Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1367

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or" fcry threats 1S6 4 of strands and shores 767 4 only the wild w. moaning 184 1 other is but w 803 17 out in the w. and rain 615 7 parching August w 46 15 pass by me as the idle w 372 6 passeth over it 450 17 passing heedlessly over 538 8 permit w. to look through 513 19 plays on those great harps 703 19 puffs up empty bladders 643 19 raise the w. some lawyer 434 6 resist both w. and tide 264 21 ribbon of cloud on a soul-w 553 1 rude w. blows in your face 920 S selfsame w. that blows 704 8 shakt with every w 745 7 shall have a voice 545 20 shrewd October w. 568 19 shrink from sorrow's w 255 25 slipping the smooth oil 549 12 soft w. blowing from the west.. 442 1 soft w. rocks the corn 55 11 song of the w. as it came 275 10 south w. kisses the saucy 236 11 south w. sighs o'er fragrant 39 6 sows against the w. 252 22 splendors are but aw. 256 22 sport of every w 565 13 streaming in the w. 275 4 streaming to the w. 852 6 strive to w. ourselves 20 5 substance is but only w 907 17 swallows singing down the w.. .368 10 sweeps the broad forest 412 24 swift as w. flies over 800 13 that beats sharp 155 11 that blows, the ship that goes.. 802 6 that follows fast 548 18 that saddens 575 24 that same weak w. 856 18 that wafts us towards port 92 23 the music of the w 535 17 then w. up both 696 10 the w. not she did walk 286 16 the w. that grieves 45 14 they have sown the w 670 17 thwarted by w.'s resistance — 791 7 to keep the w. away 191 10 too slight a beck of the w 678 11 trembled at the angry w. 835 2 'twill endure w. and weather. . . 642 32 und Welle spielen 754 8 unhelped by any w 877 14 unseen can passage find 478 11 unto the summer w 82 7 unwrinkled by the w 568 4 voice in the w 318 9 voices of the wandering w 440 17 walks upon the w 319 10 warm southern w. blow softly. . 233 13 wasteth in the w 299 16 wave without a w. 45 5 weigh tile w. under heaven 660 11 were but long enough 628 10 we run before the w 549 7 western w. was wild 184 20 wheel-work to w. up 344 4 when the w. blows the cradle. . 54 3 when w. is southerly I know. . .355 20 while veer'd the w. 88 13 whistled down the w 629 3 wing makes halt, w. weary 694 18 with every gust of w 348 15 with invisible creeping w. 549 16 without or wave or w 703 6 wild ambition's w 838 27 wild north w. is blowing 494 14 wild West W 810 1,874 4 wild w. raves 690 4 will have its way 501 11 wings of the w 834 22 winnowed with so rough a w.. . 191 12 winter's powerful w. 176 19 with the w. baited 237 14 words easy, like the w. 300 3 wrath of w. and rain 52 17 see also Wind pp. 872-874 Wind-blown-a w. sapling 482 22 Wind-flower-tears to the w 278 3 the w. and the violet 278 6 see also Windflower p. 874 Wind-flowers-pied w. 281 9 Winding-runs without w. up 809 6 the w. up of witnesses 430 23 up the watch of his wit 885 18 Winding sheet-of Edward's race . 362 23 Winding-sheets-clothes but w.. . . 178 fl the leaves, their w 440 3 Windlass-and the rope 822 18 work the w. there 71 6 Windmill-Life as a w 874 8 with cheese and garlic in a w. . . 81 8 Windmills-bickering together 874 7 Window-by moonlight at her w. . 713 14 dead fly in dusty w. crack 565 6 each w. like a pill'ry 153 17 golden w. of the east 529 26 good-wife oped the w 747 9 I am a maid at your w 829 4 oped every w. to receive guest. 201 5 takes your w. for the East!. . . .427 8 talk with a man out at a w. . . .778 12 tirlin' at the w 55 15 to the open w. moved 349 18 under this w. in stormy 500 8 we inscribe with Raleigh's 224 13 where the sun came 507 7 Window-pane-at slumberer's W...529 2 Winter-nights against my w 877 8 Window-panes-curtained w 526 10 Windows-blazon of its w 44 1 by thousands fire-furled 553 2 Her two blue w 250 1 of another world 251 9 of Iatten were set with brass. . . 39 20 of mine eyes [ 720 18 of sense 692 9 of the soul 247 15 of thine age 924 7 rich w. that exclude the light. . 40 10 shut the w. of the sky 547 21 storied w. richly dight 456 14 thy eyes' w. fall 720 19 Window-sill-at my silent w 403 5 Wind-rows-are spread 1^3 18 Winds-and waves on the side 548 23 as the veering w. shift 912 17 blow soft ye w.! ye waves 588 IS blow w. and crack cheeks 754 14 carry perjuries of lovers 483 3 cradled, in the w. 633 12 creep from leaf to leaf 655 17 drink the w. as drinking 4l8 6 fan her back to life 413 4 for w. to kiss 679 19 fragrant w. that blow 45 10 fury of the w 106 5 God of the southern w 811 10 grow high 754 $ head w. right for royal sails . . . 365 20 howl o'er the masts 754 2 howl round highest peaks 227 5 imprison'd in the viewless w. . .916 11 in passing w. it drowns 68 16 noisy w. are still 38 7 of heaven might whistle 370 11 of heaven visit her face 531 15 of the world give answer 224 11 on wings of w. came flying. . . .353 24 pine shaken by the .w 263 2 quiet when w. give o'er 581 18 rides on the posting w 714 24 rough w. shelke darling buds. . . 501 15 rushing w._ and glowing skies. . . 494 12 sails to propitious w 760 17 scolding w. have riv'd 754 12 shrill w. whistle free 549 6 sifted through the w 723 1 soft w. sigh 203 13 somewhere safe to sea 265 5 standard to w. unfurl'd 749 11 tell me, ye winged w 781 21 tell of the violet's birth 747 4 that o'er billows sweep 754 7 that sailors /ail at 722 12 their eastern blasts forbear 32l 20 their revels keep 567 27 throws them idly to the w 483 4 tossed about by sullen w 734 4 tossed 'twixt w. and billows 754 8 tropic w. before 169 3 up and rectifies his pwn 412 19 wailing w. and naked woods. . . 51 20 wander and dews drip 834 12 war of w. contend 19 3 warring w. have died away. . , - 88 18 were love-sick 704 1 were withered 160 22 when she w. them round 348 2 when the south w. blow 37 14 where no w. disturb 323 5 whistle shrill. 117 9 with blustering w. turmoiled.. .567 17 wound the loud w 264 27 young w. fed it 698 23 see also Wind pp. 872-874 Windsor-the widow at W 684 15 Windy-on w. side of Care 512 5 o' the w. side of law 434 4 Wine-across the walnuts and W...755 20 age leaves us friends and w 1513 almighty power of w 562 13 and beere to strangers 379 8 and spill'd the w 892 13 and w. for sauce 212 15 art is the w. of life 44 15 as business or bad w 500 22 as vf. bred child 220 25 baths, w. and Venus 231 9 beams are rosy w. 206 21 conduits ran with w. 614 12 conscious blushes into w. 516 24 destroying our corn or w. 662 6 dewy morning's gentle w. 336 16 draughts of rosy w 322 2 drink mystic w. of night ..<,„.. 557 3 drink winds as drinking w 418 6 drunk my share of w 447 8 eat and drink no w 214 31 few things surpass old w 874 22 filled withthe w 876 3 flowers, w. and women 447 6 flown with insolence and w 555 20 friendship's the w. of life 303 22 give me a bowl of w 876 23, 876 26 good w., a friend 206 22 good w. needs no bush 5 12

  • 11 not look for w 802 16

insipid white w 152 1 Jug of w., a Loaf of Bread 579 1 life's best of w 526 5 like the best w. that goeth 876 27 little vv. in a w. cooler 12 23 liver rather heat with w 512 3 makes water w 136 5 makeih merry 522 9 memories like mighty w 507 6 motion and w. cause sleep 719 8 musk-rose full of dewy w 682 8 Myrtale smells of w 206 6 needest w. to make thy 89 15 Nepos place Cseretan w 206 7 new friend is as new w 13 23 not with the feast and w 399 22 of life is drawn 453 6 of Love is music 399 22 of pedigrees and w 157 1 old w. to drink 13 1 old w. wholesomest 17 22 or in the w. vat 682 6 outdid the frolick w 211 28 pass the rosy w 301 17 plagues, w. and women 784 14 please another w.-sprung 399 5 pour her warm red w 501 7 pours like sacramental w 676 4 pure as dew, pick'd as w 682 10 red sweet w. of youth 922 7 red w. first must rise 778 9 roseate rays of w. illume 562 13 taste no other w. tonight 409 28 the w. is poured 262 6 though pressed by w 695 11 toast me at his w 830 20 turns w. to water back 516 20 warm'd the politician 503 17 was red as blood 854 10 water turn'st to w 516 20 water with warmth of w 516 2 1 we will pour the sacred w 325 4 where the w. is neat 876 6 which promise corn and w 673 7 whisky or w. or even beer 862 9 with w. extinguish light 561 1 women and song 473 3 see also Wine pp. 874-877 Wine-press-trpdden the ,w. alone. 762 14 which ye tread ......851 1 Wines-abbots purple as w 664 12 he liked to drink. 875 7