Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/38

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obsolete) brought by the reversloners after the death of the life tenant, for the recovery of lands wrongfully alienated by him.

AD COMPARENDUM. To appear. Ad comparandum, et ad stamlum iurl. to appear and to stand to the law, or ahide the judgment of the court. Cro. Jae. 67.

AD COMPOTUM REDDENDUM. render an account. St. Westm. 2, c 11.


AD CURIAM. At a court. 1 Salk. 195. To court. Ad curidm oocure, to summon to court.

AD CUSTAGIA. At the costs. Cowell; Whishaw.

Toullier ;

AD CUSTUM. At the cost. 1 131. éomm. 314.

AD DAMNUM. in pleading. "To the damage." The technical name of that clause of the writ or declaration which contains a statement of the plaintiff's money loss, or the damages which he claims. Cole v. llayes, 78 Me. 539, 7 Atl. 391: Vincent v. Life Ass'n. 75 Conn. 850, 55 Atl. 177.

AD DEFENDENDUM. To defend I Bl. Comm. 227.

AD DIEM. At a day: at the day. Townsh. P1. 23. Ad cc:-tum dtcm, at a certain day. 2 Strange, 747. Saint: ad dz‘: m; he paid at or on the day. 1 Chit. Pl. 485.

At! an quiz frequenting nceidunt jurn. adaptantnr. Laws are adapted to those cases which most frequently occur. 2 inst. 137; Broom, Max. 43.

Laws are adapted to cases which frequently occur. A statute, which. cons-tmed aunrding to its plain words, is, in all cases of ordinary occurrence. in no degree inconsistent or un- reasonable, should not be varied by construction in every case, merely because there is one possible but highly improbable case in which the law would operate with great severity and against our notions of justice. "he utmost that can be contended is that the construction of the statute should he varied in that particular case, so as to obviate the injustice. 7 Dxch. 549; 8 Exch. 778.

AD EFFECTUM. To the effect, or end. Co. Lltt. 204:1; 2 Crabb. Real Prop. p. 802, § 2143. Ad effectmn sequcnzcm. to the effect following. 2 Salk. 4.17.

A1) EXCAMBIUM. For exchange; compensation. Bract. fol. 12?). 37b.


AD EXHEREDATIONEM. To the dis- herison, or disinherltlng; to the injury of the inheritance. Bract. fol. 15a; 3 Bl. Comm. 288. Formal words in the old writs of waste.

AD EXITUM. At issue; at the end (of the pleadings.) Steph. PL 24.


AD FACIENBUM. To do. Co. Lltt. 20-iu-. Ad facicndum. subjiciendum et recipicn/tum: to do, submit to, and receive. Ad /acicvnddm

juratdmillam; to make up that jury. Fieta, Mb. 2. c. 65, § 12. AD FACTUM PIUESTANDUM. In

Scotch law. A name descriptive of a class of obligations marked by unusual severity. A debtor who is under an obligation of this kind cannot claim the benefit of the act of grace, the privilege of sanctuary, or the cessio lmnorum. Ersk. Inst. iih. 3, tit. 3, § 62.

AD FEODI FEBMAM. Fieta, iih. 2, c. 50, § 30.

AD FIDEM. In allegiance. 2 Kent. Comm. 5|}. Subjects horn ad fldem are those horn in allegiance.

To fee farm.

AD FILUM AQUE. To the thread of the water; to the centml line, or middle of the streaxn. Usque ad filum name, as for as the thread of the stream. Bract. fol. 205?; ,- 23:’iIz. A phrase of frequent occurrence in modern inw; of which ad medium fllum aqum (q. 17.) is another form.

AD PILUM V15}. T0 the middle of the way; to the central line of the road. Park- er v. Inhabitants of Framingham. 8 Metc. (Mass) 260.

AD FINEM. Ahhreviated dd flu. To the end. It is used in citations to books, as a direction to read from the place designated to the end of the chapter, section. etc. Ad finem mix, at the end of the suit.

AD ITRMAM. To farm. Derived from an old Saxon word denoting rent. Ad firmam flDL'l‘i.‘i‘ was a fine or penalty equal in amount to the estimated cost or entertaining the lung for one night. Cowell. Ad feodi firmum. to fee farm. Spelman.

AD GAOLAS DELIBERANDAS. To deliver the gaols; to empty the gaols. Isract. fol. 1091). Ad yaalam delibomndam; to de- liver the gaoi; to make gaoi delivery. Bract fol. 110?).

AD GRAVAMEN. To the grievance, m- jury, or oppression. Fieta, iih. 2, c. 47, § 10.

AD H00. For this: fqr this special purpose. An attorney ad hoc, or a guardian or curator ad hoc. is one appointed for a spe ciai purpose. generally to represent the client or inf.-int in the particular action in which the appointment is made. Sailier v. Rosteet. 103 L1. 373, 32 South. 383: Bicnvenu v. Insurance Co., 33 La. Ann. m.

AD HOMINEM. To the person. A term used in logic with reference to a personal argument.

AD HUNG DIEDL At this day. 90.

1 Leon.