Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1062

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1024 COLOR COMMEND rebuking lingering c 562 16 their c. dare not show 401 6 truth needs no c 822 4 white, it tells of c. fled 275 2 will I change the c 401 6 yellow, a c. she abhors 33 9 Colored-plain and the c 897 13 Coloribus-faciuntque c. aptos 876 12 Coloring-by c. to display 576 23 sober c. from an eye 123 16 Colorless-rays of happiness are c. . 351 18 Colors-cats of all c 91 11 clad in c. of the air 839 10 comes to us in fine gay c 59 10 contrary to each other 127 11 eyes see brighter c 19 19 eyes to keep their c. true 278 6 feelc. I see not in naked 494 6 fine c. are lost 682 2 his blended c. glow 576 7 in fairest c. dressed 501 20 let our bloody c. wave 856 13 mixed last layer of e 577 11 mixes blood with his c 576 16 nature paints her c 747 14 oldest c. have faded 305 6 oppositions of c 127 11 pleasant c. and lustres 904 19 seen by candle-light 399 1 their c. speak 406 2 under gospel chid he 661 21 under whose c. he had fought. . .177 21 until c. fade and blacken 576 16 varnished c. failing 346 6 Colossal-silent, grim, c 552 5 Colossus-bestride world like C... .341 16 keeps his height 2 5 out of a rock 49 12 Colpi-chi couta i c 285 20 Colts-wildest c. make the best 111 14 young hot c. being rag'd 378 21 Colubram-sustulit sinuque 416 6 Columba-pennae stridore c 268 16 Columbam-progenerant aquilsB c. 24 14 Columbas-trepidas agitare C 201 10 vexat censura c 431 24 Columbia-gem of the ocean 22 2 hail Chappy land 366 8 sons of C. be slaves 716 6 to glory arise 22 8 true-blue sons 728 7 Columbine-health to crimson c. . . 124 8 open your folded wrapper 124 9 that mint, that c 124 11 Columbines-in purple dressed 124 7 savory latter-mints and c 279 19 there'sfennelforyou.andC... .124 10 Column-London's c. pointing 525 2 men of thee, began to see 848 18 throws up a steamy c 778 23 Columnae-non concessere c 606 20 Calumnious-'scapes not c. strokes 89 7 Columns-arches, pyramids 687 4 heavenly palaces 237 16 its c. azure height 324 14 radiant in the sun 877 12 round broken c. clasping 402 18 two or three c. and many 686 22 Comffl-sterteruntque c 270 1 Comb-as I c. 1 would sing 511 10 down his hair 349 9 when twisted round a c 402 10 with c. of pearl 511 10 Combat-ceased for want of 136 9 even with the brave 847 18 mavieestunc 454 15 rash c. oft immortalizes 257 8 reason left free to c. it 569 14 the c. deepens 844 ' 8 wit ia thee 884 15 Combatants-are lost 136 26 for want of c 136 9 frown'd the mighty o 852 10 learned dust involved the o 136 10 Combatido-aperce bido medio c. . 635 4 Combats-who o. bravely 83 10 Combattre-les ennemis de 222 20 peut c. derechef H55 1 Combination-of fortuitous 120 16 Co mbi nations -planned perfoot c.535 10 Combine-bad men o 827 7 let Time and Chance o 466 22 your hearts in one 499 9 strength of feeble arms o 847 18 Combs-her golden hair 348 6 Come^all c. round to him 583 27 cannot c. out of him . . . .643 8 cross bridge until you c. to it. . . 646 6 cut and c. again 639 22 first c, first served 640 2 for those toe 736 8 I c.! ye have called me 747 4 if it be now, 'tis not to c 644 23 hitherto thou shalt c 567 11 late, yet you c 798 11 lifeisThetoC 76 10 men may c. men may go 85 3 notmade.tbeyc 673 1 nothing shall be toe... 237 20, 238 6 oftener you c. here 867 17 one c. all, this rock shall fly. . . 83 12 out in the washing 122 3 say I c. no more 571 2 say 'twill never c 191 2 see and overcome 900 18 they c. and go ,.694 20 things to c. at large 80 4 those which never c 519 1 we c. and we cry 443 1 what c. may 265 18, 799 8 what's past, what's to c 565 4 what will and must c 304 18 what will c. shall c. well 326 12 when it will c 176 23 when you're looked for 867 17 which cannot c. again 582 22 whistle and I'll c. to you 643 17 will they c. when you do call. . . 34 13 Comedy-farce follow'd c 4 9 life is a c 454 16 long, exact and serious c 5 6 sitthec.out 168 4 world is a c 917 8 Comeliest-the c. shows 278 16 Comeliness-Nature gave him c. . . 865 2 Comely-attyre be c 32 21 Comer-grasps in the c 799 19 Comes-everything c. if man 243 24 he c. again because I stay 363 6 never c. that c. to all 376 17 uncertain, c. and goes 468 18 unlocked for, if she c 258 20 Comest-quick thou c 326 4 Comet-gleams through dusky 752 1 like a c. burn'd 193 4 like it threatens 638 7 Comets-country c. that portend315 1 events as c. to the earth 190 21 like the beards of c 752 4 when beggars die, are no c 176 22 Comfort-a man of c 11 10 all his friends 164 l appear a thing of c 456 27 be c. to my age 644 21 be of good c 272 14 breathes rest and c 395 7 carry their c. with them 128 13 cherishes the love of c 756 23 comes too late 124 19 continuall c. in a face 251 20 dearer than the nation's c 375 2 death betimes is c 173 19 derived from misery 517 22 find ten times more c 692 19 from ignorance our c. flows 386 8 hedn't naw c. in 'er 707 1 in misfortune to know 264 11 lies c. for my pain, 920 11 miserable kind of o 125 6 no beame of c. peeps in it 363 1 not another c. like to this 135 21 of c. no man speak 234 12 one voice of c 124 16 sendeth good c 792 1 slightest tone of c. in it 298-22 sober c. all the peace 370 22 society is no o 724 21 bouI can c. elevate, fill 390 6 speak c. to that grief 343 16 thy spirits all of c 261 6 to our c. shall we find 64 17 to the miserable 125 4 to the unfortunate 125 1 to your age 112 6 to o. friends and foes 595 7 whenoe can c. spring 629 9 words of c. availed not 904 18 Comfortablo-grand and c 124 12 God is so c 320 10 man with dividends 81 23 no c. feel in any member 562 11 who gave up c. living 517 13 Comforter-and only healer 792 21 thou true c 178 17 Comforters-counsellors, c 299 8 in Damps C 80 16 miserable c. are ye 124 16 ■ they are inseparable c 75 18 Comfortings-angel c. can hear. . . 390 2 Comforts-adversity not without c. 9 19 all c. that the lowly roof 877 16 his c. refreshing 114 14 little thing c. us 815 23 relish of creature c 124 13 while it mocks 579 4 Comic-each c. heart must 338 10 matter cannot be expressed 603 2 writers charge Socrates 659 4 stage deserted weeps 232 16 Comica-t ragicis res c. non vult . . . 603 2 Coming-Campbells are c 850 9 far off his c. shone 30 17 goia ' every day 580 10 good time c 305 9, 305 22, 851 S hates their c 297 11 hold the Fort! lame 857 8 know she's c. by her song 473 12 of the Lord 848 6 she is c. my dove 482 17 she is c. my own my sweet . . . .482 18 through the rye 417 1 we are c. Father Abraham 726 14 we are c. we the young men. . .489 14 welcome the c. speed parting . .379 10 Comings-and thy goings be 869 21 Comitas-ambiJitasque 415 19 Comitem-amnem quaerere c 675 23 Command-conscious of new c.« . .791 6 divide and c 827 16 ensign of supreme c 541 8 face bears a c. 251 24 if you reign, c 410 19 inc. high and able 257 17 in c. of himself 446 9 left that c. sole 208 6 loves c. and due restriction 497 8 money not to c. our will. . .. ..522 4 more invitation than c 105 10 my heart and me 888 8 noc. of art 358 1 nobler a limited c 141 17 not rivals in c 827 18 obeyeth Love's c 472 6 some must follow, some c 620 1 through obedience learn to c .564 19 the voice of strange c 532 16 trip about him at c 905 4 warn, to comfort and c 897 18 was service 207 17 which I cannot entreat 296 20 your c. is supreme 727 1 Commande-alors qu'ils prie 622 20 Commanded-table of his law c .535* 3 Commander-myself my own c 738 13 of the forces. 871 11 worthy of being a c 564 9 ConimandeiB-ofGerman naval . . 849 4 Commandeth-her husband 869 11 Commanding—and winning 262 16 Commandment-new C. given to. .630 19 Commandments-keep the c 661 12 takes shape in moral c 663 3 Ten C. will not budge 786 11 two great c. were 724 14 Commandress-of the world 289 14 QmuToands-I know my God c. , .317 1 obtains c. of him 871 2 Queen c. and we'll obey 532 13 those he c. move only 47 7 under two c. hold amity 334 14 us in his word 316 10 when he entreats 622 20 Comniemorated-dayofdeliverance368 7 Commence-par Stre dupe 94 6 presque toujours 333 12 Commencement-de la fin 66 4 et le declin 471 18 first held a c. with 594 22 Commences-heaven c. ere world. 360 9 Commend-another's face c 404 6 be willing toe 300 9 blame or to c 690 11