Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1365

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tongues can poison truth 27 13 winds come w. lightly 872 20 with white lips 844 1 world goes w. to its own 189 28 Whisperings-cut men's throats. .714 19 foul w. are abroad 329 18 Whispers-aerial w. breathe 926 5 apple-tree w. to the room 75 U conveys soft w. to the ear 629 12 of a dream 872 20 _what w. so strange 45 3 Whist-life is a game of w. 454 17 you do not play w.? 90 4 Wbistle-and I'll come to you. . . .643 17 and she'll come to you 643 18 as clear as a w 639 9 gull shall w. in his wake 909 23 he could w. them back 298 4 homely w. to sweet music's 136 5 hush'd the ploughboy's w 689 4 jolly w. wel y-wette 642 6 nae birdie maun w 689 12 paid dear for his w. 919 17 pay too much for your w 517 13 to a blackbird 'tis to w 460 3 winds of heaven might w 370 11 worth the w 920 6 Wbistled-and shifted his load 525 20 as he went 788 4 down the wind 629 3 Whistles-he w. as he goes 617 9 its wild ascending lisp 90 5 Whistling-aloud to bear 142 9 down the hollow 764 6 of a name 258 18, 543 25 to keep myself 142 14 Whitbread-of w.'s best entire 206 11 as whitest dove's unsullied .... 656 9 blackness from purest w 656 9 blush to find itself less w 681 17 cannot say the crow is w 542 10 cheeks so rare a w 252 10 clad in glittering w. 849 17 field is shining w. 64 6 flower of a blameless life 454 4 flush o'er delicate w. 591 9 hairs were silver w 406 22 ill w. hairs become a fool 349 8 it stays for ever 58 18 kisses impair their w 359 21 less w. its mark appears 70 14 light of Christ 591 5 lily is all in w. like a saint 457 21 line of w. across the page 7 14 man bound to respect 716 13 moment w. then melts 600 7 moonbeams' pearly w 275 2 my thoughts of w 457 22 nights, all w. and still 555 16 nor w. so very w 707 11 one as w. as snow 679 7 rarer than a w. crow 484 12 roses at first were w. 679 11 she keeps them w. 702 23 snow-w. and soul-w. 275 9 so perfect, spotless 458 6 soul as w. as heaven 736 20 take up the w. man's burden. .208 1 they more w. sho'd be 679 11 though spotted from their w. . . 457 14 white as driven snow- 723 14 will have its blacke 774 17 Whited-sepulchers 35 21 White House-at Washington 408 13 Whiteness-Angel w. beat away.. . 74 16 death in a w. that curdled 391 16 hath the pearl less w 834 14 in thy cheek 269 8 kept the w. of his soul 533 5 o'ercome with w. there 723 9 WhiteiH;han new snow 723 13 than the thoughts 607 13 Whites-admitting all w. 332 14 Whitest-touch the w. thought . . . 457 16 Whitewashed-the w. wall 369 23 Whither-goest Thou? 641 24 Whiting-said a w to a snail 273 10 Whittier-ratherW. thanl 903 2 Whittle-the Eden Tree 44 6 Who-answer w. and what 576 17 butw.aml? 862 9 why, which or what 553 11 Who'er-Thou art, Thy master. . .483 12 Whoever-she be, that not 888 8 Whole-beautiful and perfect w. . . 464 6 He w. will make it 893 8 half and then the w 527 21 in himself 341 S is this the w.? 45 16 is to its part 219 16,309 8 let me taste the w. of it 442 9 must intimate the w 608 17 , nought goes forth w 263 11 parts of one stupendous w 546 19 part we see and not the w 491 7 rather than lend the w 81 10 save the w. sawes off 502 14 saw life steadily and saw it w. . 440 20 sees plain it's not the w 515 2 survey the w. nor seek slight.. . 151 14 unto His measures . . . the w. . 320 18 Wholesome-as air 144 5 for the body 530 14 nights are w., then no planets.. 427 22 not by much so w 299 25 see thy w. days again 825 19 Whooping-Ploughboy is w 494 15 Whoops-the devil as he whooped. 44 6 Whore-fortune that arrant w. . . . 292 14 Whoreson-jackanapes must take. 774 5 thou w. zed 426 17 Why-and Wherefore set out 561 6 causes w. and wherefore 43 2 every w. a wherefore ... 41 19, 659 8 questions of W. and Whence . . . 692 9 Wibrated-strings not be w 358 3 Wick-kind of w. or snuff 328 12 Wicked-acts committed 240 8 any other w. man 650 11 are always surprised 2 9 business in a w. way 525 12 cease from troubling 360 15 cloth's* the w. in dazzling 860 9 deeds are done 149 2 distinguishes virtuous from w. . 665 21 happiness of the w 352 10 he of their w. ways 631 3 love of w. men converts 96 6 mercies of the w. are cruel 675 14 missies of w. are destroyed .... 75 19 never w. man was wise 879 17 overtake the w. in their flight. .414 7 show compassion on the w 598 9 smooth speeches of the w 183 9 success of the w. entices 761 8 sun shines even on the w. 236 6 unjust and w. things 347 14 veriest w. rest in peace 76 7 war is regarded as w 859 15 wits have libell'd 870 9 see also Wickedness p. 868 Wickedness-avarice mother of w. 53 6 be sweet in his mouth 808 17 dwell in the tents of w 361 12 is weakness 864 6 way to w. is through w 241 3 what w. has it shunned 240 2 see also Wickedness p. 868 Wicket-falls behind her 868 18 Wickliffe-ashes of W 198 9 's dust shall spread 198 13 Wicks-three w. to lamp of life. . .356 22 Wide-as his will 317 5 is the gate 448 8 too w. or short in human wit . . 399 19 world surely is w. enough 916 20 Widow~a w., husbandless 269 11 bell rings and the w. weeps 508 23 drunk a w.'s tear 234 16 'eardo' the W. at Windsor 684 15 fortune is like a w. won 292 21 friendless and the w 510 6 here's to the w. of fifty 803 12 honour is like aw 373 1 memory in w.'s weeds 509 12 my w. comfort 112 1 Rome, w. of a king-people. . . .677 16 sits upon mine arm 851 14 the w.'s heart to sing 358 9 Widowed-of the power 47 11 Widowhood-sleep in w. to-night.. 854 11 Widows-new w. howl 735 13 taxes, w., wooden legs 852 16 Wiederzuzahlen-in der Miinze w.671 5 Wiege-Raum noch die W Ill 24 Wife-Adam's first w. Lilith 893 22 advices the husband frae the w. 10 15 all the world and his w 394 19 and children eleven 495 15 a railing w 81 8 as husband is the w. is 500 12 at strife like man and w. 884 20 author in the w. offends 382 21 bracelets to adorn the w. 689 7 by weeping w. and children 500 18 can see her beauty in 33 17 carnal beauty of my w. 61 1 chastity of my w. clear 771 15 Christian and thy loving w. . . . 115 24 come over again, sweet w 913 13 divorced his w. Pompeia 771 15 doth my w. me wrong 355 9 election of a w 870 1 fireside clime to weans and w. . 369 10 fishmonger's w. may feed 381 26 good w. oped the window 747 9 grows flippant in reply 497 8 had fallen to my part 496 6 hath a w. and children 4§5 20 his dam is Vulcan's w 323 6 his w. and valet have seen 366 18 horse, a wig and aw 642 24 husband and faithful w 495 21 Ihavetakenaw 870 8 in well choosing of his w. 498 4 is one of the best wimin 897 9 kill a w. with kindness 499 24 knowe yf my w. be badde 355 9 Laura had been Petrarch's W...676 12 light w. doth make heavy 870 18 like peevish man and w. 500 23 little w. well will'd 865 1 Lord Brutus took to w 894 21 love your neighbour's w 724 14 man and w. coupled together. .496 13 most perfect w 871 4 nor doubt aw 498 3 not been a married w 253 16 obedience the w. of safety 564 7 of Cffisar ought not 771 16 of thy bosom 869 4 one w. is too much 869 12 orange w. and fosse t-seller 433 8 prove an unmanageable w 869 9 prudent w. is from the Lord. . .498 21 remember Lot's w 11 1 should be another's w.. 403 13 so delightful as a w 869 1 sweet wee w. o' mine 868 24 that I love and loves me 864 12 think of his children and w. . . . 82 17 till he have got him aw 497 5 time will come my own wed w.498 2 vassal to the tyrant w 496 5 was pretty, trifling 869 3 when choosing aw 871 3 when that the w. is May 501 22 where danger or dishonor 382 17 widowed w. and wedded maid. 499 1 would she were friend of my w 228 11 you, my w., govern me 334 3 your seventh w. being buried . . 339 6 see also Wife pp 868-871 Wifely-flour of w. pacience 583 16 tenderness of w. love 869 7 Wifie-wee w. waitin' 206 2 Wig-a great w 572 20 a horse, a w. and a wife 642 24 Wight-of high renowne 33 1 Wights-wet, swift staring w 273 12 Wild-are constant 581 7 Rhine in his native w 673 12 talk a little w 778 8 the flowers, they are w 280 17 unknown to public view 731 8 wither'd and so w 34 14 Wild-blazing-^grog-shop 398 22 Wild-briar-with w. overtwined.. .898 22 Wild-cat-sleeps more than w 720 13 Wild-cats-in your kitchens 895 6 Wilderness-a w. of steeples 462 11 a w. of sweets. 280 7 champain head of a steep w... . 578 22 crying in the w 840 14 beside me singing in the w.. . . . 579 l flowering in a w 3 14 forlorn in this bleak w 625 8 in the w. a lodging-place 379 12 lodge in some vast w 730 12 my heart, bird of the w. 359 12 my well-spring in the w. 297 21 of warning 245 4