Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu/100

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h;i^ lost ill him not onlv an able ami lm-ritorious

officer, i>ut one who, in the exercise of his functions of Proi isional Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince, displayed qualities admirably adapted to awe the disloyal, to reconcile the wavering and t<» animate the great mass of the Inhabitant! ;iL;;tinst Bncceaaiye attempt! of the enemy to Invade the Pro- vince, in the last of which he unhappily fell, too prodigal of that life of which bis eminent service! had taught ns to understand the value. His Boyal BUghness has also been pleased to express his regret at the Loss which tin- Province must experi- ence in the death of the Attorney-General, lir. Bfacdonell, whose zealous co-operation with EUr

[saac Brock will rellecl lasting honour on his

memory." in commnnicating the above to tlm father of the Attorney-General, Lieutenant-Colonel Coffin, P.A.D.C., under date York, March 20th, 1818, stated by command of Bis Honour the Prest <lcnt that "it would doubtless afford some satis- faction to all thf members of the family to which the late Attorney-General was so ^real an orna- ment to learn that his merit has been recognised even by tlm Royal Personage who wields the sceptre of the British Empire, and on which His Sononr

No medal was struck for Qneenston Heights, but when some time afterwards the rewards for the capture of Detroit were distributed, gold medals were deposited by the Sovereign with the families of Major-Genera] Brock ami Colonel Ifacdonell, and the King stated In each Instance that it was done "in token of the respect which His Majesty entertains for the memory of that officer."

The graciously worded despatch of the Prince

it mentioned the only fault of Bir I

Like Nelson he \\;i^ too prodigal of his

life; hut as, alike by his services ami his glorious

death, Nelson became the hero ami the Idol "f the

British people, so bj bis services and his death

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