Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1343

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TREES TRIUMPH ' all the t. are green 923 10 amidst tall ancestral t 370 4 amidst the mouldering t 606 19 and t. to speak 898 16 appointments near mulberry t .418 13 Arabian t. their medicinal gum . 479 4 at spring do yield 874 11 axe laid unto root of t 171 17 began to whisper 494 13 beneath these green t 231 10 blossoms in the t 546 19, 746 18 blushing t 51 23 climbing t. in the Hesperides. .478 IB clothed the t. with ice 270 6 cut in statues 307 16 darkness among gusty t 556 4 farmer plants t 18 4 finds tongues in t 452 17 full-blossomed t 64 7, 209 18 gleam when poplar t 540 23 grottoes shaded with t 547 11 happy t. love each his neighbor .467 9 hawthora-t. blow in the dew. . .356 3 hide in cooling t 336 18 in heav'n the t. of life 361 4 just stirr'd the t 764 20 like leaves on t. the race 489 19 little account of genealogical t. 25 11 lookB at fruit of lofty t 284 26 lovingly shelter and shade 614 14 mossed cottage t 52 6 must plant more t 679 6 my t. were full of songs 597 4 Orpheus drew t., stones 540 1 patriarch of the t 563 4 populous many-nested t 900 14 rich with blossom'd t 673 7 roots of pendent t 29 16 rugged t. are mingling 402 12 shade of the whispering t 501 8 that, like the poplar 614 14 these green t. shall fall 231 10 under rugged t. he strode 525 20 uptorn and vessels tost 874 12 where you sit 764 16 will never get across 615 13 wind among the t 873 12 with his lute made t 539 18 written across the t -. . . 52 6 ye t. that fade 52 12 see also Trees pp. 812-814 Tree-toad-boding cry of t 868 Treiben-die andern es t 422 21 Trelawny-shall T. die 585 17 Trellises-airy acrobat, the t 867 6 Tremar-non dee chi leggi 430 11 Tremble-at an empty terror 269 1 at the slow, silent power 798 13 for this lovely frame 557 5 lest a saying learnt 783 16 like aspen-leaves 45 8 like the amorous steel 392 16 men to fear and t 269 10 not broken them need not t — 430 11 thou mockest, t., the avenger's.652 7 thou wretch that hast within . . 149 19 to be happy 807 14 tyranny t. at patience 396 3 until day of judgment 45 4 we bleed, we t 285 28 when I wake 715 14 ye tyrants 825 9 Trembled-but dimpled not 764 20 mighty mount Olympus t 322 8 with fear at your frown 506 21 Tremblement-d'une rose t 697 12 Tremblers-boding t. learn'd 251 4 Trembles-but turning t. too 392 7 like petals t. in possession 578 3 to a my 58 18 touch'd needle t. to the pole. . . 393 6 Tremblest-thou t., and the 269 8 Tremblez-tyrans, vous Stes 825 9 Trembling-«nd held it t 752 8 seized with rosy t 697 12 vet strong 554 23 Trenched-gashes on head 920 21 Trenches-communication t 854 3 Trennen-von der andern t 130 17 Trepidus-multa t. solet. . . : 346 12 Trespass-did bass my t 79111 Tress-spin at. for Viola 349 19 Tresses-bind up those t 349 10 eyes are dim and t. gray 467 17 fell free, as the plumage 158 12 flower from out my t 277 15 fragrant t. are not stirr'd 721 2 lure within her lovely t 889 22 shook their rich t. to the morn. 383 2 spills on the t. of night 557 4 sunlight sleeps in their t 110 5 what wavy t 62 22 with her t. play 925 24 see also Hair pp. 347-349 Treu-bis an das Grab 683 23 Treue-die T. warnt vor 821 13 Trevi-coin from T.'s edge 677 19 Trial-bloody t. of sharp war 590 15 by jury a delusion 431 8 child of t 814 16 democracy is on t 188 9 happy t. prove most glory 837 10 man with no office is a t 911 7 passing of the t 814 15 patriotic t. of its soldiers 590 19 scorns him further t. 433 9 square my t 644 12 untaught by t 378 12 who flees from t 346 15 young are just on t 300 10 Trials-hit once in many t 253 4 of abounding wealth 865 22 teach us what we are 815 2 Triangular-person into square. . .916 18 Tribal-constructing t. lays 603 14 Tribe-badge of all our t 406 26 bends the venal t 144 21 daring t. compound boasted. . . 652 15 irritable t. of poets 606 23 may his t. increase 839 14 richer than all his t 479 4 wereGod Almighty's gentlemen310 14 Yorickofthyt 520 2 Tribes-all t. and races of men. . .862 6 formed of two mighty t 81 1 pigmy t. of Panton street 223 9 repress their patriot throats ... 84 3 to the t. that slumber 165 6 Tribunal-proclaim thy dread t. . .411 24 Tribune-put this in its pipe 660 10 Tribus-neque pauciores t 271 4 Tribut-doit t. au malm 408 9 Tributaries-sea receives t 657 3 Tribute-in t. to my grief 342 11 nature under t 49 1 no other t. at thy hands 499 25 not one cent for t 586 19 owes t. to the devil 408 9 passing t. of a sigh 707 6 soil must bring its t 703 18 to thee their t. bring 723 17 vain t. of a smile 608 8 Trick-Machiavel has ne'er at.... 192 8 of his ancestors 812 4 of singularity 104 24 proved an intellectual t 699 5 skilled in every t 183 7 trump but get the t 819 2 want to play at 538 6 win the t 200 12 Tricked-in antique ruff 603 7 Trickle-from its source 433 2 Tricks-all his t. founder 503 24 for t. that are vain 182 17 fox has many t 293 9 he hath in mm 310 16 know their t. and manners .... 99 1 no t. in plain and simple faith . 92 6 play all my t. in hell 362 20 play her larcenous t 887 5 plays such fantastic t 47 9 teach old dogs new t 779 6 their t. and craft hae 887 8 Trickster-this is to be a t 786 6 Tricolor-under the t., khaki 729 13 Trident-flatter Neptune for t 560 4 of Neptune 322 25 Triduum-heu! universum t 800 18 ubi t. continum 379 15 Tried-a little, failed much 234 17 believe one who has t 245 15 those who never t. it 298 12 until it is t. by fire 920 12 when he is t. he shall receive.. .784 20 who living were true and t 366 21 without consent bin only t 901 9 wouldn't say so till he'd t 760 7 Trier-f rom T. to Coin 447 8| Tries-who t. and fails 252 26 Trifle-leave such to t 284 17 not at thirty-five 14 19 perfection is no t 593 6 with the spoon 450 1 see also Trifles pp. 815, 816 Trifled-away by such shallow — 900 3 work where you have t 489 14 Trifles-benevolence in t 493 8 don't bother me with t 845 21 for choice matters 657 21 I alike pursue 31 3 light as air 404 13 magnifier of t 404 9 make perfection 593 6 make the sum of human 828 14 melodious t 603 4 of our daily lives 119 16 revolutions are not about t. . . . 672 24 win us with honest t 821 24 see also Trifles pp. 815, 816 Tiifling-beau is a t. thing 287 1 from t. circumstances 815 17 saved some t. thing 12 2 with a plover's egg 496 11 Trill-I know it by the t 415 12 pierce with thy t. the dark 558 10 Trills-and quivering sounds 740 2 from the throstle's wild 878 7 her thick-warbled notes 569 l Trim-in gallant t 923 2 little, slim little craft 703 8 Trimmed-I t. my lamp 436 19 Trimmer-poet, a sad t 614 15 Trimming-differ about the t 664 19 Trimmings-clothed from t. of vain 32 2 the usual t 211 10 Trinity-s undaunted steeple .... 553 3 Trinket-earth a t. at my wrist. . .917 2 Triomphe-on t. sans gloire 129 18 Trip-about him at command. . . .905 4 come and t. it 157 13 from fearful t. the victor 459 15 our fearful t. is done 459 14 pleasure t. to the pole 764 11 though he t. and fall 531 20 upon the green 573 22 we after night's shade 254 6 Tripas-llevan corazon 211 4 Tripe-fat t. finely broiled 214 24 Trip-hammer-with /Eolian 99 12 Triple-ways to take 900 10 Trips-virtue often t 838 23 Trissotin-Mithridates, half T. . . . 101 22 Triste-n'est que sage est t 127 10 reste est une t. affaire 325 16 Tristem-ad t. partem strenua 772 2 Tristement-ils s'amusaient t 223 18 Tristes-oderunt hilarem t 734 11 tristemque jocosi 734 11 Tristia-mEestum vultum verba. . ,904 7 tractatu dura, eventu t 86 18 Triteness-of familiarity 765 20 Triton-bed of old T 859 12 blew from wreathed horn 537 7 hear old T. blow 114 3 of the minnows 47 5 Triumph-amplest t. gain'd 42 24 and leave not a leaf 681 20 and view thy t 289 11 but another's the t 762 4 but t. of principles 588 17 Chief who in t. advances 833 6 faith will t 254 25 foes t. in his overthrow 514 5 grand stand in sweeping t 611 16 in ourselves are t. and defeat , . 101 10 in their t. die 188 2 in this legacy 32 10 in t. from the North 851 l in t. shall wave 274 17 more glorious the t 853 6 of hope over experience 869 18 pedestaled in t 784 12 pursue the t 761 12 'scape or t. over law 432 22 seemed to please him 767 3 solemn moment of t 637 2 strains of t 832 li Talbot t. for a while 591 14 toil with rare t 126 10 what t., hark! what pain 557 12 which is in store 918 2 without glory 129 is