara]

Community Tech Launches Wikisource Improvement Initiative

Apologies for the broken links in the previous message. This message is in English, but we encourage translation into other languages. Thank you!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all healthy and safe in these difficult times.

The Community Tech team has just launched a new initiative to improve Wikisource. We will be addressing five separate wishes, which came out of the 2020 Community Wishlist Survey, and we want you to be a part of the process! The projects include the following:

For the first project, the team will focus on the #1 wish: improve ebook exports. We have created a project page, which includes an analysis of the ebook export process. We now invite everyone to visit the page and share their feedback on the project talk page. Please let us know what you think of our analysis; we want to hear from all of you! Furthermore, we hope that you will participate in the other Wikisource improvement projects, which we’ll address in the future. Thank you in advance and we look forward to reading your feedback on the ebook export improvement talk page!

-- IFried (WMF) (Product Manager, Community Tech)

Sent by Satdeep Gill (WMF) using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 28. maí 2020 kl. 10:51 (UTC)[svara]

Feedback on movement names

Hello. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Please help translate to your language if necessary. Takk!

There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.

Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.

Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.

Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, 2. júlí 2020 kl. 19:39 (UTC)

Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.

Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia

Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) 9. júlí 2020 kl. 20:13 (UTC) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement [svara]

Technical Wishes: FileExporter and FileImporter become default features on all Wikis

Max Klemm (WMDE) 6. ágúst 2020 kl. 09:13 (UTC)[svara]

Feedback requested: Ebook Export Improvement Project

Note: This message is in English, but we encourage translation into other languages. Thank you!

Hello, everyone!

I am pleased to announce that the Community Tech team at WMF has posted our August update on the Wikisource Ebook Export Improvement project! This project came out of our 2020 Community Wishlist Survey, and it was the #1 wish voted on by survey participants.

So, what does this mean? In short, we want your feedback! Now that we have posted the August update, we want to know what you think. The update includes findings from our community consultation, results from two separate analyses conducted by the team (on improving WSExport reliability & font rendering support), and proposed next steps. It is our hope that people can read our analysis, share their feedback, and engage in a conversation with us on the talk page. Your feedback will be invaluable, and it will help determine the next steps of the project.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the consultation so far! It's been a joy to explore how we can improve the ebook export experience. Now, we look forward to reading a new round of feedback on the project talk page!

-- IFried (WMF) (Product Manager, Community Tech)

Sent by User:SGill (WMF) using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 17. ágúst 2020 kl. 12:14 (UTC)[svara]

Important: maintenance operation on September 1st

Trizek (WMF) (talk) 26. ágúst 2020 kl. 13:49 (UTC)[svara]

Invitation to participate in the conversation

Wikisource Pagelist Widget: Ready to be enabled

Note: This message is in English, but we encourage translation into other languages. Thank you!

Hello everyone,

We are excited to announce that the Wikisource Pagelist widget is now available to be enabled on all Wikisources. Any interface admin on your wiki can enable it by using the instructions on the following page:

In case, your wiki doesn’t have an interface admin, reach out to us on the ‘Help with enabling the widget on your wiki’ section of the project talk page and we will connect you with a global interface admin:

You will need to hold a local discussion around what would be the labels for different page types in your language for the visual mode. (For example, ToC = ਤਤਕਰਾ in Punjabi, title = শিরোনাম in Bengali)

Feel free to also give us any feedback on the project talk page on Meta-Wiki as well.


Sohom Datta

Sent by Satdeep Gill (WMF) using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 15. september 2020 kl. 05:56 (UTC) [svara]

Wikisource Pagelist Widget: Wikisource Meetup (29th September 2020)

Hello everyone,

We hope you are doing well!

We reached out to you a couple of weeks ago to share that Wikisource Pagelist Widget is now ready to be enabled to Wikisource. Since then, many language Wikisources have enabled the widget but many are yet to do so.

So, we have decided to organize a Wikisource Meetup to give a live demonstration on how to use the widget in both wikitext and visual modes. There will be some time for the participants to share their feedback and experience with the widget. We will also provide support in case some Wikisource communities are seeking help in enabling the widget.

The meetup will take place on 29 September 2020 at 9:30 AM UTC or 3 PM IST. Google Meet link for the meeting is:

Looking forward to seeing the global Wikisource community connect amid these difficult times when physical meetings have not been taking place.

P.S. If you are planning to attend this meetup and are comfortable in sharing your email address then send us your confirmation in the form of a small email to, this will help us in getting a sense of the number of people that are planning to show-up. We are aware that this time-zone is not convenient for everyone and more meetups can be organized in the future.


Sohom, Sam and Satdeep

Sent by Satdeep using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 24. september 2020 kl. 11:03 (UTC)[svara]

Wiki of functions naming contest

29. september 2020 kl. 21:13 (UTC)

Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric

Hello. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Please help translate to your language.

Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.

Takk! Qgil-WMF (talk) 7. október 2020 kl. 17:10 (UTC)[svara]

Important: maintenance operation on October 27

-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) 21. október 2020 kl. 17:11 (UTC)[svara]

Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2

5. nóvember 2020 kl. 22:11 (UTC)

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

20. nóvember 2020 kl. 18:09 (UTC)

Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist

2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th

Community Wishlist Survey 2021

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

15. desember 2020 kl. 00:52 (UTC)

Moving Wikimania 2021 to a Virtual Event

Wikimania's logo.

Hello. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Please help translate to your language. Takk!

Wikimania will be a virtual event this year, and hosted by a wide group of community members. Whenever the next in-person large gathering is possible again, the ESEAP Core Organizing Team will be in charge of it. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved in the planning process and other aspects of the event. Please read the longer version of this announcement on wikimedia-l.

ESEAP Core Organizing Team, Wikimania Steering Committee, Wikimedia Foundation Events Team, 27. janúar 2021 kl. 15:16 (UTC)

Project Grant Open Call

This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.

For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:

Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us if you would like feedback or more information.

We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!

Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at projectgrantsSnið Please help us translate this message to your local language. MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 28. janúar 2021 kl. 08:01 (UTC)[svara]

Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 is back!

Please help translate to your language

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

Please support us in translating the project page and a banner message to help us spread the word in your native language.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 6. febrúar 2021 kl. 13:25 (UTC)[svara]

Proposal: Set two-letter project shortcuts as alias to project namespace globally

Please help translate to your language

Hello everyone,

I apologize for posting in English. I would like to inform everyone that I created a new global request for comment (GRFC) at Meta Wiki, which may affect your project: m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.

In this GRFC, I propose that two-project shortcuts for project names will become a default alias for the project namespace. For instance, on all Wikipedias, WP will be an alias to the Wikipedia: namespace (and similar for other projects). Full list is available in the GRFC.

This is already the case for Wikivoyages, and many individual projects asked for this alias to be implemented. I believe this makes it easier to access the materials in the project namespace, as well as creating shortcuts like WP:NPOV, as well as helps new projects to use this feature, without having to figure out how to request site configuration changes first.

As far as I can see, Wikiheimild currently does not have such an alias set. This means that such an alias will be set for you, if the GRFC is accepted by the global community.

I would like to ask all community members to participate in the request for comment at Meta-Wiki, see m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.

Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this proposal.

Best regards,
--Martin Urbanec (talk) 18. febrúar 2021 kl. 14:12 (UTC)[svara]

Wikifunctions logo contest

2. mars 2021 kl. 01:50 (UTC)

Universal Code of Conduct – 2021 consultations

Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2

Please help translate to your language

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a universal baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects. The project is currently in Phase 2, outlining clear enforcement pathways. You can read more about the whole project on its project page.

Drafting Committee: Call for applications

The Wikimedia Foundation is recruiting volunteers to join a committee to draft how to make the code enforceable. Volunteers on the committee will commit between 2 and 6 hours per week from late April through July and again in October and November. It is important that the committee be diverse and inclusive, and have a range of experiences, including both experienced users and newcomers, and those who have received or responded to, as well as those who have been falsely accused of harassment.

To apply and learn more about the process, see Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee.

2021 community consultations: Notice and call for volunteers / translators

From 5 April – 5 May 2021 there will be conversations on many Wikimedia projects about how to enforce the UCoC. We are looking for volunteers to translate key material, as well as to help host consultations on their own languages or projects using suggested key questions. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these roles, please contact us in whatever language you are most comfortable.

To learn more about this work and other conversations taking place, see Universal Code of Conduct/2021 consultations.

-- Xeno (WMF) (talk) 5. apríl 2021 kl. 22:19 (UTC)[svara]

Line numbering coming soon to all wikis

-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 12. apríl 2021 kl. 15:08 (UTC)[svara]

Suggested Values

Timur Vorkul (WMDE) 22. apríl 2021 kl. 14:08 (UTC)[svara]

Universal Code of Conduct News – Issue 1

Universal Code of Conduct News
Issue 1, June 2021Read the full newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of Universal Code of Conduct News! This newsletter will help Wikimedians stay involved with the development of the new code, and will distribute relevant news, research, and upcoming events related to the UCoC.

Please note, this is the first issue of UCoC Newsletter which is delivered to all subscribers and projects as an announcement of the initiative. If you want the future issues delivered to your talk page, village pumps, or any specific pages you find appropriate, you need to subscribe here.

You can help us by translating the newsletter issues in your languages to spread the news and create awareness of the new conduct to keep our beloved community safe for all of us. Please add your name here if you want to be informed of the draft issue to translate beforehand. Your participation is valued and appreciated.

  • Affiliate consultations – Wikimedia affiliates of all sizes and types were invited to participate in the UCoC affiliate consultation throughout March and April 2021. (continue reading)
  • 2021 key consultations – The Wikimedia Foundation held enforcement key questions consultations in April and May 2021 to request input about UCoC enforcement from the broader Wikimedia community. (continue reading)
  • Roundtable discussions – The UCoC facilitation team hosted two 90-minute-long public roundtable discussions in May 2021 to discuss UCoC key enforcement questions. More conversations are scheduled. (continue reading)
  • Phase 2 drafting committee – The drafting committee for the phase 2 of the UCoC started their work on 12 May 2021. Read more about their work. (continue reading)
  • Diff blogs – The UCoC facilitators wrote several blog posts based on interesting findings and insights from each community during local project consultation that took place in the 1st quarter of 2021. (continue reading)

--MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 11. júní 2021 kl. 23:06 (UTC)[svara]

Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions

Dear all,

Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.

Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.

Below are some links to guide you through;

Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.

Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.

Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.

Best regards,

MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 16. júní 2021 kl. 04:19 (UTC)[svara]

On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team

Editing news 2021 #2

24. júní 2021 kl. 14:15 (UTC)

Server switch

SGrabarczuk (WMF) 27. júní 2021 kl. 01:19 (UTC)[svara]

Wikisource Satisfaction Survey 2021


Apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language

In the past year, there has been a lot of changes to Wikisource features and tools. This was done by the Community Tech team at the Wikimedia Foundation, grantees funded by the Foundation or through projects like Google Summer of Code. We would like to understand what you feel about the changes. Tell us what you think about such tools as the Wikisource Pagelist Widget or the new Ebook Export tool.

Take the survey in English, French, Spanish, Polish, Hindi or Punjabi. The deadline is 25th July 2021.

This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement (English, Spanish, French, Polish, Hindi and Punjabi).

If you prefer to send your answers via email, copy the text of the survey and send to

If you have any questions or feedback about the survey, write to me at

Takk! SGill (WMF) 16. júlí 2021 kl. 22:30 (UTC)[svara]

Universal Code of Conduct - Enforcement draft guidelines review

The Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2 drafting committee would like comments about the enforcement draft guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). This review period is planned for 17 August 2021 through 17 October 2021.

These guidelines are not final but you can help move the progress forward. The committee will revise the guidelines based upon community input.

Comments can be shared in any language on the draft review talk page and multiple other venues. Community members are encouraged to organize conversations in their communities.

There are planned live discussions about the UCoC enforcement draft guidelines:

Wikimania 2021 session (recorded 16 August)
Conversation hours - 24 August, 31 August, 7 September @ 03:00 UTC & 14:00 UTC
Roundtable calls - 18 September @ 03:00 UTC & 15:00 UTC

Summaries of discussions will be posted every two weeks here.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Xeno (WMF) 17. ágúst 2021 kl. 22:46 (UTC)[svara]

Update on the OCR Improvements

Hello! Sorry for writing in English. Please help translate to your language.

The OCR Improvements are complete. We, the Community Tech team, are grateful for your feedback from the beginning to the last stage when we were finalizing the interface.

Engine improvements

OCR menu in toolbar
OCR menu in toolbar

Prior to our work, the OCR tools were separate gadgets. We have added "Wikimedia OCR." It is available under one icon inside the toolbar on all Wikisource wikis. This tool supports two other OCR tools, Tesseract and Google OCR. We expect these tools to be more stable. We will maintain Wikimedia OCR.

The gadgets will remain available. The communities will have sovereignty over when to enable or disable these.


Prior to this work, transcription would take upwards of 40 seconds. Our improvements average a transcription time under 4 seconds.

Advanced Tools improvements

Multiple-language support

Documents with multiple languages can be transcribed in a new way.

  1. Open the Advanced Options
  2. Select the Languages (optional) field
  3. Search for and enter the languages in order of prevalence in the document.
UI Crop tool in Advanced tools
Cropping tool / Multi-column support

We have included a Cropper tool. It allows to select regions to transcribe on pages with complicated layouts.

Discoverability and accessibility of OCR

We have added an interface for new users. It is pulsating blue dots over the new icon in the toolbar. The new interface explains what OCR means and what transcription means in Wikisource.

We believe that you will do even more great things because of these changes. We also hope to see you at the 2022 Community Wishlist Survey. Thanks you again for all your opinions and support.

Please share your opinions on the project talk page!

NRodriguez (WMF) and SGrabarczuk (WMF) 19. ágúst 2021 kl. 01:57 (UTC)[svara]

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election has come to an end

Thank you for participating in the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election! Voting closed August 31 at 23:59. The official data, including the four most voted candidates, will be announced as soon as the Elections Committee completes their review of the ballots. The official announcement of the new trustees appointed will happen later, once the selected candidates have been confirmed by the Board.

6,946 community members from 216 wiki projects have voted. This makes 10.2% global participation, 1.1% higher than in the last Board elections. In 2017, 5167 people from 202 wiki projects cast their vote. A full analysis is planned to be published in a few days when the confirmed results are announced. In the meantime, you can check the data produced during the election.

Diversity was an important goal with these elections. Messages about the Board election were translated into 61 languages. This outreach worked well. There were 70 communities with eligible voters voting in this election for the first time. With your help, next year’s Board of Trustees election will be even better.

1. september 2021 kl. 20:50 (UTC)

The 2022 Community Wishlist Survey will happen in January

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 7. september 2021 kl. 00:23 (UTC)[svara]

Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee ending 14 September 2021

Movement Strategy announces the Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. The Call opens August 2, 2021 and closes September 14, 2021.

The Committee is expected to represent diversity in the Movement. Diversity includes gender, language, geography, and experience. This comprises participation in projects, affiliates, and the Wikimedia Foundation.

English fluency is not required to become a member. If needed, translation and interpretation support is provided. Members will receive an allowance to offset participation costs. It is US$100 every two months.

We are looking for people who have some of the following skills:

  • Know how to write collaboratively. (demonstrated experience is a plus)
  • Are ready to find compromises.
  • Focus on inclusion and diversity.
  • Have knowledge of community consultations.
  • Have intercultural communication experience.
  • Have governance or organization experience in non-profits or communities.
  • Have experience negotiating with different parties.

The Committee is expected to start with 15 people. If there are 20 or more candidates, a mixed election and selection process will happen. If there are 19 or fewer candidates, then the process of selection without election takes place.

Will you help move Wikimedia forward in this important role? Submit your candidacy here. Please contact strategy2030(_AT_) with questions.

Xeno (WMF) 10. september 2021 kl. 16:50 (UTC)[svara]

Server switch

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (spjall) 11. september 2021 kl. 00:46 (UTC)[svara]

Talk to the Community Tech

Read this message in another languagePlease help translate to your language


As we have recently announced, we, the team working on the Community Wishlist Survey, would like to invite you to an online meeting with us. It will take place on September 15th, 23:00 UTC on Zoom, and will last an hour. Click here to join.



The meeting will not be recorded or streamed. Notes without attribution will be taken and published on Meta-Wiki. The presentation (first three points in the agenda) will be given in English.

We can answer questions asked in English, French, Polish, and Spanish. If you would like to ask questions in advance, add them on the Community Wishlist Survey talk page or send to

Natalia Rodriguez (the Community Tech manager) will be hosting this meeting.

Invitation link

See you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (spjall) 11. september 2021 kl. 03:04 (UTC)[svara]

Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open

Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open. In total, 70 Wikimedians from around the world are running for 7 seats in these elections.

Voting is open from October 12 to October 24, 2021.

The committee will consist of 15 members in total: The online communities vote for 7 members, 6 members will be selected by the Wikimedia affiliates through a parallel process, and 2 members will be appointed by the Wikimedia Foundation. The plan is to assemble the committee by November 1, 2021.

Learn about each candidate to inform your vote in the language that you prefer: <>

Learn about the Drafting Committee: <>

We are piloting a voting advice application for this election. Click yourself through the tool and you will see which candidate is closest to you! Check at <>

Read the full announcement: <>

Go vote at SecurePoll on: <>


Movement Strategy & Governance Team, Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 14. október 2021 kl. 00:53 (UTC)[svara]

Learn how Movement Strategy Implementation Grants can support your Movement Strategy plans

Movement Strategy Implementation grants now provide more than $2,000 USD to put Movement Strategy plans into action. Find out more about Movement Strategy Implementation grants, the criteria, and how to apply.

MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (talk) 13:30, 29 October 2021 (UTC)

Meet the new Movement Charter Drafting Committee members

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee election and selection processes are complete.

The committee will convene soon to start its work. The committee can appoint up to three more members to bridge diversity and expertise gaps.

If you are interested in engaging with Movement Charter drafting process, follow the updates on Meta and join the Telegram group.

With thanks from the Movement Strategy and Governance team

5. nóvember 2021 kl. 15:53 (UTC)

Celebrating 18 years of Wikisource

Hello Wikisource enthusiasts and friends of Wikisource,

I hope you are doing alright! I would like to invite you to celebrate 18 years of Wikisource.

The first birthday party is being organized on 24 November 2021 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM UTC (check your local time) where the incoming CEO of the WMF, Maryana Iskendar, will be joining us. Feel free to drop me a message on my talk page, telegram (@satdeep) or via email (sgill at to add your email address to the calendar invite.

Maryana is hoping to learn more about the Wikisource community and the project at this event and it would be really nice if you can share your answers to the following questions:

  • What motivates you to contribute to Wikisource?
  • What makes the Wikisource community special?
  • What are the major challenges facing the movement going forward?
  • What are your questions to Maryana?

You can share your responses during the live event but in case the date and the time doesn't work for you, you can share your responses on the event page on Wikisource or in case you would like to remain anonymous, you can share your responses directly with me.

Also, feel free to reach out to me in case you would like to give a short presentation about your and your community's work at the beginning of the session.

We are running a poll to find the best date and time to organize the second birthday party on the weekend right after 24th November. Please share your availability on the following link by next Friday:

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 12. nóvember 2021 kl. 09:10 (UTC)[svara]

on behalf of User:SGill (WMF)

Upcoming Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Board of Trustees is preparing a call for feedback about the upcoming Board Elections, from January 7 - February 10, 2022.

While details will be finalized the week before the call, we have confirmed at least two questions that will be asked during this call for feedback:

  • What is the best way to ensure fair representation of emerging communities among the Board?
  • What involvement should candidates have during the election?

While additional questions may be added, the Movement Strategy and Governance team wants to provide time for community members and affiliates to consider and prepare ideas on the confirmed questions before the call opens. We apologize for not having a complete list of questions at this time. The list of questions should only grow by one or two questions. The intention is to not overwhelm the community with requests, but provide notice and welcome feedback on these important questions.

Do you want to help organize local conversation during this Call?

Contact the Movement Strategy and Governance team on Meta, on Telegram, or via email at msg(_AT_)

Reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The Movement Strategy and Governance team will be minimally staffed until January 3. Please excuse any delayed response during this time. We also recognize some community members and affiliates are offline during the December holidays. We apologize if our message has reached you while you are on holiday.


Movement Strategy and Governance

Takk fyrir. Xeno (WMF) 27. desember 2021 kl. 17:33 (UTC)[svara]

Wiki Loves Folklore is back!

Please help translate to your language

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.

Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 9. janúar 2022 kl. 13:15 (UTC)[svara]

Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections is now open

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Call for Feedback: Board of Trustees elections is now open and will close on 7 February 2022.

With this Call for Feedback, the Movement Strategy and Governance team is taking a different approach. This approach incorporates community feedback from 2021. Instead of leading with proposals, the Call is framed around key questions from the Board of Trustees. The key questions came from the feedback about the 2021 Board of Trustees election. The intention is to inspire collective conversation and collaborative proposal development about these key questions.

Join the conversation.


Movement Strategy and Governance

Xeno (WMF) 15. janúar 2022 kl. 00:30 (UTC)[svara]

Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories

Dear community members,

Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.

If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.

Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.

More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.

For more information, please contact spatnaik at

About This Month in Education · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery · For the team: ZI Jony (Talk), föstudagur 21:50, 19 apríl 2024 (UTC)

Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 5

Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 5, January 2022Read the full newsletter

Welcome to the fifth issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News (formerly known as Universal Code of Conduct News)! This revamped newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct, Movement Strategy Implementation grants, Board elections and other relevant MSG topics.

This Newsletter will be distributed quarterly, while more frequent Updates will also be delivered weekly or bi-weekly to subscribers. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive these updates.

  • Call for Feedback about the Board elections - We invite you to give your feedback on the upcoming WMF Board of Trustees election. This call for feedback went live on 10th January 2022 and will be concluded on 16th February 2022. (continue reading)
  • Universal Code of Conduct Ratification - In 2021, the WMF asked communities about how to enforce the Universal Code of Conduct policy text. The revised draft of the enforcement guidelines should be ready for community vote in March. (continue reading)
  • Movement Strategy Implementation Grants - As we continue to review several interesting proposals, we encourage and welcome more proposals and ideas that target a specific initiative from the Movement Strategy recommendations. (continue reading)
  • The New Direction for the Newsletter - As the UCoC Newsletter transitions into MSG Newsletter, join the facilitation team in envisioning and deciding on the new directions for this newsletter. (continue reading)
  • Diff Blogs - Check out the most recent publications about MSG on Wikimedia Diff. (continue reading)

Xeno (WMF) 29. janúar 2022 kl. 03:12 (UTC)[svara]

Updates on the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines Review

Hello, I have an update on the vote on the enforcement guidelines that was mentioned above. Xeno (WMF) (spjall) 4. febrúar 2022 kl. 02:51 (UTC)[svara]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the Universal Code of Conduct across the movement. Comments about the guidelines can be shared here or the Meta-wiki talk page.

There will be conversations on Zoom on 4 February 2022 at 15:00 UTC, 25 February 2022 at 12:00 UTC, and 4 March 2022 at 15:00 UTC. Join the UCoC project team and drafting committee members to discuss the guidelines and voting process.

The timeline is available on Meta-wiki. The voting period is March 7 to 21. See the voting information page for more details.

Thank you to everyone who has participated so far.


Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation

Leadership Development Task Force: Your feedback is appreciated

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Community Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation is supporting the creation of a global, community-driven Leadership Development Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to advise leadership development work.

The team is looking for feedback about the responsibilities of the Leadership Development Task Force. This Meta page shares the proposal for a Leadership Development Task Force and how you can help. Feedback on the proposal will be collected from 7 to 25 February 2022.

Xeno (WMF) 9. febrúar 2022 kl. 02:20 (UTC)[svara]

Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March

Please help translate to your language

Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,

We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.

We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.

Best wishes,

International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore

MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 22. febrúar 2022 kl. 04:50 (UTC)[svara]

Coming soon

- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 28. febrúar 2022 kl. 12:38 (UTC)[svara]

Remember to Participate in the UCoC Conversations and Ratification Vote!

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

A vote in SecurePoll from 7 to 21 March 2022 is scheduled as part of the ratification process for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement guidelines. Eligible voters are invited to answer a poll question and share comments. Read voter information and eligibility details. During the poll, voters will be asked if they support the enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct based on the proposed guidelines.

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The revised enforcement guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. A Wikimedia Foundation Board statement calls for a ratification process where eligible voters will have an opportunity to support or oppose the adoption of the UCoC Enforcement guidelines in a vote. Wikimedians are invited to translate and share important information. For more information about the UCoC, please see the project page and frequently asked questions on Meta-wiki.

There are events scheduled to learn more and discuss:

  • A community panel recorded on 18 February 2022 shares perspectives from small- and medium-sized community participants.
  • The Movement Strategy and Governance (MSG) team is hosting Conversation Hours on 4 March 2022 at 15:00 UTC. Please sign-up to interact with the project team and the drafting committee about the updated enforcement guidelines and the ratification process. See the Conversation Hour summaries for notes from 4 February 2022 and 25 February 2022.

You can comment on Meta-wiki talk pages in any language. You may also contact either team by email: msg(_AT_) or ucocproject(_AT_)


Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 2. mars 2022 kl. 02:17 (UTC)[svara]

Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification voting open from 7 to 21 March 2022

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

The ratification voting process for the revised enforcement guidelines of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is now open! Voting commenced on SecurePoll on 7 March 2022 and will conclude on 21 March 2022. Please read more on the voter information and eligibility details.

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The revised enforcement guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. You can read more about the UCoC project.

You can also comment on Meta-wiki talk pages in any language. You may also contact the team by email: ucocproject(_AT_)


Movement Strategy and Governance

Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 8. mars 2022 kl. 00:52 (UTC)[svara]

Invitation to Hubs event: Global Conversation on 2022-03-12 at 13:00 UTC


The Movement Strategy and Governance team of the Wikimedia Foundation would like to invite you to the next event about "Regional and Thematic Hubs". The Wikimedia Movement is in the process of understanding what Regional and Thematic Hubs should be. Our workshop in November was a good start (read the report), but we're not finished yet.

Over the last weeks we conducted about 16 interviews with groups working on establishing a Hub in their context (see Hubs Dialogue). These interviews informed a report that will serve as a foundation for discussion on March 12. The report is planned to be published on March 9.

The event will take place on March 12, 13:00 to 16:00 UTC on Zoom. Interpretation will be provided in French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Portuguese. Registration is open, and will close on March 10. Anyone interested in the topic is invited to join us. More information on the event on Meta-wiki.

Best regards,

Kaarel Vaidla
Movement Strategy

10. mars 2022 kl. 01:31 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends tomorrow

International photographic contest Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends on 15th March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to upload images about local folk culture, festival, cuisine, costume, folklore etc on Wikimedia Commons. Watch out our social media handles for regular updates and declaration of Winners.

(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram)

The writing competition Feminism and Folklore will run till 31st of March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. Write about your local folk tradition, women, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folklore, and tradition, including ballads, folktales, fairy tales, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, calendar customs, folk arts, folk religion, mythology etc. on your local Wikipedia. Check if your local Wikipedia is participating

A special competition called Wiki Loves Falles is organised in Spain and the world during 15th March 2022 till 15th April 2022 to document local folk culture and Falles in Valencia, Spain. Learn more about it on Catalan Wikipedia project page.

We look forward for your immense co-operation.

Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 14. mars 2022 kl. 14:41 (UTC)[svara]

Invitation to join the first Wikisource Triage meeting on 21st March 2022

Hello everyone,

Sam Wilson and I are excited to share that we will be hosting regular Wikisource Triage meetings, starting from 21st March 2022.

These meetings aim to foster the growth of a technical community of Wikisource developers and contributors. The meetings will be primarily focused on identifying, prioritizing and estimating tasks on the All-and-every-Wikisource and ProofreadPage workboards (among others) on Phabricator and eventually reduce the backlog of technical tasks and bugs related to Wikisource by making incremental improvements to Wikisource infrastructure and coordinating these changes with the Wikisource communities.

While these meetings are technology focused, non-technical Wikisource contributors are also invited to join and share any technical challenges that they are facing and we will help them to create phabricator tickets. Newbie developers are also more than welcome!

The first meeting has been scheduled for 21st March 2022 at 10:30 AM UTC / 4:00 PM IST (Check your local time). If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on and we will add you to the calendar invite.

Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.

On behalf of Sam Wilson and Satdeep Gill

Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 15. mars 2022 kl. 15:52 (UTC)[svara]

Leadership Development Working Group: Apply to join! (14 March to 10 April 2022)

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the feedback period for the Leadership Development Working Group initiative. A summary of the feedback can be found on Meta-wiki. This feedback will be shared with the working group to inform their work. The application period to join the Working Group is now open and will close on April 10, 2022. Please review the information about the working group, share with community members who might be interested, and apply if you are interested.

Thank you,

From the Community Development team

Xeno (WMF) 18. mars 2022 kl. 02:20 (UTC)[svara]

Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification voting is now closed

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.


The ratification voting process for the revised enforcement guidelines of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) came to a close on 21 March 2022. Over 2300 Wikimedians voted across different regions of our movement. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process! The scrutinizing group is now reviewing the vote for accuracy, so please allow up to two weeks for them to finish their work.

The final results from the voting process will be announced here, along with the relevant statistics and a summary of comments as soon as they are available. Please check out the voter information page to learn about the next steps. You can comment on the project talk page on Meta-wiki in any language. You may also contact the UCoC project team by email: ucocproject(_AT_)

Best regards,

Movement Strategy and Governance

Xeno (WMF) 30. mars 2022 kl. 01:53 (UTC)[svara]

Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 6

Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 6, April 2022Read the full newsletter

Welcome to the sixth issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News! This revamped newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct, Movement Strategy Implementation grants, Board of trustees elections and other relevant MSG topics.

This Newsletter will be distributed quarterly, while the more frequent Updates will also be delivered weekly. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive future issues of this newsletter.

  • Leadership Development - A Working Group is Forming! - The application to join the Leadership Development Working Group closed on April 10th, 2022, and up to 12 community members will be selected to participate in the working group. (continue reading)
  • Universal Code of Conduct Ratification Results are out! - The global decision process on the enforcement of the UCoC via SecurePoll was held from 7 to 21 March. Over 2,300 eligible voters from at least 128 different home projects submitted their opinions and comments. (continue reading)
  • Movement Discussions on Hubs - The Global Conversation event on Regional and Thematic Hubs was held on Saturday, March 12, and was attended by 84 diverse Wikimedians from across the movement. (continue reading)
  • Movement Strategy Grants Remain Open! - Since the start of the year, six proposals with a total value of about $80,000 USD have been approved. Do you have a movement strategy project idea? Reach out to us! (continue reading)
  • The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is All Set! - The Committee of fifteen members which was elected in October 2021, has agreed on the essential values and methods for its work, and has started to create the outline of the Movement Charter draft. (continue reading)
  • Introducing Movement Strategy Weekly - Contribute and Subscribe! - The MSG team have just launched the updates portal, which is connected to the various Movement Strategy pages on Meta-wiki. Subscriber to get up-to-date news about the various ongoing projects. (continue reading)
  • Diff Blogs - Check out the most recent publications about Movement Strategy on Wikimedia Diff. (continue reading)

Also, a draft of the 2022-23 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan has been published. Input is being sought on-wiki and during several conversations with Wikimedia Foundation CEO Maryana Iskander.

See full announcement on Meta-wiki. Xeno (WMF) 22. apríl 2022 kl. 01:46 (UTC)[svara]

Coming soon: Improvements for templates

-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 29. apríl 2022 kl. 11:13 (UTC)[svara]

Editing news 2022 #1

Read this in another languageSubscription list for this multilingual newsletter

New editors were more successful with this new tool.

The New topic tool helps editors create new ==Sections== on discussion pages. New editors are more successful with this new tool. You can read the report. Soon, the Editing team will offer this to all editors at the 20 Wikipedias that participated in the test. You will be able to turn it off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.

Whatamidoing (WMF) 2. maí 2022 kl. 18:56 (UTC)[svara]

2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Board of Trustees seeks candidates for the 2022 Board of Trustees election. Read more on Meta-wiki.

The 2022 Board of Trustees election is here! Please consider submitting your candidacy to serve on the Board of Trustees.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's operations. Community-and-affiliate selected trustees and Board-appointed trustees make up the Board of Trustees. Each trustee serves a three year term. The Wikimedia community has the opportunity to vote for community-and-affiliate selected trustees.

The Wikimedia community will vote to fill two seats on the Board in 2022. This is an opportunity to improve the representation, diversity, and expertise of the Board as a team.

Who are potential candidates? Are you a potential candidate? Find out more on the Apply to be a Candidate page.

Thank you for your support,

Movement Strategy and Governance on behalf of the Elections Committee and the Board of Trustees
10. maí 2022 kl. 10:39 (UTC)

Poll regarding Third Wikisource Triage meeting

Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We will be organizing the third Wikisource Triage meeting in the last week of May and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the wudele link below by 20th May 2022:

Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.


Sam Wilson (WMF) and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 14. maí 2022 kl. 03:38 (UTC)[svara]

Invitation to join the third Wikisource Triage meeting (28th May 2022)

Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We are the hosting the Wikisource Triage meeting on 28th May 2022 at 11 AM UTC / 4:30 PM IST (check your local time) according to the wudele poll. We will be welcoming some developers who contributed to Wikisource related tasks during the recently concluded Indic Hackathon.

As always, you don't have to be a developer to participate in these meetings but the focus of these meetings is to improve the Wikisource infrastructure.

If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on and we will add you to the calendar invite.

Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.


Sam Wilson (WMF) and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 23. maí 2022 kl. 03:39 (UTC) [svara]

Revisions to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines

Hello all,

We'd like to provide an update on the work on the Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct. After the conclusion of the community vote on the guidelines in March, the Community Affairs committee (CAC) of the Board asked that several areas of the guidelines be reviewed for improvements before the Board does its final review. These areas were identified based on community discussions and comments provided during the vote. The CAC also requested review of the controversial Note in 3.1 of the UCoC itself.

Once more, a big thank you to all who voted, especially to all who left constructive feedback and comments! The project team is working with the Board to establish a timeline for this work, and will communicate this next month.

Members of the two prior UCoC Drafting Committees have generously offered their time to help shape improvements to the Guidelines. You can read more about them and their work here, as well as read summaries of their weekly meetings in 2022.

Wikimedians have provided many valuable comments together with the vote and in other conversations. Given the size and diversity of the Wikimedia community, there are even more voices out there who can give ideas on how to improve the enforcement guidelines and add even more valuable ideas to the process. To help the Revisions committee identify improvements, input on several questions for the committee’s review is requested. Visit the Meta-wiki pages (Enforcement Guidelines revision discussions, Policy text revision discussions) to get your ideas to the Committee - it is very important that viewpoints are heard from different communities before the Committee begins drafting revision proposals.

On behalf of the UCoC project team

Xeno (WMF) 3. júní 2022 kl. 22:57 (UTC)[svara]

Poll regarding Fourth Wikisource Triage meeting

Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We will be organizing the fourth Wikisource Triage meeting in the last week of June and we need your help to decide on a time and date that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your availabilities at the wudele link below by 20th June 2022:

Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest topics for the agenda.


Sam Wilson (WMF) and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent via MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 14. júní 2022 kl. 13:22 (UTC)[svara]

Invitation to join the fourth Wikisource Triage meeting (29th June 2022)

Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We are the hosting the fourth Wikisource Triage meeting on 29th June 2022 at 10:00 AM UTC / 3:30 PM IST (check your local time) according to the wudele poll.

There is some exciting news about a few technical projects related to Wikisource that are getting started right now and we will be sharing more information during the meeting.

As always, you don't have to be a developer to participate in these meetings but the focus of these meetings is to improve the Wikisource infrastructure.

If you are interested in joining the meeting, kindly leave a message on and we will add you to the calendar invite.

Meanwhile, feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki and suggest any other topics for the agenda.


Sam Wilson (WMF) and Satdeep Gill (WMF)

Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 23. júní 2022 kl. 07:39 (UTC)[svara]

Results of Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 is out!

Please help translate to your language

Hi, Greetings

The winners for Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 is announced!

We are happy to share with you winning images for this year's edition. This year saw over 8,584 images represented on commons in over 92 countries. Kindly see images here

Our profound gratitude to all the people who participated and organized local contests and photo walks for this project.

We hope to have you contribute to the campaign next year.

Thank you,

Wiki Loves Folklore International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 4. júlí 2022 kl. 16:12 (UTC)[svara]

Bot policy

Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable) or bots that fix double redirects. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. If you use or prefer to use a dedicated project page for handling bot flag requests, that is also acceptable. Please read the text at Meta-Wiki before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in two weeks if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Thank you for your consideration. --Rschen7754 9. júlí 2022 kl. 18:57 (UTC)[svara]

Nope.--Snævar (spjall) 21. júlí 2022 kl. 22:27 (UTC)[svara]

Propose statements for the 2022 Election Compass

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hi all,

Community members in the 2022 Board of Trustees election are invited to propose statements to use in the Election Compass.

An Election Compass is a tool to help voters select the candidates that best align with their beliefs and views. The community members will propose statements for the candidates to answer using a Lickert scale (agree/neutral/disagree). The candidates’ answers to the statements will be loaded into the Election Compass tool. Voters will use the tool by entering in their answer to the statements (agree/disagree/neutral). The results will show the candidates that best align with the voter’s beliefs and views.

Here is the timeline for the Election Compass
  • July 8 - 20: Community members propose statements for the Election Compass
  • July 21 - 22: Elections Committee reviews statements for clarity and removes off-topic statements
  • July 23 - August 1: Volunteers vote on the statements
  • August 2 - 4: Elections Committee selects the top 15 statements
  • August 5 - 12: candidates align themselves with the statements
  • August 15: The Election Compass opens for voters to use to help guide their voting decision

The Elections Committee will select the top 15 statements at the beginning of August. The Elections Committee will oversee the process, supported by the Movement Strategy and Governance team. MSG will check that the questions are clear, there are no duplicates, no typos, and so on.


Movement Strategy and Governance

This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee

MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (talk) 14. júlí 2022 kl. 11:34 (UTC)[svara]

Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 7

Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 7, July-September 2022Read the full newsletter

Welcome to the 7th issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News! The newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the implementation of Wikimedia's Movement Strategy recommendations, other relevant topics regarding Movement governance, as well as different projects and activities supported by the Movement Strategy and Governance (MSG) team of the Wikimedia Foundation.

The MSG Newsletter is delivered quarterly, while the more frequent Movement Strategy Weekly will be delivered weekly. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive future issues of this newsletter.

  • Movement sustainability: Wikimedia Foundation's annual sustainability report has been published. (continue reading)
  • Improving user experience: recent improvements on the desktop interface for Wikimedia projects. (continue reading)
  • Safety and inclusion: updates on the revision process of the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines. (continue reading)
  • Equity in decisionmaking: reports from Hubs pilots conversations, recent progress from the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, and a new white paper for futures of participation in the Wikimedia movement. (continue reading)
  • Stakeholders coordination: launch of a helpdesk for Affiliates and volunteer communities working on content partnership. (continue reading)
  • Leadership development: updates on leadership projects by Wikimedia movement organizers in Brazil and Cape Verde. (continue reading)
  • Internal knowledge management: launch of a new portal for technical documentation and community resources. (continue reading)
  • Innovate in free knowledge: high-quality audiovisual resources for scientific experiments and a new toolkit to record oral transcripts. (continue reading)
  • Evaluate, iterate, and adapt: results from the Equity Landscape project pilot (continue reading)
  • Other news and updates: a new forum to discuss Movement Strategy implementation, upcoming Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election, a new podcast to discuss Movement Strategy, and change of personnel for the Foundation's Movement Strategy and Governance team. (continue reading)

Thank you for reading! RamzyM (WMF) 18. júlí 2022 kl. 01:38 (UTC)[svara]