Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1288

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1250 SAY SCHOLAR one thing, mean another 626 18 put what they have to s 48 25 so long as we can a 519 12 so to s., s. nothin' 850 14 whatever I can b. or do 683 9 what it is, hard is to a 474 14 what shall I s. to you 708 27 what will Mrs. Grundy s 724 18 what you have to s 132 2 you may boldly s 252 25 you seem to s. so 491 25 Saying-a capital s 635 9 a good s. runs the risk 654 11 all one feels and thinks 617 19 learnt, in days far-off 783 15 much without s. anything 907 12 rotten sentence, or old s 638 18 short s. oft contains much 881 10 skin deep s 61 16 the deed of s. is out of use 244 6 what are the wild waves s 566 12 where that s. was born 638 21 ye're s. something sweet 248 1 Sayings-civil s. show 808 26 of philosophers 109 4 toil you names and s 638 8 Says-everybodys., nobody thinks.788 16 know more than he s 422 12 whatever anyone does or s . . . . 326 li whatever he s 366 2 who s. it best} 654 13 Sazriando-che s. di sc 36 11 Sazim-inter sacrum et a 113 14 Scab-of error 119 3 of the Church 235 9 Scabbard-sword glued to my s. . .851 14 Scabies-ecclesiarum s 235 9 Scaffold-crime and not the s 148 13 grimace he is making on s 152 20 on the s. high 164 12, 401 9 Truth forever on the s 820 16 Scaffoldage-footing and the s 6 6 SeafFoIding-this stupendous s 345 & Scalam-de vitiis nostris s 831 12 Scale-by geometric s 435 5 fram'd this s. of beings 147 20 held the s. of Empire 18 22 in equal s. weighing 183 14 in hand, Dame Justice 432 26 in thy s. of sense 199 is it were good to s 470 22 life upon the larger s 634 19 livers on a small b 212 6 look down the social s 871 3 man should s. the Heavens 316 10 more colossal s. than ever 188 9 salir per I' altrui s 244 21 their flinty bulwarks 319 26 thy wall by night 244 1 three foots 126 8 would not sink i' the a 579 4 Scales-bedropp'd with gold 273 16 those saplesB s 458 13 weighing in the s 687 11 weighs in dubious s 322 14 Scalp-behind his s. is naked 800 4 emerald s. nods to storm 597 9 Scalps-cold white s 208 22 Scaly-horror of folded tail 192 23 slippery, wet, swift 273 12 Scamp-choke a poors, for glory.. 432 4 Scan-fool, that makes us s 570 1 gently s. your brother man 437 16 him from head to feet 152 4 if unprejudiced you s 491 13 learn thyself to a 277 2 more plentiful to s 489 3 presume not God to s 491 8 Scandal-act though s. would 259 22 begins the s. and the cry 608 26 caused by a dearth of s 408 6 give virtues 604 9 of men is everlasting 714 20 praise undeserved is s 624 24 the s. hit 103 10 Bee also Soandal p. 691 Scandalous-monarch, s. and poor.685 11 Scandals-ace p. 691 Scant-how s. the sheaves 441 SO thiB breathing courtesy 867 25 Soanting-a little cloth 222 9 Scapegoata-making a. of this 918 2 Soapham-vooamus s. a 542 8 Soar-olosed without as....,.,. ,930 15 nobly got, or a noble s 374 14 that whiter skin 62 10 Scarcity-on firBt s. they turn 330 13 Scare-its notes never a 830 10 me with thy tears 783 15 shouts to s. the monster 891 3 Scarecrow-of the law 433 21 Scared-out of his seven senses. . .641 26 with eerie sounds 34 IB Scarf-of velvet vapor 766 17 Scarfs-and fans 33 8 ladies and maids their s 614 20 Scarlet-blown in frightful s 079 18 clothed in s 32 16 far and wide in a s. tide 614 11 let but my s. head appear 614 9 line was sender 848 18 Scarlet-of the maples 4S4 4 Scarred-plates s. by the sun 703 16 Scarron-poor S. till to-night 234 4 Scars-leave out s. and wrinkles.. .576 10 mean your negroes' s 274 6 return with s 301 8 seen without its s 557 3 sleep of death closes s 174 22 that never felt a wound 920 24 triumphs and dishonest s 853 17 Scathe-done s. to us 116 2 Scavenge-the dross of the nation.319 22 Scavengcr-and king's same 25 19 Scelera-semper sceleribus 241 3 Sceleratis-sol oritur 236 6 Scelere-velandum est scelus 149 10 Sceleris-eoacti culpa 149 12 Rcelesta-qusedam s. committi. . . .240 8 Scelestum-raroantecedentems...414 7 Scelus-semper timidum s 868 13 see also Crime p. 149 Scena-comcedia luget s. deserta. . 232 15 Scenda-chiaroperessas 130 16 Scendere-lo s. e'l salir 244 21 Scene-a frolic s 353 5 away in lovelier 9 748 18 concerns of an eternal s 801 12 cunning of the s 5 17 disports in enchanting s 665 13 extensive s. of crowds , 724 8 fancied s.'s in view .* 810 17 good man's shining s 12 is how fare you in this s. 629 14 in life's last s 447 3 in that fair s. looks gay 269 27 last s. of all 16 13 live o'er each s 5 9 lonely s. shall thee restore 533 7 love gilds the s 895 23 musing o'er the changing a. . . .395 1 not one fair s. or kindly 506 8 no traces left of busy s 581 24 o'er all this s. of man 450 2 of the creation 49 1 our lofty s. be acted over 306 1 precariously subsists 5 8 repose of such enchanting a — 666 27 round the raptured s 53 17 shall give another s 146 17 solitary, silent, solemn s 338 8 sylvan a 691 7, 813 7 the s. is touching 922 18 upon that memorable a 7 21 view the whole a 510 19 wherein we play in 916 6 whisper close the s 630 4 wraps this moveless s 556 83 Scenery-end of natural s 532 25 kind of irountain s 119 1 Scenes-blissful s. survey'd 892 20 conceal past s. of lives 695 17 gay gilded s. and shining 402 1 gay the festive s 271 9 life behind the a 447 20 lovely s. at distance hail 375 21 of beauty richly fraught 740 17 of orowded life 809 23 of love so flowing 4 14 of my childhood S63 13 pictures all earth-a 361 10 to own dear native s 693 3 what new s. and changes 237 15 SceniBB-vitffl post s 447 20 Soent-as the a. to the rose 509 15 from them fills the room 904 19 gave one s. to hyson 545 9 gives s, to every flower , .544 23 an every leaf is mine 682 10 make a s. most disagreeable. . .774 13 of the Eden Rose 680 21 of the roses will hang 680 7 Oh, that's divine 682 10 quick'd at the s 37 17 rose's s. is bitterness 681 23 survives their close 681 23 that steals from crumbling 403 10 the dewy way 501 9 the most imploring air 572 11 vainly waste their b 565 9 whose s. hath lur'd them 70 7 Scented-an orange-s. tide 329 10 makes 'em all sweet s 597 14 with vernal s. reed 281 16 Seenting-musk and amber 593 18 Scents-pleasant s. the noses 413 7 sweet unmemoried s 278 1 with sweet s. the wilderness. . .718 18 Scepter-and crown must tumble.. 178 11 and the law 166 15 his s. do they sway 684 8 hold s. with a firm hand 685 5 King with his golden s 483 15 of the world 322 25 shows force of temporal power. 510 12 snatching away his s 218 18 stretches forth leaden s 557 8 the s. from tyrants 219 5 to control the world 17 8 unwieldy s. from hand 686 7 wields a mighty s 531 22 Soeptered-angels held residence. . 40 20 mercy is above this s. away. . . .510 12 their s. pride 218 19 this s. isle 225 3 Scepters-fall of s. and crowns 749 7 have no charms 861 6 like a sheaf of a 660 6 of shrines, of s. riven 749 24 Sceptic-could inquire for 41 19 Scepticism-wise s. is the 151 5 Sceptra-h'gonibus sequat 166 15 mox s. tyrannis 219 5 valida s. tenere maim 685 5 Sceptre-Ie s. du monde 322 25 Schadetr-blinder Eif er s 925 8 Schaff-ich am Webstuhl 794 16 Schatten-Haar wirft semen S 815 10 Licht, ist starker S 456 2 Schatz-im Herzen tragt 351 20 Scheiden-Mensch nicht a. kann. .489 11 Schein-der S. soli nie 546 25 Scheld-by the lazy S 691 16 Scheldt-fxom the S 220 18 Scheme-achieve his a 202 16 and s. and plod 914 16 built on a truth 756 24 she'll project a a 756 l the statesman's s 839 21 this sorry S. of Things 449 10 Schemer-energy of will in s 756 24 Schemes-best-concerted s. men.. .256 11 best-laid s. o' mice an' men 195 2 hasty, adventurous s 86 18 most romantic a 202 15 warring social s 203 t Schenken-gleich s. ist brav 311 22 Schemite-gli altri 233 7 Schersando-ma non troppo 713 1 Schichten-in alien ihren S 619 5 Schicksals-der Mann des S 191 6 desS.Stimme 26412 des S. Zwang 265 17 Schiesskugeln-wie S. weiter. 2 4 Schimpf-den S. ertragen 398 2 Schiume-di conscienza 130 16 Sohlacht-bei Sadowa 217 14 ein Schlachten nicht eine S 855 3 Sohlaf-langen S. zu thun 175 11 lancce S/des Todes 174 22 Schlaf en-immer s. des Rachers . . 652 7 Schluiumert-Hin tergmnd S 798 9 Schmeicheln-Niemandcn 183 13 zu s. als zu loben 276 12 Schmerz-Freude und der S 358 20 entwickelt oft sich S 734 6 kurzistderS 735 3 Sohmerzen-Quelle langer S. 601 28 Schneit-Winter wenn ea a 365 6 Soholar-a little s. poor 235 8 and a ripe and good one 757 4 a a, among rakes 436 4