Page:Vāsavadattā (a Sanskrit romance by Subandhu).djvu/15

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corrections, particularly in the Introduction. In a very special way my thanks are due also to Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran, whose interest in the Columbia University Indo-Iranian Series has rendered possible the printing of this particular volume.

My gratitude to my friend and teacher, Professor A. V. Williams Jackson—here editor as well—is more fittingly expressed elsewhere within these covers. Suffice it to say that he read with me word by word the second of the three drafts of this translation, and that wellnigh every page bears some token of his careful scholarship. And to one other—my wife—my deepest obligations are due for whatsoever may be best in my work. She has subjected every line to a most minute and unsparing revision, besides taking upon herself the arduous task of preparing my manuscript for the press. Her interest in the work has never faltered, and to her criticism, at once most kindly and most severe, I owe more than I can tell.

Louis H. Gray.

November 25, 1912.