Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1034

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996 BENE BIAS Bejie-congiunto seco qualche b.. .239 27 est cui deus obtulit 690 19 face re et male audire 329 3 good for a bootless b 629 9 malefacere . . . quamb 89218 qui latuit, b. vixit 565 15 quod b. fertur onus 109 9 sat cito, si sat b 353 20 stavo b., per star 229 4 ubicunque est b 586 17 vult, nisi qui 186 13 Benediction-come like the b 732 15 facelikeab 251 2 of these covering heavens .'72 8 o'er their sod 872 11 silence only as their b 12 17 sun closing his b 555 4 Benefacit-nisi qui b 186 14 Benef aetion-to the towns 675 18 Benefactis-pro b. quom malis — 240 16 Benefactor-of mankind 860 11 Beneficent-clear, b. light 862 4 for b. working it demands 438 20 of mind 100 11 Beneficia-in calendario 186 18 Beneficial-unhappiness be b 762 17 Beneficii-pars b. est, quod 416 13 Beneficiis-accipiundis b 416 7 Beneficio-ibi b. locus est 416 8 inimicum amicum b 463 7 Beneficium-ab nomine duro 312 25 accipere, libertatem 267 9 qui b. accepisse se 393 21 qui b. scit sumere 267 7 see also Benefits p. 69 Beneficiorum-gratia sempiterna . . 337 4 Benefit-a b. and an injury 697 15 exercised . . . for their b 333 5 for the b. of the public 431 23 incalculable b. it would be 910 14 of an individual 817 13 participation in a common b. . . 833 16 quite lose the b 779 10 remedies which will b. it 504 10 those we strive to b 865 22 welfare and b. of others 412 23 writes itself in water 185' 1 Benefits-acceptable while the 69 6 all b. are there in common 301 11 are mightily misplaced 313 3 cards were at first for b 90 l friendshh) always b 303 6 disable all b. of your 810 13 gratitude for b 337 '4 receiving greater b 336 24 sown b. to reap injuries 195 7 to the human race 918 4 unaccompanied by b 837 17 Benevolence-acts of dear b 827 18 grafts b. upon avarice 24 2 politeness, b. in trifles 493 8 prince of a State love b 333 10 Benevolentia-in suos b 922 14 Benighted-walks under mid-day. 130 21 Benigna-Deus fortasse b 94 18 Benison-like a celestial b 55 6 love the travailer's b 526 13 Benizon-our love, our b 112 2 Benjamin Franklin-body of B. F. . 230 14 Ben Jonson-a pestilent fellow 702 l Bent-cannot hold the b 500 2 the b. and broken moon 512 23 the strenuous heavens 459 7 top of my b 183 15 Benumbed-in Btrife, feel b 564 27 Bequeath-what can we b 339 22 Bequeathing-it as rich legacy — 337 8 Bereaves-of bad influence 393 is Bereft-of light, their seeing 72 17 Berenioe-'tis B. blest and fair 321 13 Berkeley-Evanish B. with a grin . .428 12 when Bishop B. said 513 8 Berries-holly with its b. red 369 5 luscious b. of sanguin dye 534 7 moulded on one stem 828 5 Bcarlot b. tell where bloomed.. .281 22 shading its Etheop b 279 18 wholesome b. thrive 756 3 Berry-evory b. of the grape 876 2 God could have made a bettor b. 30 4 Beftchciden-jemand b. bleibt 521 10 Beschonen-zu b. wQsste 891 6 Besitz-die Zeit ist mein B 794 18 Be3itzt-sohwarz auf weiss b 615 16 Besitzt-man nicht. , 421 8 Besoin-de cet hyjpothese 318 1 Besotted-myriads of people 784 14 Bespake-man b. a thing 827 2 Bespeak-to b. the Deity 535 8 Besser-bin b. ale mein JLuf 667 22 Best-acts the b 441 6 added to b. things of life 608 21 afflict the b 666 3 and the worst of this is 543 21 and wisest of the species 514 20 bad in the b. of us 97 9 be best or not 440 13 butb.isb 822 4 but they are not the b 98 6 cried up for our b 412 11 dare bite the b 492 2 does the b. he can 82 12 everything is for the b 917 6 feare not to touche the b 738 22 first thought often b 787 14 from worst 822 22 give the b. in you 760 4 give the b. you have 441 21 have the b. of anything 862 9 he gave his b 312 13 he laughs b. who laughs last. . .428 9 his at last who says it b 654 13 in the great poets 607 9 in this kind but shadows 387 13 is b. administfir'd is b 334 6 last is commonly b 598 20 let each man do his b 8 16 man i' the field 756 17 man's b. things axe nearest. . . .448 14 may th' b. man win 845 20 of b. things the collection 895 24 of dark and light 58 11 of every man 67 5 of men have loved 667 4 one has done one's b 909 9 or friends with the b 517 4 seeks outtheb 332 5 shedidherb.. ; 230 2 show him at his b 67 5 shows its b. face at first 326 18 so all my b. is 906 22 stand among our b 235 4 still are deem'd the b 902 17 than the b. of men 382 22 that blade can win 880 12 that has been said 216 14 that's b. which God sends 668 11 that which is b. in me 403 8 the b. grows highest 534 7 the b. I had 416 10 theb. may err 665 20 theb. of all I hold 467 13 the b. of all ways 556 1 theb. things . . . cloy 195 11 there is in those under 760 4 thing between France 567 9 things are the truest 469 5 things corrupted 140 9 through the whole Union 612 7 weary seekers of the b 693 25 what we oft dob 412 11 which from the b. of men 332 5 who does the b. that 120 28 will come back to you 441 21 with the b. it could do 727 1 Beste-an das B. nicht gewohnt .. .657 8 Bestial-what remains is b 667 24 Bestow-others pay.let us b 257 14 Bestower-honour to great b 490 18 BestowB-on most of mortal 9S 4 Bestride-the narrow world 341 16 when 1 b. him I soar 355 21 Betail-o'est un b. servile 388 l Bfite-qui la firent si b 758 5 Betes-genB d'esprit sont b 883 8 Bethlehem-Star of the West 861 2 TheKingofB 152 7 Bethumped-with words 906 12 Beth-peor-over against B 337 10 Betide-said what shall b 807 14 Betragen-ist ein Spiegel 493 14 Betray-born first to b 891 16 does the rich gem b 406 1 may more b. our sense 521 11 Nature never did b. the heart. . 548 6 Nature will b. its folly 547 9 tender happiness b 106 13 though the trusted may b 473 10 to b. a comrade 500 4 too late that men b 890 1 us in deepest consequence 821 24 you b. your own 267 3 you without witnesses 298 25 Betrayed-and the land's b 523 23 by the countenance 28 6 hear her secrets so b 74 17 man by nothing is so well b — 310 25 my credulous innocence 811 19 thou hast b. me 383 18 to no looser eye b 521 5 who was't b. the Capitol 892 8 yet Britain not b 753 8 Betraying-smiles, feign'd tears. . .892 9 Betrays-a single word often b.. . .905 26 keeps the secret it b 472 16 silence never b. you 709 7 Betrogen-man wird b 182 15 Betrothed-unto Song b 89 15 was b. that day 416 21 Betriigen-wir niemanden 183 13 Betriigt-man b. mch selbst 182 15 Betsy Bobbet-hear B. B. talk . . .521 6 Bette-auf seinem B. weinend . . .734 6 Betteln-viel besser ala b 65 5 Better-and b. every day 626 17 an elder soldier, not a b 728 21 art all the b. part of me 920 6 be b. at thy leisure 437 11 be ever b. than he seems 329 l do it much b. in. England. 405 4 doth make a man b. be 344 9 for b. for worse 495 22 for mankind and worse 503 1 I have seen b. and I have 529 6 I will let you a b 242 12 Iwouldbeb 229 4 in my b. part I shall 389 13 less you take the b 502 4 made b. for himself 651 12 my dear, my b. half 870 23 my soul's b. part 497 17 nature made b. by no mean . . .547 10 no b. than you should be 641 10 no b. thing under sun, 271 3 produce b. in its place 573 14 return me much a b 618 9 so much the b 429 14 something b. than his dog 581 17 spared a b. man. 661 6 striving to b., oft we max 237 8 than the mighty 28 2 than the reputation. 667 22 to be b. than the worst 328 11 to have loved and lost.467 15, 482 12 we have seen b. days 519 15 which make meb 300 16 with them or without 440 4 you'll be b. soon 502 11 you're a b. man thfl-n I am . . . .490 8 Bettered-better b. expectation. . .244 5 Betterment-of our nation 854 12 Betters-give place to your b 521 13 know more than my b 45 11 Bettier-der wabre B. ist 65 6 Betty Starke-sleep in widowhood.854 11 Between-the one and the other . . 505 1 Betwixt-en betweenst um 890 4 Beuvant-soif s'en va en b 36 16 Beverage-dark b. of hell 205 16 Bevy-of Eroses apple-cheeked . . . 324 16 of fair women 891 23 Bewailmg-^nournfully b 558 19 sum of life*B b 904 16 Beware-I would b. of opening ■ • -819 17 my brother man, B 535 5 of her fair hair 348 2 of him the days 662 20 then of many 645 3 Bewilder-that leads to b 691 18 Bewitch-do more b. me than .... 32 8 prosperity doth b. men 638 6 Beyond-and nought b. O Earth. .470 4 a thing b. us 258 17 but is there anything B 388 7 Great B., O keen call 389 20 I teach you b. Man 490 21 the hoping and dreading 164 18 Beyont-to the back of b 643 25 Bezahlt-in der man rnich b 671 5 Bias-from Priene showed 638 8 head with strongest b 632 16 not to be without b 99 24