Wyniki wyszukiwania

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  • as when The mustering hundreds shake the glen, And, hurrying at the signal dread The batter’d earth returns their tread. Then prelude light, of livelier…
    1 KB (12 041 słów) - 18:21, 3 gru 2022
  • podniesienie; winda; podnieść. light (lajt ) światło; ogień; jasny; widny; lekki; świecić; zapalić; oświetlać; it is light jest jasno. lighten (lajtn) ulżyć;…
    945 bajtów (41 304 słowa) - 15:14, 4 sty 2023
  • [68] From the stairs, they went into the drawing-room, which was a large, bright room, decorated with a somewhat startling though cheerful paper of a blue ground…
    2 KB (0 słów) - 11:35, 10 paź 2021
  • only the halo of age glowing around them that gives them their charms in our eyes.  The „old blue“ that we hang about our walls as ornaments were the common…
    12 KB (463 słowa) - 04:55, 4 gru 2022