Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1275

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Refugimus-miid nos dura r 240 2 Refusal-begs timidly courts r 65 9 of praiae is a desire 624 16 one r. no rebuff 899 17 the great r 20 10 Refusals-them scattering r 899 15 Refuse-if you r. a request 267 8 I r. nothing that pleases 668 8 little pains r 443 16 must choose one and one r 679 7 'prentice Tom may now r 636 19 what you intend to deny 416 IS you for my judge 410 20 Refused-illustrious by those r 374 4 stone the builders r 40 22 Refuses-anything to necessity. . .551 24 better things 514 14 who r. nothing will soon 81 12 Refute-who can r. a sneer 722 25 Regain-buckler I can soon r. 841 17 love once possess'd 60 16 Regained-by faith and prayer . . . 923 4 Regard-and r. of laws 684 11 for the thing one pities 598 7 popular r. pursue 298 15 Regardeth-he that r. the clouds. . 353 6 so it r. no conditions 473 4 Regardf ul-of embroiling sky 676 6 Regards-virtue alone has your r. . 861 5 Rege-quam sub r. pio 683 14 Regen-Ecke-seines Lebens 451 2 Regent-God bless the R 686 10 Jove, thou r. of the skies 525 3 Moon, sweet r. of the sky 526 11 of love-rhymes 324 10 queen, fair r. of the night 525 18 Reges-et regnum vita 351 9 quidquid delirant r 684 6 Regibus-Iongos r. esse manus. . . . 685 4 Regiert-herrscht aber r. nicnt.. . .683 2 wird die Welt r 916 2 Regierung-welch R. die beste . . . 331 19 Regime-days of the old r 400 8 Regimen-health by too strict r.. . 356 24 Regiment-in 'ollow square 727 7 then comes up the R 727 8 to one he sent a r 436 24 Regiments-both r. or none 841 11 Regina-domina et r. ratio 658 9 opinions r. del mondo 569 23 pecunia donat 522 20 Regio-quae r. in terris 12 16 Region-in the sleepy r. stay 719 6 of repose it seems 395 8 soul in some r. unstirr'd 871 1 survey the r 738 18 what r. of the earth 12 16 wonders of each r 809 19 Regions—above the moon 880 9 cull'd out of powerful r 365 2 into r. yet untrod 545 21 some force whole r 602 6 spacious r. where our 238 4 unknown r.dare descry 9 15 Regis-ad exemplum 243 2 Register-in which time is 792 8 the r. of crimes 367 19 Registered-no oath r. in heaven. . 563 18 upon our brazen tombs 259 4 Regium-male audire, r. est 329 3 Regnait-elle ne r. pas 684 3 Regnanti-de' Numi, et de' R 448 13 Regnare-dissimulere nescit r 684 20 Regnas-si r., jude 410 19 Regnatr-et in dominos jus 475 12 Regni-ars prima r. posse 685 18 Regno-omnes sub r. graviore 685 19 vivo et r., simul 600 22 Regnum-mens bona r. possidet. .515 24 see also Royalty p. 685 Regret-becomes an April violet. . 835 1 feeling than r. and hope 662 5 / in recollection lives r. 578 2 judge of my r 868 19 love is made a vague r. 482 19 old age a r 13 18 saw nothing to r 232 20 takes from it only r 169 19 Regrets-harvest of barren r. 20 22 series of congratulatory r. . . . . . 741 24 Regularity-abridges all tilings . . . 800 9 of features is in women 59 22 Regulated-blind or badly r 925 12 Regulations-by Cockburn 815 20 Regulative-element in life 842 7 Regum-preecipites r. casus 291 19 ultima ratio r. 850 4 Rehearse-his worthy praise 389 19 their own works r 605 17 thy force I may r 872 16 your parts 5 23 Rehearsed-suddaine is r 451 9 talked, wrote or r 758 12 Reioh-in dem R. der Traume 296 2 Reichen-Sache des R 311 23 Reichste-Mann in der Welt 616 14 Reign-better to r. in hell 20 23 bounds his narrow'd r 487 15 eternity shall r. alone 238 4 fiercest have shortest r. 588 2 if you r., command 410 19 I live and r 600 22 in th' aire from earth to 547 15 in this horrible place 730 13 is worth ambition 20 23 limits of their little r. 9 15 may we r. secure 20 23 of Chaos and old Night 740 8 of his majestic r 531 14 of the Emperor Hwang 619 21 of the Horned Owl 574 17 of violence is o'er 152 19 sweet arts of thy r 516 20 where saints immortal r 362 3 will r. and believe 66 10 see also Royalty pp. 682-686 Reignest-in thy golden hall 527 5 Reigns-but does not govern 683 2 chaos that r. here in 97 4 he r. supreme and rules 475 12 more or less 625 3 tremendous o'er the Year 878 10 Rein-keep a stiff r 520 11 loose r. upon the neck 263 3 Reine-encore du monde 677 16 la force est la R 569 22 Reined-again to temperance 28 Reinf orce-need not r. ourselves . . 301 22 Reinforcement-of forty thousand.393 12 what r. we may gain 376 18 Reins-from Reason's hand the r..260 13 gae his bridle r. a shake 260 21 lay down r. of power 298 19 to inflamed passions 28 19 ReipublicEe-munus r. afferre 217 l Reiten-wird es konnen 311 13 Reiz— nur Mass ihm R 451 4 Rejecb-^ome r. three dozen 899 16 Rejected-proof it should be r 790 9 Rejects-favors, oft r. lover's 541 8 Rejeter-la margue pour la r 790 9 Rejoice-desert shall r 637 18 each with their kind 461 3 great men r. in adversity 10 6 in misfortunes 519 20 in what is good 326 20 reason to r 871 24 short for those who R 768 10 through this fair land r 57 17 to r. their hearte 849 16 who r. most in heart 344 2 Rejoicing-by might 553 1 days of r. are gone 582 n he made his way 687 7 in the East 769 15 in thy sway 527 5 pang in all r 575 24 Rejouissoient-se r. tristement. . .223 18 Relation-of distant misery 595 4 R,eIations-care of r. and friends. .357 3 friends and dear r 371 12 friends, those r 297 14 maintain most friendly r 849 3 Relationship-connected by r 43 11 Relatives-ashamed of our r 702 18 hatred of r. is violent 355 7 Relaxation-relieves the mind 669 23 Relearn-let them r. the Law 849 1 Release-his hour of r 824 1 hour of his great r 577 16 inhabitants have eternal r 669 5 long before I find r 668 17 nature signs the last r 14 20 the prisoner's r 720 23 Relents.-my vigour r 438 1 washed with them, but r. not. .783 1 Relevons-nous 341 9 Relic-cradle's but a r 54 12 sad r. of departed worth 342 3 Relics-hallowed r. be hid 701 16 of mankind , 201 6 of the ancient saints 439 19 purer, of a blameless life 282 23 Relicta-intabescantque r 837 18 Relictum-nobis meminisse r 509 5 Relief-certain r. in change 94 19 fly for r. and lay burthens 175 6 for this r. much thanks 596 2 give her Lord r 772 7 her works in high r 694 7 is there no r. for love 764 17 poor r. we gain 96 19 sorrow is, r. would be 735 7 Relieve-a brother to r 12 8 respect us, human, r. us poor. .380 8 sufferings of others 596 8 to r. it is Godlike 595 22 to r. the oppressed 72 4 to r. the wretched. 836 15 Reliev'd-but r. their pain. ..... .595 6 Relightr-the lamp once more 445 3 Religieuses-soizante sectes r 223 7 Religio-inserit deos 771 3 quae dei pio culta 770 19 superstitione tollendar 770 17 see also Religion pp. 661-665 Reh'gion-adversity reminds of r... 10 2 allied to virtue 771 9 and a book of r.... 693 24 consists in the pious 770 19 credit of their r 210 4 customs and laws 654 6 doctrines of r 122 8 fails to bestow 31 9 his r. an anxious wish 166 1 his r. it was fit to match 197 22 in r. what damned error 183 19 is not removed by 770 17 it established a r 330 5 it is for our Christian r 344 14 leads the way 137 5 man without r 120 7 men's minds about to r. 596 10 morality without r. is 528 13 my r. is to do good 586 17 nature and r. are bands 303 18 nor the r. they professed 622 22 of Jesus Christ 844 10 philosophy, of r. of taste 701 1 pledged to r. Liberty and 408 24 related to the next fife 771 9 safer to be of r. of King 587 10 science, philosophy 448 10 unselfishness, only real r 696 24 where mystery begins r. ends. .430 19 see also Religion pp. 661-665 Religions-sixty different r 223 7 see also Religion pp. 661-665 Religionum-adversffi admonet r. 10 2 Religious-canons civil laws 857 4 casting a dim r. light 456 14 coward, r. in it 146 11 faith in doctrinal 254 13 holy and devout r. men 133 11 if not r. he will be 919 6 I know thou art r 131 23 music r. heat inspires 535 8 of r. and civil liberty 439 11 rather political than r 663 19 seed of r. liberty 188 11 unworthy of a r. man 662 5 when r. sects ran mad 66 21 Religiously-not good to do r 663 8 Reliquis-cum r. versari quam. . . . 509 3 Relish-can't r. the country 462 18 his r. grown callous 276 4 I have no r. of them 686 2 imaginary r. sweet 244 7 their loud applause 37 8 with divine delight 316 12 Relished-by the wisest men 560 9 Reluctant-o'er our fallen house . . 791 6 stalked off r 326 15 standing with r. feet 923 14 Rely-on mm , as on 301 22 Relying-upon you, Mr. President.860 3 Rem-facias r 522 18 Remain-been written, shall r. 49 23 the evil ones r 239 26 Remained-anything else to be . . . 561 8 consciousness r. that it had. .. .509 18 Remainders-entail from all r. . . .284 29