Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/513

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FLIGHT. In criminal law. The act of one under accusation, who evades the law by voluntarily withdrawing himself. It is presumptive evidence of guilt. U. S. V. Candler (D. C.) 65 Fed. 312.

FLOAT. In American land law, espe cially l.n I:he_western states. A certificate authorizing the entry, by the holder, of I certain quantity of land not yet specifically selected or located. U. S. v. Ocntral Pnc. R (‘o. (C. C.) 26 Fed. 480 Hays v Steizer, 70 Cal. 5. IR Pac. 670; Wisconsin Cent. R. Co. v. Price County. 133 U. S. 496, 10 Sup. Ct. 341, 33 L. Ed. 687.

FLOATABLE. Used for floating. A fiontable stream is a stream used for floating logs. rafts, etc Gerrish v. Brown, 51 Me. 2410, 8] Am. Dec. 569: Gaston v. l\-iace. 33 W. Va. 14, 10 S. E. (30, 5 L. R. A. 3%. 25 Am. St. Rep. 843: Parker v. Hastings. 1% N. C. 871. 31 S. E. E3.

FLOATING CAPITAL, (or circulating capital.) The capital which is consumed at each operation of production and reappears transformed into new products. At each sale of these products the capital is rep- resented in cash, and it is from its transformations that profit is derived. Floating cap- ital includes raw materials destined for fab- ricntinn. such as wool and fiax. products in the warehouses of manufacturers or mer- chants. such as cloth and linen, and money for wages, and stores. De Laveieyc. Pol. Ec.

Capitol retained for the purpose of meeting current expenditure.

FLOATING DEBT. By this term is meant that mass of lawful and valid claims against the corporation for the payment of which there is no money in the corporate treasury specifically designed. not any taxation nor other means of providing money to pay particularly provided. People v. Wood. 71 N. Y. 374: City of Iluron v. Second Ward Sav. Bank. 86 Fed. 276, 80 C. O. A. 38, 49 L. R. A. 534.

Debt not in the form of bonds or stocks hearing re$:ular interest. Puh St. Mass. 1882. p. 1290. State v. Faran. 24 Ohio St. 541: People v. Carpenter, 31 App. Div. 603, 52 N. Y. Supp. 181.

FLODI-J-MAR-.K. Flood-mark. high-water mark. The mark which the sea. at fiou'- in:: water and highest tide, makes on the shore Blount.

FLOOR. A section of a building between horizontal planes. Lowell v. Strahan. 145 Mass. 1, 12 N. E. 401, 1 Am. St. Rep. 422.

A term used metaphorically. in parlia- mentary practice, to denote the exclusive right to address the body in session. A member who has been recognized by the chairman, and who is in order. is said to "have the fioor." until his remarks are con-



cluded. Similarly, the "fioor of the house" means the main part of the hall where the members sit, as distinguished from the galleries, or from the corridors or lobbies. In England, the floor of a court is that part between the judge's bench and the front row of counsel. Litigants appearing in person, in the high court or court of appeal, are supposed to addras the court from the floor.

FLORENTINE PANDECTS. A copy of the Pundects discovered accidentally about the year 1137, at Amalphi, a town in Italy, near Salerno. From Amaiphi, the copy found its way to Pisa, nnd, Pisa having sub- mitted to the Fiorentlnes in 1406, the copy was removed in great triumph to Fiorencc. By direction of the magistrates of the town, it was immediately bound in a superb manner, and deposited in a costly chest. Formerly, these Pandects were shown only by torch-light, in the presence of two magistrates, and two Cistercinn monks, with their heads uncovered They have been successirely collated by Politinn. Boiogujni, and Antonius Augusfinus. An exact copy of them was published in 1553 by Franciscns Taurellus. For its accuracy and beauty, this edition ranks high among the ornaments of the press. Frenchman, who collated the manuscript about 1710. refers it to the sixth century. But]. Hor. Jur. 90. 91.

FLORIN. A coin originally made at Florence. now of the value of about two English shillings.

FLOTAGES. 1. Such things as by acci- dent swim on the top of great rivers or the sea Cowell.

2. A commission paid to water baiiitta. Gun. Diet.

FLOTSAM. FLOTSAN. A name for the goods which float upon the sea when cost overboard for the safety of the ship, or when 1| ship is sunk. Distiu,-zuished from "jet- sam" and "lignn" Biact. lib. 2, c. 5: I5 Coke. 106: I Bl. Comm. 292.

FLOUD-MARKE. In old English law. High-Water mark; fiood-mark. 1 And. 83, 89.

PLOWING LANDS. This term has ac- quired a definite and specific meaning in law. It commonly imports raising and setting hack water on another‘s land, by a darn placed across a stream or water-course which is the natural drain and outlet for surplus water on such land. Call v. Middlesex County Com'ra, 2 Gray (Mass) 2'35.

FLUCTUS. Flood; fiood-tide. Bract. fol. 255.

FLUMIIN. In Roman law. A serviturle which consists in the right to conduct the rain-water, collected from the roof and



carried off by the gutters, onto the house or M