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to quit this world in the peace of a good conscience, and in the embrace of Thy love, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer before extreme unction.

Most merciful Lord and loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, what a consoling promise Thou hast attached to the reception of this sacrament: " Is any one sick among you, let him bring in the Priests of the Church, and let him pray over him, anointing him with oil, in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick man; and the Lord will lift him up, and if he be in sin, his sins shall be forgiven him." (St. James, v.)

By Thy infinite goodness, Jesus, through which Thou hast established this Holy Sacrament, I beseech Thee to purify me from my sins, defend me from the enemy, strengthen me in temptation, and give me a happy end; or, if it be profitable for my soul's salvation, restore me to my former health. This I ask, through Thy infinite merits, Who, with God the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one only God forever! Amen.

During the anointing of each of the five senses of your body, pray, in the silence of your heart, that God may pardon the sins which you have committed with each, and offer up for your sins those sufferings which Christ endured in this same sense for your sins.