Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/453

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ET HOC PETIT QUOD INQUIRATUR PER PATRIAM. And this he prays may be inquired of by the country. The conclu- sion of a plaintiff’s pleading, tendering an issue to the country. 1 Salk. 6. Literally tmnshted in the modern forms.

ET INDE PETIT JUDICIUM. And thereupon [or thereof] he prays judgment. A clause at the end of pleadings, praving the judgment of the court in favor of the party pioatliug. It occurs as early as the time of Bracton, and is literally translated in the modern forms. Bract. fol. 57b; Crahh, Eng. Law, 217.

ET INDIE PRODUCIT SECTAM. And thereupon he brings suit. The Latin C0l]Clll- sion of a declaration, except against attor-

neys and other officers of the court. 3 Bl. Comm. 295. ET MODO AD HUNG DIEM. Lat. And

now at this day. This phrase was the formal beginning of an entry of appearance or of a continuance. The equivalent English words are still used in this connection.

ET NON. Lat. And not A technical phrase in pleading, which introduces the neg- ative averments of a speciai I1-averse. It has the same force and etfect as the words ‘ubsqua hoc," and is occasionally nscd instead of the latter.

ET SEQ. An abbreviation for 91: sequen- lta, "and the following." Thus a reference to "p. 1, et seq." means "page first and the following pages."

El.‘ SIC. And so. In the Latin forms of pleading these were the introductory words of a special conclusion to a plea in bar, the object being to render it positive and not argumentative: as 91: sic nil debet.

ET SIG AD JUDICIUM. And so to judgment. Yearb. '1‘. 1 Edw. II. 10.

ET SIG AD PATRIAM. And so to the country. A phrase used in the Your Books. to record an issue to the country.

ET SIC PECIT. P. 9 Hen. VI. 17.

And he did so. Yearb.

111‘ S16 PENDET. And so it hangs. A term used in the old reports to signify that a point was left undetermined. T. Raym. 168.

E1‘ SIC lTt.'l‘E'RIUs. And so on; and so further: and so forth Fleta, lib. 2. c. 50, 5 27.

El‘ UK. "and wife."

An abbreviation for at tutor,- Where a grantor‘s wife joins



him in the conveyance. it is sometimes ex pressed (in abstracts, etc.) to be by "A. B. at us."

ETIQUETTE OF THE PROFESSION. The code of honor agreed on by mutual understanding and tacitly accepted by l1lE‘.illl:CI‘S of the legal profession. especially by the bar. Wharton.

Eum qui nacentem infnmat, non est zzqnnm at lmnum ob earn rem condem- nnri; delictn. enim nocentilun nnta esse oportet at expedit. It is not just and proper that he who speaks ill of a bad man should be condemned on that account; for it is fitting and expedient that the crimes of had men should be known. Dig. 47, 10, 17; 1 Bl. Comm. 125.

EUNDO ET REDEUNDO. ing and returning. Applied to vessels. Rob. Adm. 141.

Int. In go- 3 O.

EUNDO, MORANDD, ET REDEUNDO. Lat. Going, remaining, and returning. A person who is privileged from nrrest (as a witness, legislator, etc.) is generally so privi- leged eimdo, mom-mlo, et redcumla; that is, on his way to the place where his duties are to be performed, while he remains there, and on his return journey.

EUNOMY. Equal laws and a well-ad- justed constitution of government.

EUNUCII. A male of the human species who has been castrated. Sue Donut, iiv. prél. tit. 2. 5 1, n. 10 Eckert v. Van Pelt, 69 Kan. 357, 76 Pile. 909. 66 L. R. A. 266.

EVASIO. Lat. In old practice. An es- (‘ape from prison or custody. leg. Orig. 312.

EVASION. A subtle endeavoring to set aside truth or to escape the punishment of the law. This will not be allowed. If one puson says to another that he will not strike him, but will give him a pot of ale to strike first, and, accordingly, the latter strikes, the returning the blow is punishahie: aud, if the person first striking is killed, it is murder, for no man shall evade the justice of the law by such a pretense. 1 Hawk. P. G. 81. So no one may plead ignorance of the law to evade it. Jacob.

IJVASIV]-J. Tending or seeking to evade; elusive; shifting; as an evasive argument or plea.

EVENING-S. In old English law. The delivery at even or night of. a certain portion of grass, or corn, etc. to a customary tenuut, who performs the service of cutting. mowing, or reaping for his lord, given him