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Church. The Apostles shone with a like splendour, in order, that, by the admiration of their work, praise might be given to God.” Com. in Mat. c. iv. p. 624.

St. John CHRYSOSTOM, G. C.-“ Sooner shall the sun be extinguished, than the Church be obscured.” Hom. iv. in c. 6. Isaiæ. T. vi. p. 122.


St. Augustin, L. C.-“Good men (still addressing the Donatists) are every where spread in that city, which cannot be hid, because it is seated on a mountain; I mean that mountain, whence, as Daniel says, this stone was cut without hands, that filled the whole earth. Through all that city, boundless in its extent, the good mourn on account of the iniquities that are in the midst of them.-But, for the preservation of Unity, there is no security, only from the promises of Christ to his Church, which, placed on a mountain, cannot be hidden : therefore, it is necessary, that this Church should be visible to all the parts of the world.”(!) Contra. ep. Parmen. L. iii. c. v. T. ix. p. 74-75.—“When the Holy Spirit came down on the disciples, it denoted, that all nations should believe, and that the Gospel should be preached in all tongues, which the Psalmist had long before predicted, saying (Ps. 18.) there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. And because it signified that the Gospel should be every where sounded, therefore was it added : their sound hath gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the earth. (Ibid.) Hence it is plain, that the true Church can be hidden from none.") And the Gospel itself says: (Mat. v. 14.) A city seated on a