Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1097

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DUTY did my d. faithfully 754 20 do his d. as he saw it 335 8 do your d. bravely 849 3 emblems of instructive d. 281 11 every man do his d. 852 22 from all d. free 157 1 grace of d. done 813 16 half my care and d 382 24 hard to do your d 800 2 hedidhisd. 230 6 he seen his d 100 3 hold, in high poetic d 605 8 if we did our d 914 23 Ignorance of D., laziness 101 3 in matters of d 789 5 it will be the d. of some 854 4 I've done my d 785 14 lasting teacher of d 267 21 my d. to my neighbor 328 20 nod. . . . more difficult 332 5 no d. the executive had 332 S of an Opposition was 613 9 of d. that the brave 221 22 of parliament to look 610 20 performance of d 835 18 picket frozen on d 316 4 prompt at every call 630 12 requires we calmly wait 763 4 stand in way of public d 345 21 subject's d. is king's 685 24 such d. as subject owes 382 27 thousand forms of d 860 2 to Bet an example 849 3 towards civilization 842 9 what d. have I left undone... .696 14 with mirth to lighten d 878 11 seal and d. are not slow 671 8 see also Duty pp. 207, 208 Du Vall-here ties D. V 230 8 Dux-femina facti 897 3 Dwarf-a feeble d. dauntlessly 129 11 a stirring d 132 3 is small even if he stands 2 6 on a giant's shoulder 1 18 sees further 113 Dwarfed-crippled and d. of body- 72 7 Dwarfish-a d. whole 227 17 upon a d. thief 47 7 Dwarfa-of long ago 54 12 Dwell-and in thyself d 888 16 at ease for aye to d 601 24 better to d. in a corner 893 12 beyond the Btir 682 6 bliss where'er we d 836 2 cannot d. in dust 736 19 deceit should d 183 23 delights tod 114 14 graces in my love do d 335 19 high above hate I d 354 16 I must with theed 730 23 in doubtful joy 409 2S in heaven may d 206 3 in the midst of alarms 730 12 in the midst of the roar 454 19 in uttermost parts 567 23 like an hermit d 731 10 like stars that d. apart 379 6 loves tod. 'midst skulls 921 IB orbs his choice to d 750 20 strive to d. with 't 62 17 the worst defaulters d 364 3 to d. in safety 719 13 tod. in the blood 736 19 to d. with memory 506 15 together in unity 828 1 torments d. about thee 464 4 with me, to heighten joy 509 19 Dweller-by the sea 57 17 each d. on the bay 81 19 Dwelling-be in the vale 789 4 bleat is thy d. place 427 10 born in my father's d 298 18 goodly d. and a rich 41 11 hang bright above her d 717 12 his d. was by the road-side... .379 9 is the light of Betting suns 767 11 on lighter topics 657 19 the desert were my d 466 8 thy d. air 768 20 wisdom's adopted d 404 25 Dwelling-houses-built to last 41 3 Dwellings-framed by birds 921 6 of just men 26 21 DweUs-he d. exceeding nigh 320 19 [blocks in formation] hereabouts he d 504 3 in perpetual sweetness 500 10 man d. apart, though not 490 2 that d. with gods above 479 28 where liberty d 438 16 Dwelt-among untrodden ways.. .565 21 from eternity 456 16 gods d. in the woods 325 3 in Arcadia d 39 10 then in thee 456 15 Dwight-with Hadley and D 802 14 Dwindled-one by one 302 16 Dwindles-growth tha^ d. here 344 8 how science d. and 51 13 Dye-pass'd the Tyrian d 32 10 thorough, perfect d 436 6 tinged in transport's d 509 6 Dyed-Nature d. this colour 546 3 skull covered with d. locks 348 14 so d. double red 534 5 Dyer-not any d. gave 546 3 Dyes-a mist of rainbow d 381 13 brush in d. of heaven 656 2 burn with roseate d 680 14 cup of curious d r .. .614 9 gives ten thousand d 260 12 gold and crimson d 553 2 in dull terrestrial d 576 23 polyanthus of unnumbered d.. .281 21 Dying-man can do 168 6 as a d. man to d. men 629 16 as he, defeated, d 832 11 been d. for twenty years .■ 388 10 bowed down in d 626 22 conscience of the d 131 26 dispensation for d 170 20 doubly d. shall go down 696 21 faith beholds the d. here 361 6 fears herself may die 232 17 for their love 833 22 groans of the d 855 8 has made rarer gifts 922 7 I am d. Egypt 218 10 indisposetn us for d 442 4 ithadad.fall 540 8 lay d. in Algiers 852 24 listen d. one 734 21 not in music, d 863 21 now d. all away 67 9 now he is d 52 3 now, I shall not climb 359 18 sleep side by side 366 21 so d. live 902 11 time of hearts is fast a-d 798 3 to an echo 797 21 tomorrow will be d 794 23 tongues of d. men 906 81 when she slept 170 6 without d. how sweet to die—721 18 yet is never d 474 8 Dyke-February fill the d 270 9 last d. of prevarication 485 16 Dynasty-remote d. of dead gods.660 6 E Each-all for e., e. for all 22 7 choosing e. through 464 6 think e. in e 359 20 to e. other belongs 497 24 useless e. without the other... .497 23 Eager-he not less the e 209 11 to serve 414 16 to taste honied spring... v v. .923 8 Eagerness-what glorious e. it is. .615 1 Eagle-aa high as thee 921 8 English took the e 848 7 eye bright as is the e.'s 686 6 fierce e. cleaves 201 11 gaze an e. blind 249 19 half buried in E.'s down 324 19 imbibes with e. eye 768 18 is on the crag 135 8 like thee, free 548 18 hon-heart and e. eye 391 8 meets the e.'s destiny 664 8 nestles near the sun 135 8 of flowers! 768 20 of the e. or the snake 900 10 shelter to the princely e 176 19 than iB full-winged e 64 17 that soars to the sun 388 18 tli" e. on back iv a dollar 522 8 way of an e. in the air 901 12 will gaze an e. blind 478 14 see also Eagle pp. 208, 209 Eagles-eat the same 652 6 having lately bathed 237 14 make owls pass for e 599 7 on e.'s wings immortal 691 12 Bavage e. produce 24 14 wave their wings 675 24 where e. dare not perch 916 14 young e. Bhall eat it 564 20 Bee also Eagle pp. 208, 209 Eaglet-Austrians took the e 848 7 Ear-adder stoppeth her e 393 6 a flea in his e 277 6, 639 4 all Eye all aiery E 698 6 alone for my e 871 1 applying to his e 568 12 at intervals on the e 67 9 breathe in evening's e 556 23 breed in the cat's e 533 18 but cheat the e 68 11 cruel than a tyrant's e 825 15 dreaming bridegroom's e 499 13 dull e. of a drowBy man 453 1 enter at a lady's e 901 19 eye and e. of states 753 8 fearful hollow of thine e 558 16 Fear turns a deaf e 158 21 filled with hearing 908 20 first invades the e 708 13 foul to either eye or e 110 19 gently steal upon the e 539 4 give every man thy e 412 9 glean what it can 47 13 God's own e. listens 538 5 happy he whose inward e 390 2 has grown familiar 873 13 hearing e. found close to 308 16 his e. a stranger 132 15 hold to thine e 568 10 hope to please a Cinna's e 329 4 in Adam's e. so charming 840 16 in heaven will mind it 629 7 instead of to thee 418 12 instructs the e. of him 648 12 is a less trustworthy 248 7 is avenue to heart 359 14 I will enchant thine e 573 22 Jar upon the e 207 9 jewel in Ethiope's c 62 12 kissing arguments 43 3 holds his e. to some bright.... 712 36 left so charming on their e 840 7 lips to attentive e 567 14 listens through left e 552 11 loop behind her dainty e 348 10 lover's e. will hear lowest 478 14 more meant than meets e 357 17 music to the lonely e 238 16 never turn away thine e 625 8 nor e. can hear 362 15 not heard its deep songs 360 11 not to the sensual e 537 13 of him that hears it 405 11 on whose forbidden e 832 11 pack of matter to mine e 553 18 pierced through the e 906 18 piercing fife 261 8 piercing the night's dull e 378 19 ravished e. to greet 248 1 ring to thine e 68 10 she shall lean her e 548 7 softly her warm e. lays 413 6 soft whispers to the e 629 12 sticks in his e. a rose 602 16 sweetness through mine e 538 2 than ten e. witnesses 248 9 that only lend their e 913 2 the gods give e 322 7 tip is jewel of the e 406 18 to consolate thine e 688 10 to inward e. devout 558 4 to knock at your e 461 10 too terrible for the e 535 2 turn'd him all e. to hear 743 6 velvet purse of a sow's e 390 17 wake with bug in your e 483 18 when held against the e. 566 20 whispering into some one's e.. . 287 1 whoever keeps an open e 329 11 whose e. is ever open 288 20 with unwounded e 893 6 word of promise to our e 636 12