Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1024

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ARMIES ARTE swore terribly in Flanders 774 12 won battles when he spoke 860 12 Armigero-who writes himself A. .310 18 Arminian-an A. clergy 664 10 Armis-in a. relinquitur 840 15 experiri verbis quam a 868 10 Armistice-short a. with truth 724 3 sign an a. or not 846 7 Armor-arms on a. clashing 852 11 buckled their a 806 17 England girt her a. on 725 12 is his honeBt thought 372 14 no adamantine a 820 18 no a. against fate 178 11 on a. shone 845 17 our a. all as strong 856 4 patron saint in a. shines 80 15 put his a. off, and rest 180 15 Armorers-accomplishing knights . 856 8 Arms-against sea of troubles 200 19 against a world in arms 101 22 amidst the din of a 432 9 and laws do not flourish 430 25 and the man I sing 858 19 and trophies streaming 275 16 bare a. stretched 813 25 bones out of their a 620 8 broken under a 729 21 called the gods to a 325 2 clatter of a. drowns 432 13 close in my a. thou art 871 1 close within my a 869 7 creature in one's a 469 8 cross their a. and hang 74 18 Death, with strong a 853 12 desert in a. be crowned 82 13 din of a 857 15 enfolded with soft white a 547 17 except by a 849 lfi exercise and proof of a 92 10 fit a. against a war 291 11 fold thine a 670 2 full strong and largely 563 9 great strength of feeble a 847 18 he supposed it had 86 7 human race and mortal a 320 15 imparadis'd in a 474 12 in one clasp of your a 480 14 in the midst of a 431 2 in your a. was still delight 465 1 le bruit des a 432 13 like yours were fitter 843 1 lord of folded a 324 10 love of a. and mad 858 23 love's a. were wreathed 482 11 made a. ridiculous 756 11 man at a. must serve 589 22 muscles of his brawny a 71 9 my soul's in a 857 1 negotiation before a 858 10 never lay down my a 587 1 of mine had seven years' 744 7 on armour clashing 852 11 patient a. will fold me 326 3 perfect in the use of a 856 4 persuasion, not by a 853 16 reservists . . . rise in a 846 14 resort to a. is righteous 849 15 resumes his a 920 18 seraphic a. and trophies 852 6 sleek a. into various attitudes. . 287 1 Smiths never had any a 2512 so he laid down his a 726 19 Btretches out his a 54 8 Btrong a. fatigue themselves . . . 910 9 Btrong than traitor's a 394 2 take thou thy a. and come 847 18 take your last embrace 178 1 the a. are fair 856 3 the nurse of a 224 3 threw yourself into my a 416 18 to a.! ye brave! 849 12 to war and a. I fly 472 19 triumph'd o'er our a 833 3 white a. and raven hair 271 3 white a. that encircle 1 10 6 white a. wreathed lightly 158 12 who pay taxes or bear a 332 14 with his a. outstretoh'd 799 19 world was set in a 481 1 wreathe a. like malcontent .... 676 5 ye forge another bears 699 17 Army-an a. in June 155 18 an a. of good words 285 9 and navy had fair play. 849 6 Austrian a. awfully arrayed.. . .725 13 abroad is tittle use. 844 18 feel an a. in my fist 623 10 grand a. of letters 151 4 honor of British a. depends 849 3 hum of either a 856 7 is a school 725 22 like a.'s stir and wave 326 6 like an a. defeated 494 15 noble a. of martyrs 495 9 of the world's desire 130 1 or the a. as a whole. 727 11 Parliamentary a 42 1 proud was our a 843 16 respected amidst an a 888 2 should be a projectile 847 4 terrible as an a 857 14 that would have forced peace. .591 2 we must train for war 860 7 you've an a. at hand 727 1 Arno-A's myrtle border 43 7 in A. like sheaf of sceptres 660 6 Arnold-ship worthless A. bears.. .811 10 Aromatic-plants bestow 9 23 rose in a. pain 681 3 Arose-people a. as one man 848 17 when ye a. and went away 302 16 Around-Iies a. us and within 360 19 Arques-we fought at A 847 14 Arranging-capable . . . of a. all. 106 7 Arras-speech like cloth of A 743 18 Array-battle's . . . sterna 844 2 in its glory's full a 679 9 in pastoral a 59 17 in thy green a 460 26 sun when in his fresh a 250 1 Arrears-customers still in a, 795 2 pay glad life's a 442 9 Arrest-death makes his A 172 6 the chauffeur, not automobile.. 87 22 Arrestment-sudden as a bolt. 713 22 Arrival-of a Thinker. 787 19 Arrive-better than to a 810 19 his good time, I shall a 643 30 Ton a. a tout 759 5 Anived-bef ore it was determined . 394 2 1 Arrives-bef ore it actually a 30 18 too swift a. as tardy as 479 19 Arriving-too late in a. there 850 1 Arrogance-avoid pride, a 637 13 supple knees feed a 633 1 Arrogant-no t a. but shameless. . . 667 10 ArrosVpar le sang des tyrans 437 21 Arrouser-ren fault pas a 436 6 Arrow-belongs not to archer. 904 1 bow is bent, the a. flies 261 25 for the heart 840 6 from Tartar's bow 354 4 from the Almighty's bow. 495 8 shot an a. into the air. 92 18 shot mine a. o'er 4 4 swift, the Present 798 12 Arrow-heads-like a. of gold 568 17 Arrows-breath like silver a 877 18 draw your a. to the head 857 3 his scattered golden a. 530 4 mid the thick a 262 12 nymph with a. keen 108 15 over whose heads those a 500 17 poison'd a. were. 836 25 round the chief 155 15 scattered golden a 769 11 slings and a. of 200 19 some Cupid kills with a 478 26 swift-winged a. of light. 513 17 wings fleeter than a 744 2 Ars-artium omnium 633 19 etiam docendi 420 17 fit ubi a teneris 149 5 prima regni posse 685 18 Arsenal-shook the A 573 10 Art-allied to invention 551 20 all passes, A. alone 43 14 all the a. I know 9 6 all the adulteries of a 552 2 almost lost in a 150 9 and a. a nature 606 4 and power will go on 190 23 an a. that nature makes 547 10 is difficult 150 11 a revelation of man 671 20 become a master of the a. Ill 3 belly, teacher of a 382 2 better than finished by a 544 SI beyond the reach of a 335 17 can wash her guilt 890 l clever, but is it a 44 6 closely allied to a. 889 20 comes from a. not chance 50 14 companions of tuneful a 298 6 could not feign 823 3 disguis'd by a 811 3 elder days of A 40 15 exercises his a. with caution. . .504 10 first a. to be learned 685 18 giveth grace unto every A 358 13 howe'er concealed by a 625 3 if A. assist her not 292 19 imitates nature 550 22 in foreign complications 552 10 in knowing a tiling 420 17 in morals as in a 244 23 in music is such a 539 19 in teaching it 420 17 invented the A. of printing 633 20 is long and time is fleeting 447 16 is perfection of nature 544 12 I swear I use no a. at all 397 3 l'a. est difficile. 150 11 last and greatest a 50 18 made one world, a. another. . . .544 12 made bare by a.'s refining 248 2 master of a 212 16 may err, but nature 545 6 medicine is not an a 502 9 mere mechanic a 602 13 much holiday for a.'s sake 368 15 music is the prophet's a 537 18 must perform with a. 449 18 must then give way 546 25 Nature is but a. unknown 675 10 Nature's handmaid a 545 4 Nature is the a. of God 544 12 necessity stronger than a 550 18 no command of a. 358 1 not A. but Nature traced 597 13 not a truth has to a 820 22 not at variance with a 544 12 not without a. yet to nature. . .544 19 of artisans make astate 330 2 of being kind 665 9 of perceiving how not to do it. .431 9 of ruling the minds 743 13 of soaflllife 72412 of unpremeditated a 428 3 of war consists 859 11 only a. her guilt to cover 702 8 or careless a. composed 59 2 over that a. which adds to 547 10 Plagiarism of orators is a. 598 23 ply your finest a 29 16 poet in his A. 608 17 preservative of all arts 633 19 princes learn on a. 684 13 professor of our a 56 10 science and a. belong 691 24 seeks popularity in a. 576 19 skilful mistress of her a 888 9 so vast is a : 692 3 subdues the strong 672 6 tender strokes of a 5 9 than all the gloss of a. 710 18 their want of a. 608 1 then when a. is too precise 32 8 these niix'd with a. 515 14 they are, a natural a... 573 8 thou hast many infamies 849 8 to a.'s strict limits. 487 15 town of a. and song 562 16 truths which govern a 846 6 turned cutter upon an a 47 2 walkofa. 49 1 wax's a glorious a 535 6 what is a, but life 634 19 whose a. was nature 232 17 with curious a. the brain 787 22 with little a., clear wit 573 6 with truth 762 2 work done least rapidly a 593 7 writ by th' eternal a. 233 9 you your A 917 is your a. be to moderate. 520 11 see also Art pp. 43, 44 Artaxerxes-MacedonandA.'throne573 10 Arte-artifices a. perire 432 15 citse veloque rates 44 13 efficacior omni a 551 9