Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/840

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My boat is on the shore,
And my bark is on the sea:
But, before I go, Tom Moore,
Here's a double health to thee!

ByronTo Thomas Moore.


Were't the last drop in the well,
As I gasp'd upon the brink,
Ere my fainting spirit fell,
'Tis to thee that I would drink.

ByronTo Thomas Moore.

Drink to her that each loves best,
And if you nurse a flame
That's told but to her mutual breast,
We will not ask her name.
Thos. Campbell—A Toast.

Here's to the red of it,
There's not a thread of it,
No, not a shred of it,
In all the spread of it,
From foot to head,
But heroes bled for it,
Faced steel and lead for it,
Precious blood shed for it,
Bathing in red.
John Daly—A Toast to the Flag.

But the standing toast that pleased me most
Was, "The wind that blows, the ship that goes,
And the lass that loves a sailor!"
Dibdin—{The Standing Toast. From the Comic Opera, The Round Robin, produced June
21, 1811.

Ho! stand to your glasses steady!,
'Tis all we have left to prize.
A cup to the dead already,—
Hurrah for the next that dies.
Bartholomew Dowling—Revelry in India.
Different version of same given in Doran's
Table Traits. Said to have been written
during first Burmese War.

And he that will this health deny,
Down among the dead men let him he.
Dyer—From a Toast published during the
reign of Queen Anne.

Here's to Great Britain, the sun that gives
light to all nations of the earth.
An Englishman's Toast at a banquet in England.
Here's to France, the moon whose magic rays
move the tides of the world.
A Frenchman's Toast at the same.
Here's to our beloved George Washington, the
Joshua of America, who commanded the sun
and the moon to* stand still—and they obeyed.
Franklin's Toast. At the Close.
L'AbbS de Ville proposed a toast,
His master, as the rising Sun:
Reisbach then gave the Empress Queen,
As the bright Moon and muoh praise won.
The Earl of Stair, whose turn next came,
Gave for his toast his own King Will,
As Joshua the son of Nun,
Who made both Sun and Moon stand still.
A metrical version of the Toast of Lord Stair.
From the Anecdote Library, 1822. The Empress Maria Theresa was the "Empress
Queen." Also given as a toast at a banquet during the "war between England,
France, and Holland. Louis XIV was alluded to as the rising sun, England as the
moon, Holland which had broken its dikes
and forced the other army to retreat, was
compared to Joshua.

Here's to old Adam's crystal ale,
Clear sparkling and divine,
Fair H 2 0, long may you flow,
We drink your health (in wine).
Oliver Herford—Toast. Adam's Crystal

The bubble winked at me, and said,
"You'll miss me brother, when you're dead."
Oliver Herford—Toast. The Bubble Winked.

You to the left and I to the right,
For the ways of men must sever—
And it may be for a day and a night,
And it well may be forever.
But whether we meet or whether we part,
(For oiu* ways are past our knowing)
A pledge from the heart to its fellow heart,
On the ways we all are going!
Here's luck!
For we know not where we are going.
Richard Hovey—At the Crossroads.
Here's to your good health, and your family's
good health, and may you all live long and prosper.
Irving—Rip Van Winkle. As used by Joseph
Here's to the town of New Haven,
The home of the truth and the Light,
Where God speaks to Jones,
In the very same tones,
That he uses with Hadley and Dwight.
Dean Jones—Reply to Dr. Bushnell's Toast.
 | seealso = (See also Bushnell)
 | topic = Toasts
 | page = 802

{{Hoyt quote
 | num =
 | text = <poem>Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I'll not look for wine.
Ben Jonson—The Forest. To Celia. See also
Philostratus, from whom it was taken.

<poem>The thirst that.from the soul doth rise,

Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove's nectar sup, I would not change for thine. Ben Jonson—The Forest. To Celia. To the old, long life and treasure; To the young, all health and pleasure. Ben Jonson—Metamorphosed Gipsies. Song.

{{Hoyt quote

| num = 15
| text = May all your labors be in vein. 

Mining Toast in Yorkshire. Third